package org.corfudb.logReader; import; import org.corfudb.format.Types; import org.corfudb.format.Types.DataType; import org.corfudb.format.Types.LogEntry; import org.corfudb.format.Types.LogHeader; import org.corfudb.format.Types.Metadata; import org.corfudb.infrastructure.log.StreamLogFiles; import org.docopt.Docopt; import org.docopt.DocoptExitException; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.Map; public class logReader { private static int metadataSize; private static final int NON_ZERO = 16; private static final String USAGE = "Usage:\n" + "\tlogReader report <log_file>\n" + "\tlogReader display <log_file> [--from=<address> --to=<address> --show_binary]\n" + "\tlogReader erase <log_file> [--from=<address> --to=<address>]\n" + "\n" + "Options:\n" + "\t--show_binary display binary data\n" + "\t--from=<address> starting address (default=0)\n" + "\t--to=<address> final address (default=unlimited)\n"; private Operation op = null; private FileInputStream fileStreamIn = null; private FileOutputStream fileStreamOut = null; private FileChannel fileChannelIn = null; private FileChannel fileChannelOut = null; private int recordCnt = 0; private long remSize = 0; public static void main(final String[] args) { logReader reader = new logReader();; reader.cleanUp(); } public logReader() { fileStreamIn = null; fileStreamOut = null; } public final int run(final String[] args) { try { boolean ret = init(args); } catch (DocoptExitException e) { System.out.println(USAGE); System.exit(1); } return readAll(); } public final boolean init(final String[] args) { Docopt parser = new Docopt(USAGE); parser.withExit(false); Map<String, Object> opts = parser.parse(args); op = new Operation(Operation.OperationType.REPORT); String logFileName = new String(); boolean useOutputFile = false; if (opts.get("<log_file>") != null) { logFileName = (String) opts.get("<log_file>"); System.out.println("Log file: " + logFileName); } else { System.out.print(USAGE); return false; } int startAddr = 0; int finalAddr = -1; if (opts.get("--from") != null) { startAddr = Integer.parseInt((String) opts.get("--from")); } if (opts.get("--to") != null) { finalAddr = Integer.parseInt((String) opts.get("--to")); } if ((Boolean) opts.get("display")) { Boolean showBinary = (Boolean) opts.get("--show_binary"); System.out.format("display from %d to %d show_binary=%s\n", startAddr, finalAddr, showBinary.toString()); if (showBinary) { op = new Operation(Operation.OperationType.DISPLAY, startAddr, finalAddr); } else { op = new Operation(Operation.OperationType.DISPLAY_ALL, startAddr, finalAddr); } } else if ((Boolean) opts.get("erase")) { System.out.format("erase from %d to %d\n", startAddr, finalAddr); op = new Operation(Operation.OperationType.ERASE_RANGE, startAddr, finalAddr); useOutputFile = true; } Metadata md = Metadata.newBuilder() .setChecksum(NON_ZERO) .setLength(NON_ZERO) // size is arbitrary but cannot be 0 (default) .build(); metadataSize = md.getSerializedSize(); File fIn = new File(logFileName); File fOut = useOutputFile ? new File(logFileName + ".modified") : null; if (fIn.canRead()) { try { fileStreamIn = new FileInputStream(fIn); fileChannelIn = fileStreamIn.getChannel(); if (useOutputFile) { fileStreamOut = new FileOutputStream(fOut); fileChannelOut = fileStreamOut.getChannel(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return true; } return false; } final int readAll() { int recordCnt = 0; try { recordCnt = processLogFile(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return recordCnt; } final void cleanUp() { try { if (fileStreamIn != null) { fileStreamIn.close(); fileStreamIn = null; } if (fileStreamOut != null) { fileStreamOut.close(); fileStreamOut = null; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } final LogEntry buildHoleLogEntry(final LogEntry entry) { LogEntry.Builder leNew = LogEntry.newBuilder(); leNew.mergeFrom(entry); leNew.clearData(); leNew.setDataType(DataType.HOLE); return; } final void writeBuffer(final LogEntry le, final FileChannel fcOut) throws IOException { byte[] b1 = le.toByteArray(); int cksum = StreamLogFiles.getChecksum(b1); ByteBuffer recordBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(b1.length); recordBuffer.put(b1); recordBuffer.flip(); Metadata mdNew = Metadata.newBuilder() .setLength(b1.length) .setChecksum(cksum) .build(); byte[] b2 = mdNew.toByteArray(); ByteBuffer mdBuff = ByteBuffer.allocate(metadataSize); mdBuff.put(b2); mdBuff.flip(); writeRecord(fcOut, mdBuff, recordBuffer); } final void writeRecord(final FileChannel fcOut, final ByteBuffer mdBuff, final ByteBuffer recordBuffer) throws IOException { assert (fcOut != null); ByteBuffer commaBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(2); commaBuffer.putShort(StreamLogFiles.RECORD_DELIMITER); commaBuffer.flip(); fcOut.write(commaBuffer); fcOut.write(mdBuff); fcOut.write(recordBuffer); } public final void printLogEntry(final LogEntry entry, final boolean showBinary) { System.out.format("Global address: %d\n", entry.getGlobalAddress()); System.out.format("Log Entry