package com.globant.katari.trails.components; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.tapestry.BaseComponent; import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.ComponentClass; import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.InjectObject; import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.Parameter; import org.apache.tapestry.web.WebRequest; import org.apache.tapestry.web.WebSession; import; import com.javaforge.tapestry.spring.annotations.InjectSpring; /** * Hides non accessible url related contents.<br> * * This SecureUrlArea component hides the component body if the access of given * url will throw an AccessDeniedException based on security url-to-role * mappings configuration in the module.xml and the authenticated user roles. * <br> * If the authenticated user has not the required roles to access the url, * the application is running on development mode (see * {@link com.globant.katari.core.web.DevelopmentDataBaseChecker}) * and the user adds in the get query string the parameter securityDebug=true * then this component will render in red color with a debug label<br> * above the body. * <pre>{@code * Example: * <span jwcid="reports@SecureUrlArea" url="/module/reports/"> * You can edit reports using the following link. * <span jwcid="@Insert" value="ognl:#this.components.reports.url"/> * </span> * }</pre> */ @ComponentClass(allowBody = true, allowInformalParameters = true) public abstract class SecureUrlArea extends BaseComponent { /** * Class logger. */ private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SecureUrlArea.class); /** * Secure access helper used to determine if an action is accessible for the * current user. * @return the SecureUrlAccessHelper. it never returns null. */ @InjectSpring("katari.secureUrlAccessHelper") public abstract SecureUrlAccessHelper getHelper(); /** * Current web request. * @return the WebRequest. it never returns null. */ @InjectObject("infrastructure:request") public abstract WebRequest getRequest(); /** * The katari url parameter, the path can be relative to the current module * or absolute to an external target module. * @return a String. Never returns null. */ @Parameter(required = true) public abstract String getUrl(); /** * Verify if the given url is accessible by the current user based on the * given url. * @return true if the current user has access to the given url. */ public boolean canAccessUrl() { boolean canAccess = getHelper().canAccessUrl(getRequest().getRequestURI(), getUrl()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { if (canAccess) { log.debug("the current user can access to " + getUrl()); } else { log.debug("the current user can not access to " + getUrl()); } } return canAccess; } /** * Indicates if the application is in development security debug mode. * * If the application is in security debug mode, and the current user cannot * access the given url the template will render a red 'debug' title over the * SecureUrlArea body. * @return true if the application is in security debug mode. */ public boolean isInSecurityDebugMode() { WebSession session = getRequest().getSession(false); boolean testMode = false; if (session != null) { testMode = session.getAttribute("securityDebug") != null; } return testMode; } }