package org.corfudb.util.serializer; import; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.corfudb.runtime.CorfuRuntime; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Function; import; /** * Created by mwei on 2/18/16. */ @Slf4j public class PrimitiveSerializer implements ISerializer { final private byte type; public static final Map<Byte, DeserializerFunction> DeserializerMap = .collect(Collectors.toMap(Primitives::getTypeNum, Primitives::getDeserializer)); public static final Map<Class, SerializerFunction> SerializerMap = getSerializerMap(); public PrimitiveSerializer(byte type) { this.type = type; } @Override public byte getType() { return type; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Map<Class, SerializerFunction> getSerializerMap() { ImmutableMap.Builder b = ImmutableMap.<Class, SerializerFunction>builder(); .forEach(e -> { b.put(e.getClassType(), e.getSerializer()); if (e.getPrimitiveClass() != null) { b.put(e.getPrimitiveClass(), e.getSerializer()); } } ); return; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static <T, R> void writeArray(T[] o, ByteBuf b, BiFunction<ByteBuf, R, ByteBuf> applyFunc) { int length = Array.getLength(o); b.writeInt(length); .forEach(i -> applyFunc.apply(b, (R) i)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static <T, R> T[] readArray(ByteBuf b, Function<ByteBuf, T> applyFunc, Function<Integer, T[]> arrayGen) { int length = b.readInt(); T[] r = arrayGen.apply(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { r[i] = applyFunc.apply(b); } return r; } static void writeBytes(Object o, ByteBuf b) { int length = Array.getLength(o); b.writeInt(length); b.writeBytes((byte[]) o); } static byte[] readBytes(ByteBuf b, CorfuRuntime rt) { int length = b.readInt(); byte[] bytes = new byte[length]; b.readBytes(bytes, 0, length); return bytes; } /** * Deserialize an object from a given byte buffer. * * @param b The bytebuf to deserialize. * @return The deserialized object. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object deserialize(ByteBuf b, CorfuRuntime rt) { byte type = b.readByte(); DeserializerFunction d = DeserializerMap.get(type); return d.deserialize(b, rt); } /** * Serialize an object into a given byte buffer. * * @param o The object to serialize. * @param b The bytebuf to serialize it into. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void serialize(Object o, ByteBuf b) { if (o.getClass().getName().contains("$ByteBuddy$")) { ((SerializerFunction<Object>) Primitives.CORFU_SMR.getSerializer()).serialize(o, b); } else { SerializerFunction f = SerializerMap.get(o.getClass()); if (f == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported class for serialization: " + o.getClass()); } f.serialize(o, b); } } enum Primitives { BYTE(0, Byte.class, byte.class, (o, b) -> b.writeByte(o), (b, r) -> b.readByte()), SHORT(1, Short.class, short.class, (o, b) -> b.writeShort(o), (b, r) -> b.readShort()), INTEGER(2, Integer.class, int.class, (o, b) -> b.writeInt(o), (b, r) -> b.readInt()), LONG(3, Long.class, long.class, (o, b) -> b.writeLong(o), (b, r) -> b.readLong()), BOOLEAN(4, Boolean.class, boolean.class, (o, b) -> b.writeBoolean(o), (b, r) -> b.readBoolean()), DOUBLE(5, Double.class, double.class, (o, b) -> b.writeDouble(o), (b, r) -> b.readDouble()), FLOAT(6, Float.class, float.class, (o, b) -> b.writeFloat(o), (b, r) -> b.readFloat()), BYTE_ARRAY(7, Byte[].class, byte[].class, PrimitiveSerializer::writeBytes, (DeserializerFunction)PrimitiveSerializer::readBytes), SHORT_ARRAY(8, Short[].class, short[].class, (o, b) -> writeArray(o, b, ByteBuf::writeShort), (b, r) -> readArray(b, ByteBuf::readShort, Short[]::new)), INTEGER_ARRAY(9, Integer[].class, int[].class, (o, b) -> writeArray(o, b, ByteBuf::writeInt), (b, r) -> readArray(b, ByteBuf::readInt, Integer[]::new)), LONG_ARRAY(10, Long[].class, long[].class, (o, b) -> writeArray(o, b, ByteBuf::writeLong), (b, r) -> readArray(b, ByteBuf::readLong, Long[]::new)), BOOLEAN_ARRAY(11, Boolean[].class, boolean[].class, (o, b) -> writeArray(o, b, ByteBuf::writeBoolean), (b, r) -> readArray(b, ByteBuf::readBoolean, Boolean[]::new)), DOUBLE_ARRAY(12, Double[].class, double[].class, (o, b) -> writeArray(o, b, ByteBuf::writeDouble), (b, r) -> readArray(b, ByteBuf::readDouble, Double[]::new)), FLOAT_ARRAY(13, Float[].class, float[].class, (o, b) -> writeArray(o, b, ByteBuf::writeFloat), (b, r) -> readArray(b, ByteBuf::readFloat, Float[]::new)), STRING(14, String.class, null, (o, b) -> { b.writeInt(o.length()); b.writeBytes(o.getBytes()); }, (b, r) -> { int length = b.readInt(); byte[] bs = new byte[length]; b.readBytes(bs, 0, length); return new String(bs); }), CORFU_SMR(15, Object.class, null, (o, b) -> { String className = o.getClass().toString(); String SMRClass = className.split("\\$")[0]; className = "CorfuObject"; byte[] classNameBytes = className.getBytes(); b.writeShort(classNameBytes.length); b.writeBytes(classNameBytes); byte[] SMRClassNameBytes = SMRClass.getBytes(); b.writeShort(SMRClassNameBytes.length); b.writeBytes(SMRClassNameBytes); try { Field f = o.getClass().getDeclaredField("_corfuStreamID"); f.setAccessible(true); UUID id = (UUID) f.get(o); log.trace("Serializing a CorfuObject of type {} as a stream pointer to {}", SMRClass, id); b.writeLong(id.getMostSignificantBits()); b.writeLong(id.getLeastSignificantBits()); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException nsfe) { log.error("Error serializing fields"); throw new RuntimeException(nsfe); } }, (b, r) -> { int SMRClassNameLength = b.readShort(); byte[] SMRClassNameBytes = new byte[SMRClassNameLength]; b.readBytes(SMRClassNameBytes, 0, SMRClassNameLength); String SMRClassName = new String(SMRClassNameBytes); try { return r.getObjectsView().build() .setStreamID(new UUID(b.readLong(), b.readLong())) .setType(Class.forName(SMRClassName)) .open(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { log.error("Exception during deserialization!", cnfe); throw new RuntimeException(cnfe); } }); @Getter public final byte typeNum; @Getter public final Class<?> classType; @Getter public final Class<?> primitiveClass; @Getter public final SerializerFunction<?> serializer; @Getter public final DeserializerFunction deserializer; <T> Primitives(int typeNum, Class<T> classType, Class<?> primitiveClass, SerializerFunction<T> serializer, DeserializerFunction<T> deserializer) { this.typeNum = (byte) typeNum; this.classType = classType; this.primitiveClass = primitiveClass; this.serializer = serializer; this.deserializer = deserializer; } } @FunctionalInterface interface DeserializerFunction<T> { T deserialize(ByteBuf b, CorfuRuntime r); } @FunctionalInterface interface SerializerFunction<T> { void serialize(T o, ByteBuf b); } }