package org.corfudb.runtime.object.transactions; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.corfudb.protocols.logprotocol.ISMRConsumable; import org.corfudb.protocols.logprotocol.SMREntry; import org.corfudb.protocols.wireprotocol.ILogData; import org.corfudb.protocols.wireprotocol.TxResolutionInfo; import org.corfudb.runtime.exceptions.TransactionAbortedException; import org.corfudb.runtime.object.ICorfuSMRAccess; import org.corfudb.runtime.object.ICorfuSMRProxyInternal; import org.corfudb.runtime.object.VersionLockedObject; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import static org.corfudb.runtime.view.ObjectsView.TRANSACTION_STREAM_ID; /** A Corfu optimistic transaction context. * * Optimistic transactions in Corfu provide the following isolation guarantees: * * (1) Read-your-own Writes: * Reads in a transaction are guaranteed to observe a write in the same * transaction, if a write happens before * the read. * * (2) Opacity: * Read in a transaction observe the state of the system ("snapshot") as of the time of the * first read which occurs in the transaction ("first read * timestamp"), except in case (1) above where they observe the own tranasction's writes. * * (3) Atomicity: * Writes in a transaction are guaranteed to commit atomically, * and commit if and only if none of the objects which were * read (the "read set") were modified between the first read * ("first read timestamp") and the time of commit. * * Created by mwei on 4/4/16. */ @Slf4j public class OptimisticTransactionalContext extends AbstractTransactionalContext { /** The proxies which were modified by this transaction. */ @Getter private final Set<ICorfuSMRProxyInternal> modifiedProxies = new HashSet<>(); OptimisticTransactionalContext(TransactionBuilder builder) { super(builder); } /** * Access within optimistic transactional context is implemented * in via proxy.access() as follows: * * 1. First, we try to grab a read-lock on the proxy, and hope to "catch" the proxy in the * snapshot version. If this succeeds, we invoke the corfu-object access method, and * un-grab the read-lock. * * 2. Otherwise, we grab a write-lock on the proxy and bring it to the correct * version * - Inside proxy.setAsOptimisticStream, if there are currently optimistic * updates on the proxy, we roll them back. Then, we set this * transactional context as the proxy's new optimistic context. * - Then, inside proxy.syncObjectUnsafe, depending on the proxy version, * we may need to undo or redo committed changes, or apply forward committed changes. * * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public <R, T> R access(ICorfuSMRProxyInternal<T> proxy, ICorfuSMRAccess<R, T> accessFunction, Object[] conflictObject) { log.debug("Access[{},{}] conflictObj={}", this, proxy, conflictObject); // First, we add this access to the read set addToReadSet(proxy, conflictObject); // Next, we sync the object, which will bring the object // to the correct version, reflecting any optimistic // updates. return proxy .getUnderlyingObject() .access(o -> ( getWriteSetEntrySize(proxy.getStreamID()) == 0 && // No updates o.getVersionUnsafe() == getSnapshotTimestamp() && // And at the correct timestamp (o.getOptimisticStreamUnsafe() == null || o.getOptimisticStreamUnsafe() .isStreamCurrentContextThreadCurrentContext() ) ), o -> { // Swap ourselves to be the active optimistic stream. // Inside setAsOptimisticStream, if there are // currently optimistic updates on the object, we // roll them back. Then, we set this context as the // object's new optimistic context. setAsOptimisticStream(o); // inside syncObjectUnsafe, depending on the object // version, we may need to undo or redo // committed changes, or apply forward committed changes. o.syncObjectUnsafe(getSnapshotTimestamp()); }, o -> accessFunction.access(o) ); } /** * if a Corfu object's method is an Accessor-Mutator, then although the mutation is delayed, * it needs to obtain the result by invoking getUpcallResult() on the optimistic stream. * * This is similar to the second stage of access(), accept working on the optimistic stream instead of the * underlying stream.