package org.archstudio.bna.utils; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.geom.Path2D; import java.awt.geom.PathIterator; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import org.archstudio.bna.IBNAModel; import org.archstudio.bna.IBNAView; import org.archstudio.bna.IBNAWorld; import org.archstudio.bna.ICoordinateMapper; import org.archstudio.bna.IThing; import org.archstudio.bna.IThingPeer; import org.archstudio.bna.facets.IHasAnchorPoint; import org.archstudio.bna.facets.IHasBoundingBox; import org.archstudio.bna.facets.IHasSelected; import org.archstudio.bna.facets.IHasStickyShape; import org.archstudio.bna.facets.IHasWorld; import org.archstudio.bna.facets.peers.IHasInnerViewPeer; import org.archstudio.swtutils.SWTWidgetUtils; import org.archstudio.swtutils.constants.Orientation; import org.archstudio.sysutils.ExpandableFloatBuffer; import org.archstudio.sysutils.ExpandableIntBuffer; import org.archstudio.sysutils.FastMap; import org.archstudio.sysutils.Finally; import org.archstudio.sysutils.SystemUtils; import org.archstudio.sysutils.UIDGenerator; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class BNAUtils { private static final ReentrantReadWriteLock LOCK = CycleDetectingLockFactory.newInstance(Policies.DISABLED) .newReentrantReadWriteLock(BNAUtils.class.getName(), true); public static final double TO_POINTS_ERROR = 0.5d; public static final double TO_POINTS_ERROR_SQ = TO_POINTS_ERROR * TO_POINTS_ERROR; public static final double REAL_EQUAL_THRESHOLD = 0.0000001d; public static final int LINE_CLICK_DISTANCE = 5; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static final <T> T castOrNull(IThing thing, Class<T> thingClass) { return thingClass.isInstance(thing) ? (T) thing : null; } private static final Finally UNLOCK = new Finally() { @Override public void close() { LOCK.writeLock().unlock(); } }; /** * Obtains the BNA lock. The intended use is as follows: * <code> * try (Finally lock = BNAUtils.lock()) { * // ... use BNA * } * </code> * @return a closeable object capable of being used in a try-with-resources statement. */ public static Finally lock() { LOCK.writeLock().lock(); return UNLOCK; } /** * Asserts that the current thread has the lock. The lock is required for <b><i>any</i></b> BNA related method call. * @see #lock() for an example of how to obtain the lock. */ public static void checkLock() { if (!LOCK.writeLock().isHeldByCurrentThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Thread does not hold current lock"); } } public static Rectangle normalizeRectangle(Rectangle rectangleResult) { if (rectangleResult.width < 0) { rectangleResult.x -= rectangleResult.width; rectangleResult.width = -rectangleResult.width; } if (rectangleResult.height < 0) { rectangleResult.y -= rectangleResult.height; rectangleResult.height = -rectangleResult.height; } return rectangleResult; } public static String generateUID(String prefix) { return UIDGenerator.generateUID(prefix); } public static boolean isWithin(Rectangle outsideRect, int x, int y) { Rectangle out = normalizeRectangle(outsideRect); int x1 = out.x; int x2 = out.x + out.width; int y1 = out.y; int y2 = out.y + out.height; return x >= x1 && x <= x2 && y >= y1 && y <= y2; } public static boolean isWithin(Rectangle outsideRect, Rectangle insideRect) { Rectangle in = normalizeRectangle(insideRect); return isWithin(outsideRect, in.x, in.y) && isWithin(outsideRect, in.x + in.width, in.y) && isWithin(outsideRect, in.x, in.y + in.height) && isWithin(outsideRect, in.x + in.width, in.y + in.height); } public static boolean realEq(double v1, double v2) { return Math.abs(v2 - v1) < REAL_EQUAL_THRESHOLD; } private static FastMap<Class<?>, Comparator<?>> likeHelpers = new FastMap<>(true); static { likeHelpers.put(Point2D.Float.class, new Comparator<Point2D>() { @Override public int compare(Point2D o1, Point2D o2) { return realEq(o1.getX(), o2.getX()) && realEq(o1.getY(), o2.getY()) ? 0 : -1; } }); likeHelpers.put(Point2D.Double.class, new Comparator<Point2D>() { @Override public int compare(Point2D o1, Point2D o2) { return realEq(o1.getX(), o2.getX()) && realEq(o1.getY(), o2.getY()) ? 