package com.aspose.pdf.examples.AsposePdfExamples.Pages; import; import com.aspose.pdf.BackgroundArtifact; import com.aspose.pdf.Document; import com.aspose.pdf.Page; public class AddImageAsPageBackground { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String myDir = "PathToDir"; // Create a new Document object Document doc = new Document(); // Add a new page to document object Page page = doc.getPages().add(); // Create BackgroundArtifact object BackgroundArtifact background = new BackgroundArtifact(); // Specify the image for backgroundartifact object background.setBackgroundImage(new FileInputStream(myDir + "logo.png")); // Add backgroundartifact to artifacts collection of page page.getArtifacts().add(background); // Save the document + "BackGround.pdf"); } }