/** * * Copyright (c) 2014, the Railo Company Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * **/ package lucee.runtime.db; import java.util.Locale; import lucee.commons.lang.ParserString; import lucee.runtime.exp.PageException; import lucee.runtime.format.DateFormat; import lucee.runtime.format.TimeFormat; import lucee.runtime.op.date.DateCaster; import lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTime; public class SQLPrettyfier { public static final String PLACEHOLDER_COUNT="placeholder_count"; public static final String PLACEHOLDER_ASTERIX="placeholder_asterix"; public static final String PLACEHOLDER_QUESTION="QUESTION_MARK_SIGN"; public static String prettyfie(String sql){ return prettyfie(sql,false); } public static String prettyfie(String sql, boolean validZql){ ParserString ps=new ParserString(sql.trim()); boolean insideString=false; //short insideKlammer=0; StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(sql.length()); //char last=0; outer:while(!ps.isAfterLast()) { if(insideString) { if(ps.isCurrent('\'')) { if(!ps.hasNext() || !ps.isNext('\''))insideString=false; } } else { if(ps.isCurrent('\''))insideString=true; else if(ps.isCurrent('?')) { sb.append(" "+PLACEHOLDER_QUESTION+" "); ps.next(); continue; } else if(ps.isCurrent('{')) { StringBuilder date=new StringBuilder(); int pos=ps.getPos(); while(true) { if(ps.isAfterLast()){ ps.setPos(pos); break; } else if(ps.isCurrent('}')) { date.append('}'); DateTime d; try { d = DateCaster.toDateAdvanced(date.toString(), null); } catch (PageException e) { ps.setPos(pos); break; } sb.append('\''); sb.append(new DateFormat(Locale.US).format(d,"yyyy-mm-dd")); sb.append(' '); sb.append(new TimeFormat(Locale.US).format(d,"HH:mm:ss")); sb.append('\''); ps.next(); continue outer; } else { date.append(ps.getCurrent()); ps.next(); } } } else if(ps.isCurrent('*')) { sb.append(" "+PLACEHOLDER_ASTERIX+" "); ps.next(); //last=ps.getCurrent(); continue; } else if(validZql && ps.isCurrent('a')) { if(ps.isPreviousWhiteSpace() && ps.isNext('s') && ps.isNextNextWhiteSpace()) { ps.next(); ps.next(); ps.removeSpace(); continue; } } /*for(int i=0;i<reseved_words.length;i++) { if(ps.isCurrent(reseved_words[i])) { int pos=ps.getPos(); ps.setPos(pos+4); if(ps.isCurrentWhiteSpace()) { sb.append(" placeholder_"+reseved_words[i]+" "); continue; } if(ps.isCurrent(',')) { sb.append(" placeholder_"+reseved_words[i]+","); continue; } ps.setPos(pos); } }*/ /*if(ps.isCurrent("char")) { int pos=ps.getPos(); ps.setPos(pos+4); if(ps.isCurrentWhiteSpace()) { sb.append(" "+PLACEHOLDER_CHAR+" "); continue; } if(ps.isCurrent(',')) { sb.append(" "+PLACEHOLDER_CHAR+","); continue; } ps.setPos(pos); }*/ } sb.append(ps.getCurrent()); ps.next(); } ; if(!ps.isLast(';'))sb.append(';'); //print.err(sb.toString()); //print.err("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); return sb.toString(); } }