package com.aspose.pdf.examples.AsposePdfExamples.LinksAndActions; import com.aspose.pdf.Document; import com.aspose.pdf.GoToRemoteAction; import com.aspose.pdf.LinkAnnotation; import com.aspose.pdf.examples.Utils; public class CreateALinkToAnotherPDFDocument { private static final String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(CreateALinkToAnotherPDFDocument.class) + "LinksAndActions/"; public static void main(String[] args) { // Open document Document pdfDocument = new Document(); // Add page to PDF file pdfDocument.getPages().add(); // Create LinkAnnotation object and specify rectangular region LinkAnnotation link = new LinkAnnotation(pdfDocument.getPages().get_Item(1), new com.aspose.pdf.Rectangle(100, 100, 110, 110)); // Set color for Annotation object link.setColor(com.aspose.pdf.Color.fromRgb(; // Specify the target PDF file and set page number link.setAction(new GoToRemoteAction(dataDir + "SampleDataTable.pdf", 1)); // Add link annotation to first page of PDF file pdfDocument.getPages().get_Item(1).getAnnotations().add(link); //Save the document with link + "Hyerplink_to_PDF.pdf"); } }