package com.globant.katari.core; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; /** Utility class to give support to test cases. * @author waabox (emiliano[dot]arango[at]globant[dot]com) */ public class SpringTestUtils { /** Bean factory, as a singleton. */ private static ApplicationContext beanFactory = null; /** private constructor.*/ private SpringTestUtils() { } /** This method returns a BeanFactory. * * @return the global BeanFactory, never null. */ public static synchronized ApplicationContext getBeanFactory() { FileSystemXmlApplicationContext appContext; appContext = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(); appContext.setConfigLocations(new String[] { "src/main/resources/com/globant/katari/core/beans-core.xml", "src/test/resources/com/globant/katari/core/userApplicationContext.xml" }); appContext.refresh(); beanFactory = appContext; return beanFactory; } /** This method returns the given bean instance by name. * @param name the name of the bean to retrieve. * @return the instance or null. */ public static Object getBean(final String name) { return getBeanFactory().getBean(name); } }