package com.aspose.pdf.examples.AsposePdfLegacy.Images; import aspose.pdf.Image; import aspose.pdf.ImageFileType; import aspose.pdf.Pdf; import aspose.pdf.Section; public class UseCCITTFaxImage { public static void main(String[] args) { // Instantiate a Pdf object by calling its empty constructor Pdf pdf1 = new Pdf(); // Create a new section in the Pdf document Section sec1 = new Section(pdf1); // Instantiate an image object Image img1 = new Image(sec1); // Set the path of image file img1.getImageInfo().setFile("resources/Bag11083_X.fax"); // Specify the image format img1.getImageInfo().setImageFileType(ImageFileType.Ccitt); // Set the image width img1.getImageInfo().setCcittImageWidth(2560); // Set the image height img1.getImageInfo().setCcittImageHeight(1779); // Set the desired scaling of the image img1.setImageScale(0.1f); } }