package org.archstudio.ljm; import; import java.util.Arrays; public class LJMExample { static interface IExampleInterface { /** * Note: All parameters and return values must be serializable */ public void setValue(Object value); public Object getValue(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { /* * On the server side, create your object and then deploy it. */ LJMServer server = new LJMServer(); server.deploy("ANameForTheDeployedObject", new IExampleInterface() { Object value = null; @Override public Object getValue() { System.err.println("Someone asked for my value, which is: " + value); return value; } @Override public void setValue(Object value) { System.err.println("Someone set my value to: " + value); this.value = value; } }); /* * On the client side, get a reference to the deployed object */ IExampleInterface deployedObject = (IExampleInterface) LJMProxyFactory.createProxy("localhost", server.getPort(), "ANameForTheDeployedObject", new Class[] { IExampleInterface.class }); System.err.println("The deployed object's value is " + deployedObject.getValue()); System.err.println(); deployedObject.setValue("First Value"); System.err.println("The deployed object's value is " + deployedObject.getValue()); System.err.println(); deployedObject.setValue(512); System.err.println("The deployed object's value is " + deployedObject.getValue()); System.err.println(); deployedObject.setValue(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { "Value 1", "Value 2", "Value 3" })); System.err.println("The deployed object's value is " + deployedObject.getValue()); /* * Clean up the server */ server.destroy(); } }