package org.corfudb.runtime.view; import com.codahale.metrics.Gauge; import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.CacheLoader; import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Caffeine; import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.LoadingCache; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.corfudb.protocols.wireprotocol.DataType; import org.corfudb.protocols.wireprotocol.ILogData; import org.corfudb.protocols.wireprotocol.IToken; import org.corfudb.protocols.wireprotocol.LogData; import org.corfudb.runtime.CorfuRuntime; import org.corfudb.runtime.exceptions.OverwriteException; import org.corfudb.runtime.exceptions.WrongEpochException; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.Map; import; import; /** * A view of the address space implemented by Corfu. * <p> * Created by mwei on 12/10/15. */ @Slf4j public class AddressSpaceView extends AbstractView { /** * A cache for read results. */ static LoadingCache<Long, ILogData> readCache; public AddressSpaceView(CorfuRuntime runtime) { super(runtime); // We don't lock readCache, this should be ok in the rare // case we generate a second readCache as it won't be pointed to. if (readCache == null) { resetCaches(); } else { log.debug("Read cache already built, re-using existing read cache."); } final String pfx = String.format("%s0x%x.cache.", runtime.getMpASV(), this.hashCode()); runtime.getMetrics().register(pfx + "cache-size", (Gauge<Long>) () -> readCache.estimatedSize()); runtime.getMetrics().register(pfx + "evictions", (Gauge<Long>) () -> readCache.stats().evictionCount()); runtime.getMetrics().register(pfx + "hit-rate", (Gauge<Double>) () -> readCache.stats().hitRate()); runtime.getMetrics().register(pfx + "hits", (Gauge<Long>) () -> readCache.stats().hitCount()); runtime.getMetrics().register(pfx + "misses", (Gauge<Long>) () -> readCache.stats().missCount()); } /** * Reset all in-memory caches. */ public void resetCaches() { readCache = Caffeine.<Long, ILogData>newBuilder() .<Long, ILogData>weigher((k, v) -> v.getSizeEstimate()) .maximumWeight(runtime.getMaxCacheSize()) .recordStats() .build(new CacheLoader<Long, ILogData>() { @Override public ILogData load(Long aLong) throws Exception { return cacheFetch(aLong); } @Override public Map<Long, ILogData> loadAll(Iterable<? extends Long> keys) throws Exception { return cacheFetch((Iterable<Long>) keys); } }); } /** Write the given log data using a token, returning * either when the write has been completed successfully, * or throwing an OverwriteException if another value * has been adopted, or a WrongEpochException if the * token epoch is invalid. * * @param token The token to use for the write. * @param data The data to write. * @throws OverwriteException If the globalAddress given * by the token has adopted * another value. * @throws WrongEpochException If the token epoch is invalid. */ public void write(IToken token, Object data) throws OverwriteException { final ILogData ld = new LogData(data); layoutHelper(l -> { // Check if the token issued is in the same // epoch as the layout we are about to write // to. if (token.getEpoch() != l.getEpoch()) { throw new WrongEpochException(l.getEpoch()); } // Set the data to use the token ld.useToken(token); // Do the write l.getReplicationMode(token.getTokenValue()) .getReplicationProtocol(runtime) .write(l, ld); return null; }); // Cache the successful write if (!runtime.isCacheDisabled()) { readCache.put(token.getTokenValue(), ld); } } /** Directly read from the log, returning any * committed value, or NULL, if no value has * been committed. * * @param address The address to read from. * @return Committed data stored in the * log, or NULL, if no value * has been committed. */ public @Nullable ILogData peek(final long address) { return layoutHelper(l -> l.getReplicationMode(address) .getReplicationProtocol(runtime) .peek(l, address)); } /** * Read the given object from an address and streams. * * @param address An address to read from. * @return A result, which be cached. */ public @Nonnull ILogData read(long address) { if (!runtime.isCacheDisabled()) { ILogData data = readCache.get(address); if (data == null || data.getType() == DataType.EMPTY) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected return of empty data at address " + address + " on read"); } return data; } return fetch(address); } /** * Read the given object from a range of addresses. * * @param addresses An iterable with addresses to read from * @return A result, which be cached. */ public Map<Long, ILogData> read(Iterable<Long> addresses) { if (!runtime.isCacheDisabled()) { return readCache.getAll(addresses); } return this.cacheFetch(addresses); } /** * Fetch an address for insertion into the cache. * * @param address An address to read from. * @return A result to be cached. If the readresult is empty, * This entry will be scheduled to self invalidate. */ private @Nonnull ILogData cacheFetch(long address) { log.trace("Cache miss @ {}, fetching.", address); ILogData result = fetch(address); if (result.getType() == DataType.EMPTY) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected empty return at " + address + " from fetch"); } return result; } /** * Fetch an address for insertion into the cache. * * @param addresses An address to read from. * @return A result to be cached. If the readresult is empty, * This entry will be scheduled to self invalidate. */ private @Nonnull Map<Long, ILogData> cacheFetch(Iterable<Long> addresses) { return, true) .map(address -> layoutHelper(l -> l.getReplicationMode(address).getReplicationProtocol(runtime) .read(l, address))) .collect(Collectors.toMap(ILogData::getGlobalAddress, r -> r)); } /** * Explicitly fetch a given address, bypassing the cache. * * @param address An address to read from. * @return A result, which will be uncached. */ public @Nonnull ILogData fetch(final long address) { return layoutHelper(l -> l.getReplicationMode(address) .getReplicationProtocol(runtime) .read(l, address) ); } }