package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; /** * Model of the email. * This class has all the information necessary to send a new template email. * Also contains information related to sender's / receivers's email. * * @author waabox (emiliano[dot]arango[at]globant[dot]com) */ public class EmailModel { /** The model for the template. It's never null. */ private final Map<String, Object> templateModelValues; /** The sender's email. It's never null. */ private final String sender; /** The receivers's email. It's never null. */ private final List<String> receivers; /** The email's subject. It's never null. */ private final String subject; /** * Message if the receivers can't see HTML in the email's client. * Can be blank. */ private String plainTextMessage; /** Builds a new instance of the model. * @param theEmailFrom the email direction of the sender. Cannot be null. * @param theReceivers the emails directions of the receivers. Cannot be null. * @param values the model (like spring mvc) for the template. Cannot be null. * @param plainMessage the alternative message. Cannot be empty. * @param emailsubject the email subject. Cannot be null. */ public EmailModel(final String theEmailFrom, final List<String> theReceivers, final Map<String, Object> values, final String plainMessage, final String emailsubject) { Validate.notNull(theEmailFrom, "The email from cannot be null"); Validate.notNull(theReceivers, "The email to cannot be null"); Validate.notNull(values, "The email template model from cannot be null"); Validate.notEmpty(plainMessage, "The plain message cannot be empty."); sender = theEmailFrom; receivers = theReceivers; templateModelValues = values; subject = emailsubject; plainTextMessage = plainMessage; } /** Builds a new instance of the model. * @param theEmailFrom the email direction of the sender. Cannot be null. * @param theEmailTo the email direction of the receivers. Cannot be null. * @param values the model (like spring mvc) for the template. Cannot be null. * @param plainMessage the alternative message. Cannot be empty. * @param emailsubject the email subject. Cannot be null. */ public EmailModel(final String theEmailFrom, final String theEmailTo, final Map<String, Object> values, final String plainMessage, final String emailsubject) { this(theEmailFrom, buildReceiverList(theEmailTo), values, plainMessage, emailsubject); } /**Create a new list of email addresses with only one element. * @param emailTo the email to. It cannot be null. * @return a new list of string with only one address. */ private static List<String> buildReceiverList(final String emailTo) { Validate.notNull(emailTo, "The receiver email address cannot be null."); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(1); list.add(emailTo); return list; } /** Returns the email template model. * @return the email template model. Never returns null. */ public Map<String, Object> getModel() { return templateModelValues; } /** Returns the sender's email. * @return the sender's email direction. Never returns null. */ public String getSender() { return sender; } /** Returns the reciver's email. * @return the receivers's email. Never returns null. */ public List<String> getRecipments() { return receivers; } /** Returns the alternative message. * @return the alternative message. Never returns null. */ public String getPlainTextMessage() { return plainTextMessage; } /** Returns the subject. * @return the subject of the email. Never returns null. */ public String getSubject() { return subject; } }