package com.aspose.pdf.examples.AsposePdfExamples.DocumentConversion; import com.aspose.pdf.Document; import com.aspose.pdf.Page; import com.aspose.pdf.TextSegment; public class ConvertXMLFileToPDF { public static void main(String[] args) { // instantiate Document object Document doc = new Document(); // bind source XML file doc.bindXml("Source.xml"); // get reference of page object from XML Page page = (Page) doc.getObjectById("mainSection"); // get reference of first TextSegment with ID boldHtml TextSegment segment = (TextSegment) doc.getObjectById("boldHtml"); // get reference of second TextSegment with ID strongHtml segment = (TextSegment) doc.getObjectById("strongHtml"); // update TextSegement text segment.setText("TestSegment"); // save resultant PDF file"Resultant.pdf"); } }