- grabs the write-lock on the proxy. * - uses proxy.setAsOptimisticStream in order to set itself as the proxy optimistic context, * including rolling-back current optimistic changes, if any. * - uses proxy.syncObjectUnsafe to bring the proxy to the desired version, * which includes applying optimistic updates of the current * transactional context. * * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public <T> Object getUpcallResult(ICorfuSMRProxyInternal<T> proxy, long timestamp, Object[] conflictObject) { // Getting an upcall result adds the object to the conflict set. addToReadSet(proxy, conflictObject); // if we have a result, return it. SMREntry wrapper = getWriteSetEntryList(proxy.getStreamID()).get((int)timestamp); if (wrapper != null && wrapper.isHaveUpcallResult()){ return wrapper.getUpcallResult(); } // Otherwise, we need to sync the object return proxy.getUnderlyingObject().update(o -> { setAsOptimisticStream(o); log.trace("Upcall[{}] {} Sync'd", this, timestamp); o.syncObjectUnsafe(getSnapshotTimestamp()); SMREntry wrapper2 = getWriteSetEntryList(proxy.getStreamID()).get((int)timestamp); if (wrapper2 != null && wrapper2.isHaveUpcallResult()){ return wrapper2.getUpcallResult(); } // If we still don't have the upcall, this must be a bug. throw new RuntimeException("Tried to get upcall during a transaction but" + " we don't have it even after an optimistic sync (asked for " + timestamp + " we have 0-" + (getWriteSetEntryList(proxy.getStreamID()).size() - 1) + ")"); }); } /** Set the correct optimistic stream for this transaction (if not already). * * If the Optimistic stream doesn't reflect the current transaction context, * we create the correct WriteSetSMRStream and pick the latest context as the * current context. * @param object Underlying object under transaction * @param <T> Type of the underlying object */ <T> void setAsOptimisticStream(VersionLockedObject<T> object) { if (object.getOptimisticStreamUnsafe() == null || !object.getOptimisticStreamUnsafe() .isStreamCurrentContextThreadCurrentContext()) { // We are setting the current context to the root context of nested transactions. // Upon sync forward // the stream will replay every entries from all parent transactional context. WriteSetSMRStream newSMRStream = new WriteSetSMRStream(TransactionalContext.getTransactionStackAsList(), object.getID()); newSMRStream.currentContext = 0; object.setOptimisticStreamUnsafe(newSMRStream); } } /** Logs an update. In the case of an optimistic transaction, this update * is logged to the write set for the transaction. * * Return the "address" of the update; used for retrieving results from operations via getUpcallRestult. * * @param proxy The proxy making the request. * @param updateEntry The timestamp of the request. * @param <T> The type of the proxy. * @return The "address" that the update was written to. */ @Override public <T> long logUpdate(ICorfuSMRProxyInternal<T> proxy, SMREntry updateEntry, Object[] conflictObjects) { log.trace("LogUpdate[{},{}] {} ({}) conflictObj={}", this, proxy, updateEntry.getSMRMethod(), updateEntry.getSMRArguments(), conflictObjects); return addToWriteSet(proxy, updateEntry, conflictObjects); } /** * Commit a transaction into this transaction by merging the read/write * sets. * * @param tc The transaction to merge. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void addTransaction(AbstractTransactionalContext tc) { log.trace("Merge[{}] adding {}", this, tc); // merge the conflict maps mergeReadSetInto(tc.getReadSetInfo()); // merge the write-sets mergeWriteSetInto(tc.getWriteSetInfo()); // "commit" the optimistic writes (for each proxy we touched) // by updating the modifying context (as long as the context // is still the same). } /** Commit the transaction. If it is the last transaction in the stack, * append it to the log, otherwise merge it into a nested transaction. * * @return The address of the committed transaction. * @throws TransactionAbortedException If the transaction was aborted. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long commitTransaction() throws TransactionAbortedException { log.debug("TX[{}] request optimistic commit", this); return getConflictSetAndCommit(() -> getReadSetInfo().getReadSetConflicts()); } public long getConflictSetAndCommit(Supplier<Map<UUID, Set<Integer>>> computeConflictSet) { if (TransactionalContext.isInNestedTransaction()) { getParentContext().addTransaction(this); commitAddress = AbstractTransactionalContext.FOLDED_ADDRESS; log.trace("Commit[{}] Folded into {}", this, getParentContext()); return commitAddress; } // If the write set is empty, we're done and just return // NOWRITE_ADDRESS. if (getWriteSetInfo().getWriteSet().getEntryMap().isEmpty()) { log.trace("Commit[{}] Read-only