package org.archstudio.bna.logics.coordinating; import static; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.archstudio.bna.IBNAModel; import org.archstudio.bna.IBNAModelListener; import org.archstudio.bna.IBNAWorld; import org.archstudio.bna.IThing; import org.archstudio.bna.ThingEvent; import org.archstudio.bna.constants.StickyMode; import org.archstudio.bna.facets.IHasEndpoints; import org.archstudio.bna.facets.IHasMutableLoopOrientation; import org.archstudio.bna.facets.IHasStickyShape; import org.archstudio.bna.keys.IThingKey; import org.archstudio.bna.logics.AbstractCoordinatingThingLogic; import org.archstudio.bna.logics.coordinating.StickPointLogic.PointUpdater; import org.archstudio.bna.utils.BNAUtils; import org.archstudio.swtutils.constants.Orientation; import org.archstudio.sysutils.SystemUtils; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; @NonNullByDefault public class StickPointLogic extends AbstractCoordinatingThingLogic<PointUpdater> implements IBNAModelListener { public boolean DEBUG = false; @NonNullByDefault public static interface IHasSecondaryPoint extends IThing { public Point2D getSecondaryPoint(IBNAModel model, StickPointLogic stickLogic, IThingKey<Point2D> pointKey); } @NonNullByDefault public static interface IHasLoopablePoint extends IHasMutableLoopOrientation { public Orientation getLoopOrientation(IBNAModel model, StickPointLogic stickLogic, IThingKey<Point2D> pointKey); } @NonNullByDefault public static interface IStuckThing { public IThing getStuckThing(); public IThingKey<Point2D> getStuckPointKey(); } public class PointUpdater extends AbstractCoordinatingThingLogic.Updater implements IStuckThing { final Object pointThingID; final IThingKey<Point2D> pointKey; final StickyMode stickyMode; final Object stickyThingID; Shape stickyShape; boolean updating; public PointUpdater(IThing pointThing, IThingKey<Point2D> pointKey, StickyMode stickyMode, IHasStickyShape stickyThing) { this.pointThingID = pointThing.getID(); this.pointKey = pointKey; this.stickyMode = stickyMode; this.stickyThingID = stickyThing.getID(); this.stickyShape = stickyThing.getStickyShape(); } @Override public IThing getStuckThing() { IThing thing = model.getThing(pointThingID); if (thing == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } return thing; } @Override public IThingKey<Point2D> getStuckPointKey() { return pointKey; } @Override public void update(ThingEvent event) { if (updating) { return; } if (event != null) { if (event.getTargetThing().getID().equals(stickyThingID)) { if (!event.getTargetThing().isShapeModifyingKey(event.getPropertyName())) { return; } } else { if (!event.getTargetThing().isShapeModifyingKey(event.getPropertyName())) { return; } } } IThing pointThing = model.getThing(pointThingID); if (pointThing != null) { IHasStickyShape stickyThing = SystemUtils.castOrNull(model.getThing(stickyThingID), IHasStickyShape.class); if (stickyThing != null) { if (DEBUG) { System.err.println(" " + pointKey + " -> " + SystemUtils.simpleName(pointThing.getClass()) + "(" + pointThing.getID() + "):" + pointThing.get(pointKey) + " " + stickyMode + " " + SystemUtils.simpleName(stickyThing.getClass()) + "(" + stickyThing.getID() + "):" + stickyThing.getStickyShape()); } Point2D stuckPoint = pointThing.get(pointKey); if (stuckPoint == null) { stuckPoint = new Point2D.Double(0, 0); } // adjust the point proportionally if the 'stickyThing' has // resized/moved Shape newStickyShape = stickyThing.getStickyShape(); if (!newStickyShape.equals(stickyShape)) { Rectangle2D from = stickyShape.getBounds2D(); Rectangle2D to = newStickyShape.getBounds2D(); double x = (stuckPoint.getX() - from.getMinX()) * to.getWidth() / from.getWidth() + to.getMinX(); double y = (stuckPoint.getY() - from.getMinY()) * to.getHeight() / from.getHeight() + to.getMinY(); stuckPoint.setLocation(x, y); stickyShape = newStickyShape; } switch (stickyMode) { case CENTER: { // get center point Rectangle2D r = stickyShape.getBounds(); stuckPoint.setLocation(r.getCenterX(), r.getCenterY()); } break; case EDGE: { // calculate the closest point on the sticky shape, // given the current point as reference stuckPoint = BNAUtils.getClosestPointOnShape(stickyShape, stuckPoint.getX(), stuckPoint.getY()); } break; case EDGE_FROM_CENTER: { IHasSecondaryPoint secondaryPointThing = (IHasSecondaryPoint) pointThing; // get center point { Rectangle2D r = stickyShape.getBounds2D(); stuckPoint.setLocation(r.getCenterX(), r.getCenterY()); } // get secondary point ... Point2D secondaryPoint; // ... check for loop if (pointThing instanceof IHasLoopablePoint) { Orientation loopOrientation = ((IHasLoopablePoint) pointThing).getLoopOrientation(model, StickPointLogic.this, pointKey); if (loopOrientation != Orientation.NONE) { // determine point offsets Rectangle r = BNAUtils.toRectangle(stickyShape.getBounds()); double preferred = 30; double x, dx = Math.min(preferred, r.width / 3); double y, dy = Math.min(preferred, r.height / 3); double x1 = r.x, x2 = r.x + r.width, xm = (x1 + x2) / 2; double y1 = r.y, y2 = r.y + r.height, ym = (y1 + y2) / 2; if (pointKey.equals(IHasEndpoints.ENDPOINT_1_KEY)) { switch (loopOrientation) { case NORTHWEST: x = x1; y = y1 + dy; break; case NORTH: x = xm - dx * 2 / 3; y = y1; break; case NORTHEAST: x = x2 - dx; y = y1; break; case WEST: x = x1; y = ym + dy * 2 / 3; break; case EAST: x = x2; y = ym - dy * 2 / 3; break; case SOUTHWEST: x = x1 + dx; y = y2; break; case SOUTH: x = xm + dx * 2 / 3; y = y2; break; case SOUTHEAST: x = x2; y = y2 - dy; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(loopOrientation.toString()); } } else if (pointKey.equals(IHasEndpoints.ENDPOINT_2_KEY)) { switch (loopOrientation) { case NORTHWEST: x = x1 + dx; y = y1; break; case NORTH: x = xm + dx * 2 / 3; y = y1; break; case NORTHEAST: x = x2; y = y1 + dy; break; case WEST: x = x1; y = ym - dy * 2 / 3; break; case EAST: x = x2; y = ym + dy * 2 / 3; break; case SOUTHWEST: x = x1; y = y2 - dy; break; case SOUTH: x = xm - dx * 2 / 3; y = y2; break; case SOUTHEAST: x = x2 - dx; y = y2; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(loopOrientation.toString()); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(pointKey.toString()); } secondaryPoint = new Point2D.Double(x, y); } else { // get secondary point secondaryPoint = secondaryPointThing.getSecondaryPoint(model, StickPointLogic.this, pointKey); } ((IHasLoopablePoint) pointThing).setLoopOrientation(loopOrientation); } else { // get secondary point secondaryPoint = secondaryPointThing.getSecondaryPoint(model, StickPointLogic.this, pointKey); if (pointThing instanceof IHasLoopablePoint) { ((IHasLoopablePoint) pointThing).setLoopOrientation(Orientation.NONE); } } // calculate the closest point on the sticky shape, // given the current point as reference stuckPoint = BNAUtils.getClosestPointOnShape(stickyShape, secondaryPoint.getX(), secondaryPoint.getY(), stuckPoint.getX(), stuckPoint.getY()); } break; } // update the actual stuck point Point2D oldStuckPoint; updating = true; try { oldStuckPoint = pointThing.set(pointKey, stuckPoint); } finally { updating = false; } if (DEBUG) { if (!, oldStuckPoint)) { System.err.println(" -- " + oldStuckPoint + " -> " + stuckPoint); } } } } } } public