package com.aspose.pdf.examples.AsposePdfExamples.Pages; import com.aspose.pdf.Document; import com.aspose.pdf.Page; import com.aspose.pdf.TextFragment; public class GetPageCountOfPDF { public static void main(String[] args) { GetPageCountOfPDF(); GetPageCountWithoutSavingPDF(); } public static void GetPageCountOfPDF() { // Open a document Document pdfDocument = new Document("input.pdf"); // Get page count System.out.printf("Page Count :- " + pdfDocument.getPages().size()); } public static void GetPageCountWithoutSavingPDF() { // instantiate Document instance Document doc = new Document(); // add page to pages collection of PDF file Page page = doc.getPages().add(); // create a loop to add 300 TextFragment instances for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) // add TextFragment to paragraphs collection of first page of PDF page.getParagraphs().add(new TextFragment("Pages count test")); // process paragraphs to get page count information doc.processParagraphs(); System.out.println("Number of Pages in PDF = " + doc.getPages().size()); } }