package org.corfudb.samples; import; import org.corfudb.runtime.collections.FGMap; import org.corfudb.runtime.collections.ISMRMap; import org.corfudb.runtime.collections.SMRMap; /** * The Corfu Runtime includes a collection of commodity Corfu objects. * These Corfu objects are highly optimized and tested. * It is recommended that application builders try to make use of these, before developing new, * custom-made object types. * * This class demonstrates two main types: `SMRmap` and `FGmap`. * * Created by dmalkhi on 1/5/17. */ public class SimpleUseBaseCorfuCollections extends BaseCorfuAppUtils { /** * main() and standard setup methods are deferred to BaseCorfuAppUtils * @return */ static BaseCorfuAppUtils selfFactory() { return new SimpleUseBaseCorfuCollections(); } public static void main(String[] args) { selfFactory().start(args); } public void action() { ISMRMap<Integer, Integer> smrMap = (ISMRMap<Integer, Integer>) instantiateCorfuObject( new TypeToken<SMRMap<Integer, Integer>>() {}, "mysmr" ); FGMap<Integer, Integer> fgMap = (FGMap<Integer, Integer>) instantiateCorfuObject( new TypeToken<FGMap<Integer, Integer>>() {}, "myfg" ); // populate the SMR Map final int SAMPLE_SZ = 10_000; for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_SZ; i++) { smrMap.put(i, i); } // copy the SMRMap onto the FGMap fgMap.putAll(smrMap); } }