package org.archstudio.bna.things.utility; import org.archstudio.bna.IBNAView; import org.archstudio.bna.IBNAWorld; import org.archstudio.bna.ICoordinate; import org.archstudio.bna.ICoordinateMapper; import org.archstudio.bna.IMutableCoordinateMapper; import org.archstudio.bna.facets.peers.IHasInnerViewPeer; import org.archstudio.bna.logics.tracking.ModelBoundsTrackingLogic; import org.archstudio.bna.things.AbstractThingPeer; import org.archstudio.bna.ui.IUIResources; import org.archstudio.bna.utils.DefaultBNAView; import org.archstudio.bna.utils.LinearCoordinateMapper; import org.archstudio.sysutils.SystemUtils; import; import; public class WorldThingPeer<T extends WorldThing> extends AbstractThingPeer<T> implements IHasInnerViewPeer<T> { private IBNAView iView = null; public WorldThingPeer(T thing, IBNAView view, ICoordinateMapper cm) { super(thing, view, cm); } @Override public void dispose() { if (iView != null) { iView.dispose(); } super.dispose(); } @Override public IBNAView getInnerView() { IBNAView iView = null; Rectangle lbb = cm.worldToLocal(t.getBoundingBox()); if (lbb.height >= 5 && lbb.width >= 5) { IBNAWorld iWorld = t.getWorld(); if (iWorld != null) { // determine the offset and scale for the inner view ModelBoundsTrackingLogic iBoundsLogic = iWorld.getThingLogicManager().addThingLogic( ModelBoundsTrackingLogic.class); ICoordinateMapper iCM = this.iView != null ? this.iView.getCoordinateMapper() : new LinearCoordinateMapper(); Rectangle iBounds = iBoundsLogic.getModelBounds(); if (iBounds.width == 0 || iBounds.height == 0) { iBounds = iCM.getWorldBounds(); } if (iCM instanceof IMutableCoordinateMapper) { IMutableCoordinateMapper iMCM = (IMutableCoordinateMapper) iCM; double xScale = (double) lbb.width / iBounds.width; double yScale = (double) lbb.height / iBounds.height; double parentScale = cm.getLocalScale(); double iScale = Math.min(parentScale, Math.min(xScale, yScale)); int dx = SystemUtils.round((lbb.width - iBounds.width * iScale) / 2); int dy = SystemUtils.round((lbb.height - iBounds.height * iScale) / 2); iMCM.setLocalScaleAndAlign(iScale, new Point(lbb.x + dx, lbb.y + dy), new Point(iBounds.x, iBounds.y)); } // check for infinite recursion Rectangle outerLBB = cm.worldToLocal(iBounds); Rectangle innerLBB = iCM.worldToLocal(iBounds); if (!outerLBB.equals(innerLBB)) { if (this.iView != null && this.iView.getBNAWorld() == iWorld) { iView = this.iView; } else { iView = new DefaultBNAView(view, iWorld, iCM); iView.setBNAUI(view.getBNAUI()); } } } } if (this.iView != iView) { if (this.iView != null) { this.iView.dispose(); this.iView = null; } this.iView = iView; } return this.iView; } @Override public boolean draw(Rectangle localBounds, IUIResources r) { Rectangle lbb = cm.worldToLocal(t.getBoundingBox()); if (!localBounds.intersects(lbb)) { return false; } IBNAView iView = getInnerView(); if (iView != null) { r.renderThings(iView, localBounds); } return true; } @Override public boolean isInThing(ICoordinate location) { Point worldPoint = location.getWorldPoint(); Rectangle wbb = t.getBoundingBox(); if (!wbb.contains(worldPoint)) { return false; } return true; } }