package; import java.util.Map; import org.acegisecurity.AccessDeniedException; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.springframework.util.AntPathMatcher; import org.springframework.util.PathMatcher; /** * This class implements <code>UrlToRoleMapper</code>, it is the default * implementation of this interface. * * It has a map, which can be injected by spring containing all roles which its * respective urls. * @author maximiliano.roman */ public class StaticUrlToRoleMapper implements UrlToRoleMapper { /** * The map containing the url as a key and the roles as a value. * It cannot be null. */ private Map<String, String[]> urlPathRolesMap; /** * The path matcher, to match different urls. * It cannot be null. */ private PathMatcher pathMatcher; /** Constructor. * * @param theUrlPathRolesMap a map of url expressions to the list of roles * that can access that url. It cannot be null. */ public StaticUrlToRoleMapper(final Map<String, String[]> theUrlPathRolesMap) { Validate.notNull(theUrlPathRolesMap, "The UrlPathRolesMap" + " cannot be null"); urlPathRolesMap = theUrlPathRolesMap; pathMatcher = new AntPathMatcher(); } /** Finds the roles that are allowed to access an url. * * This method only considers the url excluding the GET parameters (whatever * goes after the ?). If the url does not match any expression defined for the * module, this method throws AccessDeniedException. * * @param theUrl the url to get the roles for. It cannot be null. * * @return A String[] with the roles. It never returns null. */ public String[] getRolesForUrl(final String theUrl) { Validate.notNull(theUrl, "The url given cannot be null"); String url = theUrl.toLowerCase(); int firstQuestionMarkIndex = url.indexOf('?'); if (firstQuestionMarkIndex != -1) { url = url.substring(0, firstQuestionMarkIndex); } for (String urlPattern : urlPathRolesMap.keySet()) { boolean matched = pathMatcher.match(urlPattern.toLowerCase(), url); if (matched) { return urlPathRolesMap.get(urlPattern); } } throw new AccessDeniedException("The url: '" + url + "' does not match any roles configuration"); } /** * It sets the pathMatcher. It allows to define the path matcher used for * matching the url patterns with the given URLs. By default this class use * an AntPathMatcher. * @param thePathMatcher the pathMatcher. It cannot be null. */ public void setPathMatcher(final PathMatcher thePathMatcher) { Validate.notNull(thePathMatcher, "The pathMatcher cannot be null"); pathMatcher = thePathMatcher; } }