commit (no write)", this); return NOWRITE_ADDRESS; } // Write to the transaction stream if transaction logging is enabled Set<UUID> affectedStreams = new HashSet<>(getWriteSetInfo().getWriteSet().getEntryMap().keySet()); if (this.builder.runtime.getObjectsView().isTransactionLogging()) { affectedStreams.add(TRANSACTION_STREAM_ID); } // Now we obtain a conditional address from the sequencer. // This step currently happens all at once, and we get an // address of -1L if it is rejected. long address = -1L; try { address = this.builder.runtime.getStreamsView() .append( // a set of stream-IDs that contains the affected streams affectedStreams, // a MultiObjectSMREntry that contains the update(s) to objects collectWriteSetEntries(), // TxResolution info: // 1. snapshot timestamp // 2. a map of conflict params, arranged by streamID's // 3. a map of write conflict-params, arranged by // streamID's new TxResolutionInfo(getTransactionID(), getSnapshotTimestamp(), computeConflictSet.get(), collectWriteConflictParams()) ); } catch (TransactionAbortedException ae) { log.trace("Commit[{}] Rejected by sequencer", this); abortTransaction(ae); // rethrow the TXAbortedException throw ae; } log.trace("Commit[{}] Acquire address {}", this, address); super.commitTransaction(); commitAddress = address; tryCommitAllProxies(); log.trace("Commit[{}] Written to {}", this, address); return address; } /** Try to commit the optimistic updates to each proxy. */ protected void tryCommitAllProxies() { // First, get the committed entry // in order to get the backpointers // and the underlying SMREntries. ILogData committedEntry = this.builder.getRuntime() .getAddressSpaceView().read(commitAddress); updateAllProxies(x -> { log.trace("Commit[{}] Committing {}", this, x); // Commit all the optimistic updates x.getUnderlyingObject().optimisticCommitUnsafe(); // If some other client updated this object, sync // it forward to grab those updates x.getUnderlyingObject().syncObjectUnsafe( commitAddress-1); // Also, be nice and transfer the undo // log from the optimistic updates // for this to work the write sets better // be the same List<SMREntry> committedWrites = getWriteSetEntryList(x.getStreamID()); List<SMREntry> entryWrites = ((ISMRConsumable) committedEntry .getPayload(this.getBuilder().runtime)) .getSMRUpdates(x.getStreamID()); if (committedWrites.size() == entryWrites.size()) { IntStream.range(0, committedWrites.size()) .forEach(i -> { if (committedWrites.get(i) .isUndoable()) { entryWrites.get(i) .setUndoRecord(committedWrites.get(i) .getUndoRecord()); } }); } // and move the stream pointer to "skip" this commit entry x.getUnderlyingObject().seek(commitAddress + 1); log.trace("Commit[{}] Committed {}", this, x); }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void updateAllProxies(Consumer<ICorfuSMRProxyInternal> function) { getModifiedProxies().forEach(x -> { // If we are on the same thread, this will hold true. if (x.getUnderlyingObject() .optimisticallyOwnedByThreadUnsafe()) { x.getUnderlyingObject().update(o -> { // Make sure we're still the modifying thread // even after getting the lock. if (x.getUnderlyingObject() .optimisticallyOwnedByThreadUnsafe()) { function.accept(x); } return null; }); } }); } /** Get the root context (the first context of a nested txn) * which must be an optimistic transactional context. * @return The root context. */ private OptimisticTransactionalContext getRootContext() { AbstractTransactionalContext atc = TransactionalContext.getRootContext(); if (atc != null && !(atc instanceof OptimisticTransactionalContext)) { throw new RuntimeException("Attempted to nest two different transactional context types"); } return (OptimisticTransactionalContext)atc; } /** * Get the first timestamp for this transaction. * * @return The first timestamp to be used for this transaction. */ @Override public synchronized long obtainSnapshotTimestamp() { final AbstractTransactionalContext atc = getRootContext(); if (atc != null && atc != this) { // If we're in a nested transaction, the first read timestamp // needs to come from the root. return atc.getSnapshotTimestamp(); } else { // Otherwise, fetch a read token from the sequencer the linearize // ourselves against. long currentTail = builder.runtime .getSequencerView().nextToken(Collections.emptySet(), 0).getToken().getTokenValue(); log.trace("SnapshotTimestamp[{}] {}", this, currentTail); return currentTail; } } }