/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 cindent fo=qroca: */ package com.globant.katari.login.cas; import org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.CasAuthenticationToken; import org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.StatelessTicketCache; /** An implementation of StatelessTicketCache that caches nothing. * * Use this implementation if you do want to force all unknown requests to be * validated through the cas server. */ public class DummyStatelessTicketCache implements StatelessTicketCache { /** Retrieves the CasAuthenticationToken associated with the specified * ticket. * * @param serviceTicket The ticket. This parameter is ignored. * * @return this always returns null. */ public CasAuthenticationToken getByTicketId(final String serviceTicket) { return null; } /** Adds the specified CasAuthenticationToken to the cache. * * @param token The token to be added to the cache. * * In this implementation, this method does nothing. */ public void putTicketInCache(final CasAuthenticationToken token) { } /** Removes the specified ticket from the cache, as per * removeTicketFromCache(String). * * @param token The token to remove from the cache. * * In this implementation, this method does nothing. */ public void removeTicketFromCache(final CasAuthenticationToken token) { } /** Removes the specified ticket from the cache, meaning that future calls * will require a new service ticket. * * @param serviceTicket The ticket to be removed. * * In this implementation, this method does nothing. */ public void removeTicketFromCache(final String serviceTicket) { } }