package org.corfudb.infrastructure.log; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.Channels; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import lombok.Data; import lombok.NonNull; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import; import org.corfudb.format.Types; import org.corfudb.format.Types.TrimEntry; import org.corfudb.format.Types.DataType; import org.corfudb.format.Types.LogEntry; import org.corfudb.format.Types.LogHeader; import org.corfudb.format.Types.Metadata; import org.corfudb.infrastructure.ServerContext; import org.corfudb.protocols.wireprotocol.IMetadata; import org.corfudb.protocols.wireprotocol.LogData; import org.corfudb.runtime.exceptions.DataCorruptionException; import org.corfudb.runtime.exceptions.OverwriteException; import org.corfudb.runtime.exceptions.TrimmedException; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * This class implements the StreamLog by persisting the stream log as records in multiple files. * This StreamLog implementation can detect log file corruption, if checksum is enabled, otherwise * the checksum field will be ignored. * <p> * Created by maithem on 10/28/16. */ @Slf4j public class StreamLogFiles implements StreamLog, StreamLogWithRankedAddressSpace { static public final short RECORD_DELIMITER = 0x4C45; static public int VERSION = 1; static public int RECORDS_PER_LOG_FILE = 10000; static public int TRIM_THRESHOLD = (int) (.25 * RECORDS_PER_LOG_FILE); static public final int METADATA_SIZE = Metadata.newBuilder() .setChecksum(-1) .setLength(-1) .build() .getSerializedSize(); private final boolean noVerify; public final String logDir; private Map<String, SegmentHandle> writeChannels; private Set<FileChannel> channelsToSync; private MultiReadWriteLock segmentLocks = new MultiReadWriteLock(); final private ServerContext serverContext; final private AtomicLong globalTail = new AtomicLong(0L); private long lastSegment; public StreamLogFiles(ServerContext serverContext, boolean noVerify) { logDir = serverContext.getServerConfig().get("--log-path") + File.separator + "log"; File dir = new File(logDir); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } writeChannels = new ConcurrentHashMap(); channelsToSync = new HashSet<>(); this.noVerify = noVerify; this.serverContext = serverContext; verifyLogs(); initializeMaxGlobalAddress(); } @Override public long getGlobalTail() { return globalTail.get(); } private void syncTailSegment(long address) { // TODO(Maithem) since writing a record and setting the tail segment is not // an atomic operation, it is possible to set an incorrect tail segment. In // that case we will need to scan more than one segment globalTail.getAndUpdate(maxTail -> address > maxTail ? address : maxTail); long segment = address / RECORDS_PER_LOG_FILE; if(lastSegment < segment) { serverContext.setTailSegment(segment); lastSegment = segment; } } private void initializeMaxGlobalAddress() { long tailSegment = serverContext.getTailSegment(); long addressInTailSegment = (tailSegment * RECORDS_PER_LOG_FILE) + 1; SegmentHandle sh = getSegmentHandleForAddress(new LogAddress(addressInTailSegment, null)); try { Collection<LogEntry> segmentEntries = (Collection<LogEntry>) getCompactedEntries(sh.getFileName(), new HashSet()).getEntries(); for(LogEntry entry : segmentEntries){ long currentAddress = entry.getGlobalAddress(); globalTail.getAndUpdate(maxTail -> currentAddress > maxTail ? currentAddress : maxTail); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } lastSegment = tailSegment; } private void verifyLogs() { String[] extension = {"log"}; File dir = new File(logDir); if (dir.exists()) { Collection<File> files = FileUtils.listFiles(dir, extension, true); for (File file : files) { try { FileInputStream fIn = new FileInputStream(file); FileChannel fc = fIn.getChannel(); ByteBuffer metadataBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(METADATA_SIZE);; metadataBuf.flip(); Metadata metadata = Metadata.parseFrom(metadataBuf.array()); ByteBuffer headerBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(metadata.getLength());; headerBuf.flip(); LogHeader header = LogHeader.parseFrom(headerBuf.array()); fc.close(); fIn.close(); if (metadata.getChecksum() != getChecksum(header.toByteArray())) { log.error("Checksum mismatch detected while trying to read header for logfile {}", file); throw new DataCorruptionException(); } if (header.getVersion() != VERSION) { String msg = String.format("Log version {} for {} should match the logunit log version {}", header.getVersion(), file.getAbsoluteFile(), VERSION); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } if (!noVerify && !header.getVerifyChecksum()) { String msg = String.format("Log file {} not generated with checksums, can't verify!", file.getAbsoluteFile()); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } } } } static public String getPendingTrimsFilePath(String segmentPath) { return segmentPath + ".pending"; } static public String getTrimmedFilePath(String segmentPath) { return segmentPath + ".trimmed"; } @Override public void sync(boolean force) throws IOException { if(force) { for (FileChannel ch : channelsToSync) { ch.force(true); } } log.debug("Sync'd {} channels", channelsToSync.size()); channelsToSync.clear(); } @Override public void trim(LogAddress logAddress) { SegmentHandle handle = getSegmentHandleForAddress(logAddress); if (!handle.getKnownAddresses().containsKey(logAddress.getAddress()) || handle.getPendingTrims().contains(logAddress.getAddress())) { return; } TrimEntry entry = TrimEntry.newBuilder() .setChecksum(getChecksum(logAddress.getAddress())) .setAddress(logAddress.getAddress()) .build(); // TODO(Maithem) possibly move this to SegmentHandle. Do we need to close and flush? OutputStream outputStream = Channels.newOutputStream(handle.getPendingTrimChannel()); try { entry.writeDelimitedTo(outputStream); outputStream.flush(); handle.pendingTrims.add(logAddress.getAddress()); channelsToSync.add(handle.getPendingTrimChannel()); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Exception while writing a trim entry {} : {}", logAddress.toString(), e.toString()); } } @Override public void compact() { //TODO(Maithem) Open all segment handlers? for (SegmentHandle sh : writeChannels.values()) { Set<Long> pending = new HashSet(sh.getPendingTrims()); Set<Long> trimmed = sh.getTrimmedAddresses(); if (sh.getKnownAddresses().size() + trimmed.size() != RECORDS_PER_LOG_FILE) {"Log segment still not complete, skipping"); continue; } pending.removeAll(trimmed); //what if pending size == knownaddresses size ? if (pending.size() < TRIM_THRESHOLD) { log.trace("Thresh hold not exceeded. Ratio {} threshold {}", pending.size(), TRIM_THRESHOLD); return; // TODO - should not return if compact on ranked address space is necessary } try {"Starting compaction, pending entries size {}", pending.size()); trimLogFile(sh.getFileName(), pending); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Compact operation failed for file {}", sh.getFileName()); } } } private void trimLogFile(String filePath, Set<Long> pendingTrim) throws IOException { FileChannel fc = + ".copy"), EnumSet.of(StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.SPARSE)); FileChannel fc2 =, EnumSet.of(StandardOpenOption.APPEND)); CompactedEntry log = getCompactedEntries(filePath, pendingTrim); LogHeader header = log.getLogHeader(); Collection<LogEntry> compacted = log.getEntries(); writeHeader(fc, header.getVersion(), header.getVerifyChecksum()); for (LogEntry entry : compacted) { ByteBuffer record = getByteBufferWithMetaData(entry); ByteBuffer recordBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(Short.BYTES // Delimiter + record.capacity()); recordBuf.putShort(RECORD_DELIMITER); recordBuf.put(record.array()); recordBuf.flip(); fc.write(recordBuf); } fc.force(true); fc.close(); try (OutputStream outputStream = Channels.newOutputStream(fc2)) { // Todo(Maithem) How do we verify that the compacted file is correct? for (Long address : pendingTrim) { TrimEntry entry = TrimEntry.newBuilder() .setChecksum(getChecksum(address)) .setAddress(address) .build(); entry.writeDelimitedTo(outputStream); } outputStream.flush(); fc2.force(true); } fc2.close(); Files.move(Paths.get(filePath + ".copy"), Paths.get(filePath), StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE); // Force the reload of the new segment writeChannels.remove(filePath); } private CompactedEntry getCompactedEntries(String filePath, Set<Long> pendingTrim) throws IOException { FileChannel fc = getChannel(filePath, true); // Skip the header ByteBuffer headerMetadataBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(METADATA_SIZE);; headerMetadataBuf.flip(); Metadata headerMetadata = Metadata.parseFrom(headerMetadataBuf.array()); ByteBuffer headerBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(headerMetadata.getLength());; headerBuf.flip(); LogHeader header = LogHeader.parseFrom(headerBuf.array()); ByteBuffer o = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) fc.size() - (int) fc.position());; fc.close(); o.flip(); LinkedHashMap<Long, LogEntry> compacted = new LinkedHashMap<>(); while (o.hasRemaining()) { //Skip delimiter o.getShort(); byte[] metadataBuf = new byte[METADATA_SIZE]; o.get(metadataBuf); try { Metadata metadata = Metadata.parseFrom(metadataBuf); byte[] logEntryBuf = new byte[metadata.getLength()]; o.get(logEntryBuf); LogEntry entry = LogEntry.parseFrom(logEntryBuf); if (!noVerify) { if (metadata.getChecksum() != getChecksum(entry.toByteArray())) { log.error("Checksum mismatch detected while trying to read address {}", entry.getGlobalAddress()); throw new DataCorruptionException(); } } if (!pendingTrim.contains(entry.getGlobalAddress())) { compacted.put(entry.getGlobalAddress(), entry); } } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw new DataCorruptionException(); } } return new CompactedEntry(header, compacted.values()); } /** * Write the header for a Corfu log file. * * @param fc The file channel to use. * @param version The version number to append to the header. * @param verify Checksum verify flag * @throws IOException */ static public void writeHeader(FileChannel fc, int version, boolean verify) throws IOException { LogHeader header = LogHeader.newBuilder() .setVersion(version) .setVerifyChecksum(verify) .build(); ByteBuffer buf = getByteBufferWithMetaData(header); fc.write(buf); fc.force(true); } static private Metadata getMetadata(AbstractMessage message) { return Metadata.newBuilder() .setChecksum(getChecksum(message.toByteArray())) .setLength(message.getSerializedSize()) .build(); } static private ByteBuffer getByteBuffer(Metadata metadata, AbstractMessage message) { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(metadata.getSerializedSize() + message.getSerializedSize()); buf.put(metadata.toByteArray()); buf.put(message.toByteArray()); buf.flip(); return buf; } static private ByteBuffer getByteBufferWithMetaData(AbstractMessage message) { Metadata metadata = getMetadata(message); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(metadata.getSerializedSize() + message.getSerializedSize()); buf.put(metadata.toByteArray()); buf.put(message.toByteArray()); buf.flip(); return buf; } private LogData getLogData(LogEntry entry) { ByteBuf data = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(entry.getData().toByteArray()); LogData logData = new LogData(org.corfudb.protocols.wireprotocol. DataType.typeMap.get((byte) entry.getDataType().getNumber()), data); logData.setBackpointerMap(getUUIDLongMap(entry.getBackpointersMap())); logData.setGlobalAddress(entry.getGlobalAddress()); logData.setRank(createDataRank(entry)); logData.clearCommit(); if (entry.getCommit()) { logData.setCommit(); } return logData; } Set<UUID> getStreamsSet(List<ByteString> list) { Set<UUID> set = new HashSet(); for (ByteString string : list) { set.add(UUID.fromString(string.