package org.corfudb.integration; import; import org.corfudb.AbstractCorfuTest; import org.corfudb.runtime.CorfuRuntime; import org.corfudb.runtime.collections.SMRMap; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; /** * Integration tests. * Created by zlokhandwala on 4/28/17. */ public class AbstractIT extends AbstractCorfuTest { static final String DEFAULT_HOST = "localhost"; static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 9000; static final String DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = DEFAULT_HOST + ":" + DEFAULT_PORT; private static final String CORFU_LOG_PATH = PARAMETERS.TEST_TEMP_DIR; private static final String CORFU_PROJECT_DIR = new File("..").getAbsolutePath() + File.separator; private static final String CORFU_CONSOLELOG = CORFU_LOG_PATH + File.separator + "consolelog"; private static final String KILL_COMMAND = "pkill -9 -P "; private static final String FORCE_KILL_ALL_CORFU_COMMAND = "jps | grep CorfuServer|awk '{print $1}'| xargs kill -9"; private static final int SHUTDOWN_RETRIES = 10; private static final long SHUTDOWN_RETRY_WAIT = 500; static public Properties PROPERTIES; public static final String TEST_SEQUENCE_LOG_PATH = CORFU_LOG_PATH + File.separator + "testSequenceLog"; public AbstractIT() { CorfuRuntime.overrideGetRouterFunction = null; ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); InputStream input = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(""); PROPERTIES = new Properties(); try { PROPERTIES.load(input); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Cleans up the corfu log directory before running any test. * * @throws Exception */ @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { forceShutdownAllCorfuServers(); FileUtils.cleanDirectory(new File(CORFU_LOG_PATH)); } /** * Cleans up all Corfu instances after the tests. * * @throws Exception */ @After public void cleanUp() throws Exception { forceShutdownAllCorfuServers(); } /** * Runs the CorfuServer in a separate bash process. * By default the server starts on localhost:9000. * * @return * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static Process runCorfuServer() throws IOException, InterruptedException { return runCorfuServer(DEFAULT_HOST, DEFAULT_PORT); } /** * Runs the CorfuServer in a separate bash process. * * @param host * @param port * @return * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static Process runCorfuServer(String host, int port) throws IOException, InterruptedException { File logPath = new File(getCorfuServerLogPath(host, port)); if (!logPath.exists()) { logPath.mkdir(); } ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(); builder.command("sh", "-c", getRunServerCommand(host, port, getCorfuServerLogPath(host, port))); File(CORFU_PROJECT_DIR)); Process corfuServerProcess = builder.start(); StreamGobbler streamGobbler = new StreamGobbler(corfuServerProcess.getInputStream(), CORFU_CONSOLELOG); Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().submit(streamGobbler); return corfuServerProcess; } public static String getCorfuServerLogPath(String host, int port) { return CORFU_LOG_PATH + File.separator + host + "_" + port + "_log"; } private static String getRunServerCommand(String host, int port, String logPath) { return "bin/corfu_server -a " + host + " -sl " + logPath + " -d TRACE " + port; } /** * Shuts down all corfu instances running on the node. * * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static void forceShutdownAllCorfuServers() throws IOException, InterruptedException { ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(); builder.command("sh", "-c", FORCE_KILL_ALL_CORFU_COMMAND); Process p = builder.start(); p.waitFor(); } /** * Shuts down all corfu instances. * TODO: Should be able to gracefully kill a single specified corfu server. * * @param corfuServerProcess * @return * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static boolean shutdownCorfuServer(Process corfuServerProcess) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int retries = SHUTDOWN_RETRIES; while (true) { long pid = getPid(corfuServerProcess); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(); builder.command("sh", "-c", KILL_COMMAND + pid); Process p = builder.start(); p.waitFor(); if (retries == 0) { return false; } if (corfuServerProcess.isAlive()) { retries--; Thread.sleep(SHUTDOWN_RETRY_WAIT); } else { return true; } } } public static long getPid(Process p) { long pid = -1; try { if (p.getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.UNIXProcess")) { Field f = p.getClass().getDeclaredField("pid"); f.setAccessible(true); pid = f.getLong(p); f.setAccessible(false); } } catch (Exception e) { pid = -1; } return pid; } public static CorfuRuntime createDefaultRuntime() { return createRuntime(DEFAULT_ENDPOINT); } public static CorfuRuntime createRuntime(String endpoint) { CorfuRuntime rt = new CorfuRuntime(endpoint) .setCacheDisabled(true) .connect(); return rt; } public static Map<String, Integer> createMap(CorfuRuntime rt, String streamName) { Map<String, Integer> map = rt.getObjectsView() .build() .setStreamName(streamName) .setType(SMRMap.class) .open(); return map; } public static class StreamGobbler implements Runnable { private InputStream inputStream; private String logfile; public StreamGobbler(InputStream inputStream, String logfile) { this.inputStream = inputStream; this.logfile = logfile; } @Override public void run() { new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)).lines() .forEach((x) -> { try { Files.write(Paths.get(logfile), x.getBytes()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ); } } }