streams (%d): ", entry.getStreamsCount()); for (int i = 0; i < entry.getStreamsCount(); i++) { System.out.print(entry.getStreams(i) + " "); } System.out.format("\n"); String bstr = new String(); if (showBinary) { ByteString dbuff = entry.getData(); for (int i = 0; i < dbuff.size(); i++) { byte c = dbuff.byteAt(i); if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) { bstr += (char) c; } else { bstr += String.format("\\x%02x", c); } } } DataType dt = entry.getDataType(); switch (dt) { case DATA: System.out.println("DataType: DATA"); break; case EMPTY: System.out.println("DataType: EMPTY"); break; case HOLE: System.out.println("DataType: HOLE"); break; case TRIMMED: System.out.println("DataType: TRIMMED"); break; default: System.out.println("UNKNOWN DataType"); break; } if (showBinary) { System.out.format("Data:\n%s\n", bstr); } Types.DataRank dr = entry.getRank(); System.out.format("Rank: %d, UUID: %x %x\n", dr.hasRank() ? dr.getRank() : 0L, dr.hasUuidMostSignificant() ? dr.getUuidMostSignificant() : 0L, dr.hasUuidLeastSignificant() ? dr.getUuidLeastSignificant() : 0L); System.out.format("Commit: "); System.out.println(entry.getCommit()); } // Read and conditionally replace a record // - replace record in case of ERASE or ERASE_TAIL // - returns same or modified record final LogEntry processRecordBody(final ByteBuffer recordBuffer) throws IOException { LogEntry le = LogEntry.parseFrom(recordBuffer.array()); if (op.getOpType() == Operation.OperationType.ERASE_RANGE) { if (op.isInRange(le.getGlobalAddress())) { LogEntry entry = buildHoleLogEntry(le); return entry; } } return le; } final logHeader processHeader() throws IOException { fileChannelIn.position(0); ByteBuffer mdBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(metadataSize); int r =; mdBuffer.flip(); if (fileChannelOut != null) { fileChannelOut.write(mdBuffer); } if (r > 0) { logHeader header = new logHeader(); Metadata md = Metadata.parseFrom(mdBuffer.array()); int logHeaderSize = md.getLength(); header.setChecksum(md.getChecksum()); header.setLength(md.getLength()); ByteBuffer lhBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(logHeaderSize); r =; lhBuffer.flip(); if (fileChannelOut != null) { fileChannelOut.write(lhBuffer); } if (r > 0) { LogHeader lh = LogHeader.parseFrom(lhBuffer.array()); header.setVersion(lh.getVersion()); header.setVerifyChecksum(lh.getVerifyChecksum()); } return header; } return new logHeader(); } final LogEntryExtended processRecord() throws IOException { ByteBuffer commaBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(2); int bytesRead =; commaBuffer.flip(); Short delim = commaBuffer.getShort(); commaBuffer.flip(); if (delim != StreamLogFiles.RECORD_DELIMITER) { System.out.println("Incorrect delimiter"); } ByteBuffer mdBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(metadataSize); bytesRead +=; mdBuffer.flip(); Metadata md = Metadata.parseFrom(mdBuffer.array()); ByteBuffer recordBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(md.getLength()); bytesRead +=; recordBuffer.flip(); int cksum = StreamLogFiles.getChecksum(recordBuffer.array()); if (cksum != md.getChecksum()) { System.out.println("Checksum ERROR"); } LogEntry leNew = processRecordBody(recordBuffer); return new LogEntryExtended(leNew, bytesRead, cksum); } final void openLogFile(final int display) throws IOException { logHeader hdr = processHeader(); if (display > 0) { System.out.println("file size " + fileChannelIn.size()); System.out.println("checksum " + String.format("%08x", hdr.getChecksum())); System.out.println("length " + Integer.toString(hdr.getLength())); System.out.println("version " + Integer.toString(hdr.getVersion())); System.out.println("verify " + Boolean.toString(hdr.isVerifyChecksum())); } remSize = fileChannelIn.size() - fileChannelIn.position(); // if size == position then file pointer is off the end } final LogEntryExtended nextRecord() throws IOException { LogEntryExtended leNew = processRecord(); long addr = leNew.getEntryBody().getGlobalAddress(); boolean display = (op.getOpType() == Operation.OperationType.DISPLAY || op.getOpType() == Operation.OperationType.DISPLAY_ALL) && op.isInRange(addr); if (display) { System.out.format("Record length %d checksum %08x\n", leNew.getBytesLength(), leNew.getChecksum()); printLogEntry(leNew.getEntryBody(), op.getOpType() == Operation.OperationType.DISPLAY_ALL); } if (fileChannelOut != null) { writeBuffer(leNew.getEntryBody(), fileChannelOut); } recordCnt++; remSize -= leNew.getBytesLength(); if (display) return leNew; return null; } final int processLogFile() throws IOException { int display = op.getOpType() == Operation.OperationType.DISPLAY ? 1 : op.getOpType() == Operation.OperationType.DISPLAY_ALL ? 2 : 0; System.out.format("processLogFile display %d output %d\n", display, fileChannelOut != null ? 1 : 0); // Metadata // LogHeader // Metadata // LogEntry // ... openLogFile(display); while (remSize > 0) { nextRecord(); } // REPORT System.out.println("Read " + Integer.toString(recordCnt) + " log entries"); return recordCnt; } }