package; import java.util.Iterator; import org.acegisecurity.ConfigAttributeDefinition; import org.acegisecurity.intercept.web.AbstractFilterInvocationDefinitionSource; import org.acegisecurity.SecurityConfig; import org.acegisecurity.ConfigAttribute; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import com.globant.katari.core.web.ModuleContext; import com.globant.katari.core.web.ModuleContextRegistrar; import com.globant.katari.core.web.ModuleUtils; /** * This class extends {@link AbstractFilterInvocationDefinitionSource} in order * to have a different way to look for attributes, since we do not have just * one definition source (url's matching roles), but each module has its own * source. * @author maximiliano.roman * @author ulises.bocchio */ public class ModuleFilterInvocationDefinitionSource extends AbstractFilterInvocationDefinitionSource { /**This is the module context registrar. * * It cannot be null. */ private ModuleContextRegistrar moduleContextRegistrar; /** * The default UrlToRoleMapper. It is use in case no module name is found * in the url given to the lookupAttributes() method. * It cannot be null. */ private UrlToRoleMapper defaultMapper; /**Constructor. * * @param theModuleContextRegistrar * the ModuleContextRegistrar. * It is used to get the differents Module Context to get the * <code>UrlToRoleMapper</code> of each module to perform security. * It cannot be null. * @param theDefaultMapper The default UrlToRoleMapper used in case no module * name is found in the url given to the lookupAttributes() method. */ public ModuleFilterInvocationDefinitionSource( final ModuleContextRegistrar theModuleContextRegistrar, final UrlToRoleMapper theDefaultMapper) { Validate.notNull(theModuleContextRegistrar, "The " + "ModuleContextRegistrar cannot be null"); Validate.notNull(theDefaultMapper, "The default UrlToRoleMapper cannot" + "be null"); moduleContextRegistrar = theModuleContextRegistrar; defaultMapper = theDefaultMapper; } /** It returns the ConfigAttributeDefinition for the specified url. * * If the request corresponds to a module (mapped to [ctx]/module), it asks * the module for ConfigAttributeDefinition. Otherwise, it uses a global * mapper. If no ConfigAttributeDefinition is found, it throws an exception. * * @param url the url to look for the <code>ConfigAttributeDefinition</code>. * It cannot be null. * * @return the config attribute definition for the given url. It returns null * if the url is public. */ @Override public ConfigAttributeDefinition lookupAttributes(final String url) { Validate.notNull(url, "The url cannot be null"); String moduleName = ModuleUtils.getModuleNameFromUrl(url); if (moduleName != null) { UrlToRoleMapper moduleMapper; ModuleContext moduleContext; moduleContext = moduleContextRegistrar.getModuleContext(moduleName); if (moduleContext == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The module name: " + moduleName + " extracted from the url doesn't match any module"); } moduleMapper = moduleContext.getUrlToRoleMapper(); String strippedUrl = ModuleUtils.stripModuleNameFromUrl(url); String[] roles = moduleMapper.getRolesForUrl(strippedUrl); return buildConfigAttributeDefinition(roles); } String[] roles = defaultMapper.getRolesForUrl(url); return buildConfigAttributeDefinition(roles); } /** It returns null, there's no need to implement this method it is optional. * @return it returns null */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Iterator getConfigAttributeDefinitions() { return null; } /** Builds a <code>ConfigAttributeDefinition</code> from the array of * roles. * * The config attribute definition is built from different * <code>ConfigAttribute</code>. * * @param roles The roles to build the ConfigAttributeDefinition for. It * cannot be null. * * @return ConfigAttributeDefinition. It returns null if an empty array is * given. */ private static ConfigAttributeDefinition buildConfigAttributeDefinition( final String[] roles) { Validate.notNull(roles, "The roles array cannot be null"); if (roles.length == 0) { return null; } ConfigAttributeDefinition configAttributeDefinition = new ConfigAttributeDefinition(); for (String currentRole : roles) { if (currentRole == null || "".equals(currentRole.trim())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Roles array contains an empty" + " role value"); } ConfigAttribute configAttribute = new SecurityConfig(currentRole.trim()); configAttributeDefinition.addConfigAttribute(configAttribute); } return configAttributeDefinition; } }