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); } return set; } /** * Reads an address space from a log file into a SegmentHandle * * @param sh */ private void readAddressSpace(SegmentHandle sh) throws IOException { long logFileSize; try (MultiReadWriteLock.AutoCloseableLock ignored = segmentLocks.acquireReadLock(sh.getSegment())) { logFileSize = sh.logChannel.size(); } FileChannel fc = getChannel(sh.fileName, true); if (fc == null) { log.trace("Can't read address space, {} doesn't exist", sh.fileName); return; } // Skip the header ByteBuffer headerMetadataBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(METADATA_SIZE);; headerMetadataBuf.flip(); Metadata headerMetadata = Metadata.parseFrom(headerMetadataBuf.array()); fc.position(fc.position() + headerMetadata.getLength()); long channelOffset = fc.position(); ByteBuffer o = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) logFileSize - (int) fc.position());; fc.close(); o.flip(); while (o.hasRemaining()) { short magic = o.getShort(); channelOffset += Short.BYTES; if (magic != RECORD_DELIMITER) { log.error("Expected a delimiter but found something else while trying to read file {}", sh.fileName); throw new DataCorruptionException(); } byte[] metadataBuf = new byte[METADATA_SIZE]; o.get(metadataBuf); channelOffset += METADATA_SIZE; try { Metadata metadata = Metadata.parseFrom(metadataBuf); byte[] logEntryBuf = new byte[metadata.getLength()]; o.get(logEntryBuf); LogEntry entry = LogEntry.parseFrom(logEntryBuf); if (!noVerify) { if (metadata.getChecksum() != getChecksum(entry.toByteArray())) { log.error("Checksum mismatch detected while trying to read file {}", sh.fileName); throw new DataCorruptionException(); } } sh.knownAddresses.put(entry.getGlobalAddress(), new AddressMetaData(metadata.getChecksum(), metadata.getLength(), channelOffset)); channelOffset += metadata.getLength(); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw new DataCorruptionException(); } } } /** * Read a log entry in a file. * * @param sh The file handle to use. * @param address The address of the entry. * @return The log unit entry at that address, or NULL if there was no entry. */ private LogData readRecord(SegmentHandle sh, long address) throws IOException { FileChannel fc = null; try { fc = getChannel(sh.fileName, true); AddressMetaData metaData = sh.getKnownAddresses().get(address); if (metaData == null) { return null; } fc.position(metaData.offset); try { ByteBuffer entryBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(metaData.length);; return getLogData(LogEntry.parseFrom(entryBuf.array())); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw new DataCorruptionException(); } } finally { if (fc != null) { fc.close(); } } } private FileChannel getChannel(String filePath, boolean readOnly) throws IOException { try { if (readOnly) { if (!new File(filePath).exists()) { return null; } else { return, EnumSet.of(StandardOpenOption.READ)); } } else { return, EnumSet.of(StandardOpenOption.APPEND, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.SPARSE)); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error opening file {}", filePath, e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Gets the file channel for a particular address, creating it * if is not present in the map. * * @param logAddress The address to open. * @return The FileChannel for that address. */ @VisibleForTesting synchronized SegmentHandle getSegmentHandleForAddress(LogAddress logAddress) { String filePath = logDir + File.separator; long segment = logAddress.address / RECORDS_PER_LOG_FILE; if (logAddress.getStream() == null) { filePath += segment; } else { filePath += logAddress.getStream().toString() + "-" + segment; } filePath += ".log"; return writeChannels.computeIfAbsent(filePath, a -> { try { FileChannel fc1 = getChannel(a, false); FileChannel fc2 = getChannel(getTrimmedFilePath(a), false); FileChannel fc3 = getChannel(getPendingTrimsFilePath(a), false); boolean verify = true; if (noVerify) { verify = false; } if(fc1.size() == 0) { writeHeader(fc1, VERSION, verify); log.trace("Opened new segment file, writing header for {}", a); } log.trace("Opened new log file at {}", a); SegmentHandle sh = new SegmentHandle(segment, fc1, fc2, fc3, a); // The first time we open