StickPointLogic(IBNAWorld world) { super(world); } public void stick(IThing pointThing, IThingKey<Point2D> pointKey, StickyMode stickyMode, IHasStickyShape stickyThing) { checkNotNull(pointThing); checkNotNull(pointKey); checkNotNull(stickyMode); checkNotNull(stickyThing); BNAUtils.checkLock(); for (PointUpdater oldUpdater : getRegisteredUpdater(pointThing, pointKey)) { if (oldUpdater != null && oldUpdater.stickyMode == stickyMode && oldUpdater.stickyThingID.equals(stickyThing.getID())) { return; } } unregister(pointThing, pointKey); if (stickyMode != null && stickyThing != null) { PointUpdater updater = new PointUpdater(pointThing, pointKey, stickyMode, stickyThing); register(updater, pointThing, pointKey); removeWithThing(updater, pointThing, stickyThing); track(updater, pointThing, stickyThing); } else { unstick(pointThing, pointKey); } } public void unstick(IThing pointThing, IThingKey<Point2D> pointKey) { checkNotNull(pointThing); checkNotNull(pointKey); BNAUtils.checkLock(); unregister(pointThing, pointKey); } public @Nullable StickyMode getStickyMode(IThing pointThing, IThingKey<Point> pointKey) { checkNotNull(pointThing); checkNotNull(pointKey); BNAUtils.checkLock(); for (PointUpdater updater : getRegisteredUpdater(pointThing, pointKey)) { return updater.stickyMode; } return null; } public @Nullable Object getStickyThingID(IThing pointThing, IThingKey<Point2D> pointKey) { checkNotNull(pointThing); checkNotNull(pointKey); BNAUtils.checkLock(); for (PointUpdater updater : getRegisteredUpdater(pointThing, pointKey)) { return updater.stickyThingID; } return null; } public @Nullable IHasStickyShape getStickyThing(IThing pointThing, IThingKey<Point2D> pointKey) { checkNotNull(pointThing); checkNotNull(pointKey); BNAUtils.checkLock(); for (PointUpdater updater : getRegisteredUpdater(pointThing, pointKey)) { return SystemUtils.castOrNull(model.getThing(updater.stickyThingID), IHasStickyShape.class); } return null; } public Point2D getStuckPoint(IThing pointThing, IThingKey<Point2D> pointKey) { return getStuckPoint(pointThing, pointKey, pointThing.get(pointKey)); } public Point2D getStuckPoint(IThing pointThing, IThingKey<Point2D> pointKey, Point2D stuckPoint) { checkNotNull(pointThing); checkNotNull(pointKey); checkNotNull(stuckPoint); BNAUtils.checkLock(); /* * Check to see if the point is stuck to something, and if stuck to the center point of that thing, return the * center point rather than the secondary point as this will be more accurate */ for (PointUpdater updater : getRegisteredUpdater(pointThing, pointKey)) { if (updater.stickyMode.isStuckToCenterPoint()) { IHasStickyShape stickyThing = SystemUtils.castOrNull(model.getThing(updater.stickyThingID), IHasStickyShape.class); if (stickyThing != null) { // if so, get the center point of what it's stuck to return BNAUtils.getCentralPoint(stickyThing); } } } return stuckPoint; } public List<IStuckThing> getStuckThings(IHasStickyShape stickyThing) { return Lists.<IStuckThing> newArrayList(getUpdatersTrackingThing(stickyThing.getID())); } public boolean isLoopingPoint(IThing pointThing, IThingKey<Point2D> endpoint1Key, IThingKey<Point2D> endpoint2Key) { checkNotNull(pointThing); checkNotNull(endpoint1Key); checkNotNull(endpoint2Key); BNAUtils.checkLock(); Set<Object> stickyThingID = Sets.newHashSet(); for (PointUpdater updater : getRegisteredUpdater(pointThing, endpoint1Key)) { stickyThingID.add(updater.stickyThingID); } for (PointUpdater updater : getRegisteredUpdater(pointThing, endpoint2Key)) { if (stickyThingID.contains(updater.stickyThingID)) { return true; } } return false; } }