package com.aspose.pdf.examples.AsposePdfLegacy.FontHandling; import; import; import; import aspose.pdf.Pdf; import aspose.pdf.Section; import aspose.pdf.Text; public class UseTrueTypeFonts { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { usingTrueTypeFont(); boldAndItalic(); usingUnicode(); } public static void usingTrueTypeFont() { // Instantiate Pdf instance by calling its empty constructor Pdf pdf1 = new Pdf(); // Create a new section in the Pdf object Section sec1 = pdf1.getSections().add(); // Create a text object in the section Text text1 = new Text(sec1, "Courier New font"); // Set font name of a specific text segment to courier new text1.getSegments().get_Item(0).getTextInfo().setFontName("Courier New"); } public static void boldAndItalic() { // Instantiate Pdf instance by calling its empty constructor Pdf pdf1 = new Pdf(); // Create a new section in the Pdf object Section sec1 = pdf1.getSections().add(); // Create a text object in the section Text t1 = new Text(sec1, "Courier New Bold font"); // Set font name of a specific text segment to courier new t1.getSegments().get_Item(0).getTextInfo().setFontName("Courier New"); // Set the font to bold t1.getSegments().get_Item(0).getTextInfo().isTrueTypeFontBold(true); } public static void usingUnicode() throws IOException { // Instantiate Pdf instance by calling its empty constructor Pdf pdf1 = new Pdf(); // Create a new section in the Pdf object Section sec1 = pdf1.getSections().add(); // To assign a unicode character by it's coding Text text1 = new Text(sec1, String.valueOf(((char) 0x25a0))); // Set font name of a specific text segment text1.getSegments().get_Item(0).getTextInfo().setFontName("Times New Roman"); // Set unicode to a specific text segment text1.getSegments().get_Item(0).getTextInfo().isUnicode(true); // Get paragraph where to add text sec1.getParagraphs().add(text1); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File("Unicode.pdf"));; } }