package com.globant.katari.user.application; import; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import com.globant.katari.core.application.Command; import com.globant.katari.user.domain.User; import com.globant.katari.user.domain.UserFilter; import com.globant.katari.user.domain.UserRepository; import com.globant.katari.user.domain.filter.ContainsFilter; import com.globant.katari.user.domain.filter.Paging; import com.globant.katari.user.domain.filter.Sorting; /** Command to obtain a list of users according to filtering and * pagination information. * * @author nicolas.frontini */ public class UserFilterCommand implements Command<List<User>> { /** The paging component. */ private Paging paging = new Paging(); /** The sorting component. */ private Sorting sorting = new Sorting(); /** The contains filter component. */ private ContainsFilter containsFilter = new ContainsFilter(); /** The user repository. */ private UserRepository userRepository; /** * Default constructor so we can create proxies for this class. */ protected UserFilterCommand() { // This allows proxying. } /** The constructor. * * @param theUserRepository The user repository. It cannot be null. */ public UserFilterCommand(final UserRepository theUserRepository) { Validate.notNull(theUserRepository, "The user repository cannot be null"); userRepository = theUserRepository; } /** Get the paging component. * * @return Returns the paging component. */ public Paging getPaging() { return paging; } /** Sets the paging component. * * @param thePaging The paging component. It cannot be null. */ public void setPaging(final Paging thePaging) { Validate.notNull(thePaging, "The paging component cannot be null"); paging = thePaging; } /** Get the sorting component. * * @return Returns the sorting component. */ public Sorting getSorting() { return sorting; } /** Sets the sorting component. * * @param theSorting The sorting component. It cannot be null. */ public void setSorting(final Sorting theSorting) { Validate.notNull(theSorting, "The sorting component cannot be null"); sorting = theSorting; } /** Get the contains filter component. * * @return Returns the contains filter component. */ public ContainsFilter getContainsFilter() { return containsFilter; } /** Sets the contains filter component. * * @param theContainsFilter The contains filter component. It cannot be null. */ public void setContainsFilter(final ContainsFilter theContainsFilter) { Validate.notNull(theContainsFilter, "The containsFilter component cannot be null"); containsFilter = theContainsFilter; } /** Returns the url to obtain the user list with the current filter, sorting * and paging parameters. * * @return Returns the url, never null. */ public String getUrl() { return getUrlPaging(paging.getPageNumber()); } /** Returns the url with the corresponing parameters for paging. * * @param pageNumber The page number. * * @return Returns the url <code>String</code>. */ public String getUrlPaging(final int pageNumber) { String encodedValue = ""; try { encodedValue = URLEncoder.encode(getContainsFilter().getValue(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException("UTF-8 Not supported.", e); } String url = "paging.pageNumber=" + pageNumber + "&containsFilter.value=" + encodedValue + "&containsFilter.columnName=" + getContainsFilter().getColumnName() + "&sorting.columnName=" + getSorting().getColumnName() + "&sorting.ascendingOrder=" + getSorting().isAscendingOrder(); return url; } /** Gets the url for the next page. * * @return Returns the url for the next page. */ public String getUrlNextPage() { return getUrlPaging(paging.getPageNumber() + 1); } /** Gets the url for the previous page. * * @return Returns the url for the previous page. */ public String getUrlPrevPage() { return getUrlPaging(paging.getPageNumber() - 1); } /** Returns the url to toggle sort order. * * @return Returns the url <code>String</code>. */ public String getUrlOrder() { String encodedValue = ""; try { encodedValue = URLEncoder.encode(getContainsFilter().getValue(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException("UTF-8 Not supported.", e); } String url = "sorting.ascendingOrder=" + !getSorting().isAscendingOrder() + "&containsFilter.value=" + encodedValue + "&containsFilter.columnName=" + getContainsFilter().getColumnName(); return url; } /** Execute the command and returns a list of users. * * @return Returns a list of users. */ public List<User> execute() { UserFilter userFilter = new UserFilter(); userFilter.setContainsFilter(getContainsFilter()); userFilter.setPaging(getPaging()); userFilter.setSorting(getSorting()); return userRepository.getUsers(userFilter); } }