a file we should read to the end, to load the // map of entries we already have. readAddressSpace(sh); loadTrimAddresses(sh); return sh; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error opening file {}", a, e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } }); } private void loadTrimAddresses(SegmentHandle sh) throws IOException { long trimmedSize; long pendingTrimSize; //TODO(Maithem) compute checksums and refactor try (MultiReadWriteLock.AutoCloseableLock ignored = segmentLocks.acquireReadLock(sh.getSegment())) { trimmedSize = sh.getTrimmedChannel().size(); pendingTrimSize = sh.getPendingTrimChannel().size(); } FileChannel fcTrimmed = getChannel(getTrimmedFilePath(sh.getFileName()), true); FileChannel fcPending = getChannel(getPendingTrimsFilePath(sh.getFileName()), true); if (fcTrimmed == null) { return; } InputStream inputStream = Channels.newInputStream(fcTrimmed); while (fcTrimmed.position() < trimmedSize) { TrimEntry trimEntry = TrimEntry.parseDelimitedFrom(inputStream); sh.getTrimmedAddresses().add(trimEntry.getAddress()); } inputStream.close(); fcTrimmed.close(); if (fcPending == null) { return; } inputStream = Channels.newInputStream(fcPending); while (fcPending.position() < pendingTrimSize) { TrimEntry trimEntry = TrimEntry.parseDelimitedFrom(inputStream); sh.getPendingTrims().add(trimEntry.getAddress()); } inputStream.close(); fcPending.close(); } Map<String, Long> getStrLongMap(Map<UUID, Long> uuidLongMap) { Map<String, Long> stringLongMap = new HashMap(); for (Map.Entry<UUID, Long> entry : uuidLongMap.entrySet()) { stringLongMap.put(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue()); } return stringLongMap; } Map<UUID, Long> getUUIDLongMap(Map<String, Long> stringLongMap) { Map<UUID, Long> uuidLongMap = new HashMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : stringLongMap.entrySet()) { uuidLongMap.put(UUID.fromString(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()); } return uuidLongMap; } Set<String> getStrUUID(Set<UUID> uuids) { Set<String> strUUIds = new HashSet(); for (UUID uuid : uuids) { strUUIds.add(uuid.toString()); } return strUUIds; } LogEntry getLogEntry(long address, LogData entry) { byte[] data = new byte[0]; if (entry.getData() != null) { data = entry.getData(); } boolean setCommit = false; Object val = entry.getMetadataMap().get(IMetadata.LogUnitMetadataType.COMMIT); if (val != null) { setCommit = (boolean) val; } LogEntry.Builder logEntryBuilder = LogEntry.newBuilder() .setDataType(DataType.forNumber(entry.getType().ordinal())) .setData(ByteString.copyFrom(data)) .setGlobalAddress(address) .setCommit(setCommit) .addAllStreams(getStrUUID(entry.getStreams())) .putAllBackpointers(getStrLongMap(entry.getBackpointerMap())); Optional<Types.DataRank> rank = createProtobufsDataRank(entry); if (rank.isPresent()) { logEntryBuilder.setRank(rank.get()); } return; } private Optional<Types.DataRank> createProtobufsDataRank(IMetadata entry) { IMetadata.DataRank rank = entry.getRank(); if (rank==null) { return Optional.empty(); } Types.DataRank result = Types.DataRank.newBuilder(). setRank(rank.getRank()). setUuidLeastSignificant(rank.getUuid().getLeastSignificantBits()). setUuidMostSignificant(rank.getUuid().getMostSignificantBits()). build(); return Optional.of(result); } private @Nullable IMetadata.DataRank createDataRank(LogEntry entity) { if (!entity.hasRank()) { return null; } Types.DataRank rank = entity.getRank(); return new IMetadata.DataRank(rank.getRank(), new UUID(rank.getUuidMostSignificant(), rank.getUuidLeastSignificant())); } public static int getChecksum(byte[] bytes) { Hasher hasher = Hashing.crc32c().newHasher(); for (byte a : bytes) { hasher.putByte(a); } return hasher.hash().asInt(); } static int getChecksum(long num) { Hasher hasher = Hashing.crc32c().newHasher(); return hasher.putLong(num).hash().asInt(); } /** * Write a log entry record to a file. * * @param fh The file handle to use. * @param address The address of the entry. * @param entry The LogData to append. * @return Returns metadata for