package com.aspose.pdf.examples.AsposePdfExamples.Images; import; import; import com.aspose.pdf.Document; import com.aspose.pdf.Rectangle; import com.aspose.pdf.devices.BmpDevice; import com.aspose.pdf.devices.Resolution; public class ConvertParticularPageRegionToImage { public static void main(String[] args) { // open document Document document = new Document("Input.pdf"); // Get rectangle of particular page region Rectangle pageRect = new Rectangle(20, 671, 693, 1125); // set CropBox value as per rectangle of desired page region document.getPages().get_Item(1).setCropBox(pageRect); // save cropped document into stream ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();; // open cropped PDF document from stream and convert to image document = new Document(new ByteArrayInputStream(outStream.toByteArray())); // Create Resolution object Resolution resolution = new Resolution(300); // Create BMP device with specified attributes BmpDevice bmpDevice = new BmpDevice(resolution); // Convert a particular page and save the image to stream bmpDevice.process(document.getPages().get_Item(1), "Output.bmp"); } }