package org.archstudio.utils.resources.swt; import org.archstudio.sysutils.SystemUtils; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import; import; import; import; import; public class FontUtils { // A dynamically created map from Display to FontData to cached Image. private static final LoadingCache<Display, LoadingCache<FontData, Font>> fontCache = CacheBuilder .newBuilder().removalListener(new RemovalListener<Display, LoadingCache<FontData, Font>>() { @Override public void onRemoval( RemovalNotification<Display, LoadingCache<FontData, Font>> notification) { notification.getValue().invalidateAll(); } }).build(new CacheLoader<Display, LoadingCache<FontData, Font>>() { @Override public LoadingCache<FontData, Font> load(final Display display) throws Exception { display.disposeExec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { fontCache.invalidate(display); } }); return CacheBuilder.newBuilder().removalListener(new RemovalListener<FontData, Font>() { @Override public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<FontData, Font> notification) { notification.getValue().dispose(); } }).build(new CacheLoader<FontData, Font>() { @Override public Font load(FontData key) throws Exception { return new Font(display, key); } }); } }); /** * Returns the font described by the parameters. * * @param display The display with which to create the font. * @param name The font name. * @param height The font height (i.e., size). * @param style The font style (e.g., {@link SWT#ITALIC}). * @return The specified font. */ public static final Font getFont(Display display, String name, int height, int style) { return fontCache.getUnchecked(display).getUnchecked(new FontData(name, height, style)); } /** * Returns the font described by the parameters. * * @param display The display with which to create the font. * @param name The font name. * @param height The font height (i.e., size). * @param style The font style (e.g., {@link SWT#ITALIC}). * @return The specified font. */ public static final Font getFont(Display display, String name, float height, int style) { return getFont(display, name, SystemUtils.floor(height), style); } }