the written record */ private AddressMetaData writeRecord(SegmentHandle fh, long address, LogData entry) throws IOException { LogEntry logEntry = getLogEntry(address, entry); Metadata metadata = getMetadata(logEntry); ByteBuffer record = getByteBuffer(metadata, logEntry); ByteBuffer recordBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(Short.BYTES // Delimiter + record.capacity()); recordBuf.putShort(RECORD_DELIMITER); recordBuf.put(record.array()); recordBuf.flip(); long channelOffset; try (MultiReadWriteLock.AutoCloseableLock ignored = segmentLocks.acquireWriteLock(fh.getSegment())) { channelOffset = fh.logChannel.position() + Short.BYTES + METADATA_SIZE; fh.logChannel.write(recordBuf); channelsToSync.add(fh.logChannel); syncTailSegment(address); } return new AddressMetaData(metadata.getChecksum(), metadata.getLength(), channelOffset); } @Override public void append(LogAddress logAddress, LogData entry) { //evict the data by getting the next pointer. try { // make sure the entry doesn't currently exist... // (probably need a faster way to do this - high watermark?) SegmentHandle fh = getSegmentHandleForAddress(logAddress); if (fh.getKnownAddresses().containsKey(logAddress.address) || fh.getTrimmedAddresses().contains(logAddress.address)) { if (entry.getRank()==null) { throw new OverwriteException(); } else { // the method below might throw DataOutrankedException or ValueAdoptedException assertAppendPermittedUnsafe(logAddress, entry); AddressMetaData addressMetaData = writeRecord(fh, logAddress.address, entry); fh.getKnownAddresses().put(logAddress.address, addressMetaData); } } else { AddressMetaData addressMetaData = writeRecord(fh, logAddress.address, entry); fh.getKnownAddresses().put(logAddress.address, addressMetaData); } log.trace("Disk_write[{}]: Written to disk.", logAddress); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Disk_write[{}]: Exception", logAddress, e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public LogData read(LogAddress logAddress) { try { SegmentHandle sh = getSegmentHandleForAddress(logAddress); if (sh.getPendingTrims().contains(logAddress.getAddress())) { throw new TrimmedException(); } return readRecord(sh, logAddress.address); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * A SegmentHandle is a range view of consecutive addresses in the log. It contains * the address space along with metadata like addresses that are trimmed and pending trims. */ @Data class SegmentHandle { private final long segment; @NonNull private final FileChannel logChannel; @NonNull private final FileChannel trimmedChannel; @NonNull private final FileChannel pendingTrimChannel; @NonNull private String fileName; private Map<Long, AddressMetaData> knownAddresses = new ConcurrentHashMap(); private Set<Long> trimmedAddresses = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); private Set<Long> pendingTrims = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); public void close() { Set<FileChannel> channels = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(logChannel, trimmedChannel, pendingTrimChannel)); for (FileChannel channel : channels) { try { channel.force(true); channel.close(); channel = null; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error closing channel {}: {}", channel.toString(), e.toString()); } } knownAddresses = null; trimmedAddresses = null; pendingTrims = null; } } static public class CompactedEntry { private final LogHeader logHeader; private final Collection<LogEntry> entries; public CompactedEntry(LogHeader logHeader, Collection<LogEntry> entries) { this.logHeader = logHeader; this.entries = entries; } public LogHeader getLogHeader() { return logHeader; } public Collection<LogEntry> getEntries() { return entries; } } @Override public void close() { for (SegmentHandle fh : writeChannels.values()) { fh.close(); } writeChannels = new HashMap<>(); } @Override public void release(LogAddress logAddress, LogData entry) { } @VisibleForTesting Set<FileChannel> getChannelsToSync() { return channelsToSync; } }