0 : -1; } }); } public static final boolean like(Object o1, Object o2) { if (o1 == null || o2 == null) { if (o1 != null || o2 != null) { return false; } return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Comparator<Object> c = (Comparator<Object>) likeHelpers.get(o1.getClass()); if (c == null) { return o1.equals(o2); } return, o2) == 0; } public static final Point clone(Point p) { return new Point(p.x, p.y); } public static final Rectangle clone(Rectangle r) { return new Rectangle(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } public static Dimension clone(Dimension d) { return new Dimension(d.width, d.height); } public static final List<Point> worldToLocalPoint(final ICoordinateMapper cm, List<Point> worldPoints) { return Lists.transform(worldPoints, new Function<Point, Point>() { @Override public Point apply(Point input) { return cm.worldToLocal(new Point(input.x, input.y)); } }); } public static final List<Point2D> worldToLocalPoint2D(final ICoordinateMapper cm, List<? extends Point2D> worldPoints) { return Lists.transform(worldPoints, new Function<Point2D, Point2D>() { @Override public Point2D apply(Point2D input) { return cm.worldToLocal(input); } }); } public static Dimension worldToLocalCornerSize(ICoordinateMapper cm, Rectangle worldRectangle, int worldCornerWidth, int worldCornerHeight) { Rectangle cornerWorldRect = new Rectangle(worldRectangle.x, worldRectangle.y, Math.min(worldCornerWidth, worldRectangle.width), Math.min(worldCornerHeight, worldRectangle.height)); Rectangle localCornerWorldRect = cm.worldToLocal(cornerWorldRect); return new Dimension(localCornerWorldRect.width, localCornerWorldRect.height); } public static final List<Point> localToWorld(ICoordinateMapper cm, List<Point> localPointsResult) { for (Point p : localPointsResult) { cm.localToWorld(p); } return localPointsResult; } public static boolean wasControlPressed(MouseEvent evt) { return (evt.stateMask & SWT.CONTROL) != 0; } public static boolean wasShiftPressed(MouseEvent evt) { return (evt.stateMask & SWT.SHIFT) != 0; } public static boolean wasClick(MouseEvent downEvt, MouseEvent upEvt) { if (downEvt.button == upEvt.button) { int dx = upEvt.x - downEvt.x; int dy = upEvt.y - downEvt.y; if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) { return true; } } return false; } public static void setRectangle(Rectangle r, int x, int y, int width, int height) { r.x = x; r.y = y; r.width = width; r.height = height; } public static Rectangle createAlignedRectangle(Point p, int width, int height, Orientation o) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); alignRectangle(r, p, width, height, o); return r; } public static void alignRectangle(Rectangle r, Point p, int width, int height, Orientation o) { switch (o) { case NONE: setRectangle(r, p.x - width / 2, p.y - height / 2, width, height); break; case NORTHWEST: setRectangle(r, p.x - width, p.y - height, width, height); break; case NORTH: setRectangle(r, p.x - width / 2, p.y - height, width, height); break; case NORTHEAST: setRectangle(r, p.x, p.y - height, width, height); break; case EAST: setRectangle(r, p.x, p.y - height / 2, width, height); break; case SOUTHEAST: setRectangle(r, p.x, p.y, width, height); break; case SOUTH: setRectangle(r, p.x - width / 2, p.y, width, height); break; case SOUTHWEST: setRectangle(r, p.x - width, p.y, width, height); break; case WEST: setRectangle(r, p.x - width, p.y - height / 2, width, height); break; } } private static float[] deg2rad = null; public static float degreesToRadians(int degrees) { while (degrees < 0) { degrees += 360; } degrees = degrees % 360; if (deg2rad == null) { deg2rad = new float[360]; for (int i = 0; i < 360; i++) { deg2rad[i] = i * (float) Math.PI / 180f; } } return deg2rad[degrees]; } public static Point[] toPointArray(int[] points) { Point[] pa = new Point[points.length / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i += 2) { pa[i / 2] = new Point(points[i], points[i + 1]); } return pa; } public static int[] createIsocolesTriangle(Rectangle sbb, Orientation facing) { int ft = 6; int fb = 16; int x1 = sbb.x; int y1 = sbb.y; int xm = sbb.x + sbb.width / 2; int ym = sbb.y + sbb.height / 2; int xq = x1 + sbb.width * ft / fb; int yq = y1 + sbb.height * ft / fb; int xqg = x1 + sbb.width - sbb.width * ft / fb; int yqg = y1 + sbb.height - sbb.height * ft / fb; int x2 = x1 + sbb.width; int y2 = y1 + sbb.height; int px1, px2, px3; int py1, py2, py3; switch (facing) { case NORTHWEST: px1 = xq; py1 = y2; px2 = x1; py2 = y1; px3 = x2; py3 = yq; break; case NORTH: px1 = x1; py1 = y2; px2 = xm; py2 = y1; px3 = x2; py3 = y2; break; case NORTHEAST: px1 = x1; py1 = yq; px2 = x2; py2 = y1; px3 = xqg; py3 = y2; break; case EAST: px1 = x1; py1 = y1; px2 = x2; py2 = ym; px3 = x1; py3 = y2; break; case SOUTHEAST: px1 = xqg; py1 = y1; px2 = x2; py2 = y2; px3 = x1; py3 = yqg; break; case SOUTH: px1 = x1; py1 = y1; px2 = xm; py2 = y2; px3 = x2; py3 = y1; break; case SOUTHWEST: px1 = xq; py1 = y1; px2 = x1; py2 = y2; px3 = x2; py3 = yqg; break; case WEST: px1 = x2; py1 = y1; px2 = x1; py2 = ym; px3 = x2; py3 = y2; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid facing"); } return new int[] { px1, py1, px2, py2, px3, py3 }; } public static Rectangle insetRectangle(Rectangle r, Rectangle insets) { Rectangle i = new Rectangle(r.x + insets.x, r.y + insets.y, r.width + insets.width, r.height + insets.height); if (i.width < 0) { return null; } if (i.height < 0) { return null; } if (!r.contains(i.x, i.y)) { return null; } return i; } public static boolean isEdgePoint(Point p, Rectangle r) { int x2 = r.x + r.width; int y2 = r.y + r.height; if (p.x == r.x && p.y >= r.y && p.y <= y2) { // It's on the left rail return true; } if (p.x == x2 && p.y >= r.y && p.y <= y2) { // It's on the right rail return true; } if (p.y == r.y && p.x >= r.x && p.x <= x2) { // it's on the top rail return true; } if (p.y == y2 && p.x >= r.x && p.x <= x2) { // it's on the bottom rail return true; } return false; } public static Orientation getOrientationOfEdgePoint(Point p, Rectangle r) { int x2 = r.x + r.width; int y2 = r.y + r.height; if (p.x == r.x && p.y == r.y) { return Orientation.NORTHWEST; } else if (p.x == r.x && p.y == y2) { return Orientation.SOUTHWEST; } else if (p.x == x2 && p.y == r.y) { return Orientation.NORTHEAST; } else if (p.x == x2 && p.y == y2) { return Orientation.SOUTHEAST; } else if (p.x == r.x && p.y >= r.y && p.y <= y2) { return Orientation.WEST; } if (p.x == x2 && p.y >= r.y && p.y <= y2) { return Orientation.EAST; } if (p.y == r.y && p.x >= r.x && p.x <= x2) { return Orientation.NORTH; } if (p.y == y2 && p.x >= r.x && p.x <= x2) { return Orientation.SOUTH; } // it's not on a rail return Orientation.NONE; } public static Point findClosestEdgePoint(Point p, Rectangle r) { Point np = new Point(p.x, p.y); boolean midx = false; boolean midy = false; if (p.x < r.x) { // It's to the left of the rectangle np.x = r.x; } else if (p.x < r.x + r.width) { // It's in the middle of the rectangle midx = true; } else { // It's beyond the right of the rectangle np.x = r.x + r.width; } if (p.y < r.y) { np.y = r.y; } else if (p.y < r.y + r.height) { midy = true; } else { np.y = r.y + r.height; } if (midx && midy) { // It was within the rectangle int dl = Math.abs(p.x - r.x); int dr = Math.abs(p.x - (r.x + r.width)); int dt = Math.abs(p.y - r.y); int db = Math.abs(p.y - (r.y + r.height)); if (dt <= db && dt <= dl && dt <= dr) { // it's closest to the top rail. np.y = r.y; return np; } else if (db <= dt && db <= dl && db <= dr) { // it's closest to the bottom rail np.y = r.y + r.height; return np; } else if (dl <= dt && dl <= db && dl <= dr) { // it's closest to the left rail np.x = r.x; return np; } else { np.x = r.x + r.width; return np; } } return np; } public static Point scaleAndMoveBorderPoint(Point p, Rectangle oldRect, Rectangle newRect) { if (oldRect == null || newRect == null) { return new Point(p.x, p.y); } //int ox1 = oldRect.x; //int ox2 = oldRect.x + oldRect.width; //int oy1 = oldRect.y; //int oy2 = oldRect.y + oldRect.height; int ow = oldRect.width; int oh = oldRect.height; //int nx1 = newRect.x; //int nx2 = newRect.x + newRect.width; //int ny1 = newRect.y; //int ny2 = newRect.y + newRect.height; int nw = newRect.width; int nh = newRect.height; int dw = nw - ow; int dh = nh - oh; double sx = (double) nw / (double) ow; double sy = (double) nh / (double) oh; //int dx = nx1 - ox1; //int dy = ny1 - oy1; Point p2 = new Point(p.x, p.y); if (p.y == oldRect.y) { // It's on the top rail // Keep it on the top rail p2.y = newRect.y; // Old distance from the left rail int dist = p.x - oldRect.x; if (dw != 0) { // Scale that distance dist = SystemUtils.round(dist * sx); } // Also perform translation p2.x = newRect.x + dist; } else if (p.y == oldRect.y + oldRect.height // - 1 || p.y == oldRect.y + oldRect.height) { // It's on the bottom rail // Keep it on the bottom rail p2.y = newRect.y + newRect.height/* - 1 */; // Old distance from the left rail int dist = p.x - oldRect.x; if (dw != 0) { // Scale that distance dist = SystemUtils.round(dist * sx); } // Also perform translation p2.x = newRect.x + dist; } else if (p.x == oldRect.x) { // It's on the left rail // Keep it on the left rail p2.x = newRect.x; // Old distance from the top rail int dist = p.y - oldRect.y; if (dh != 0) { // Scale that distance dist = SystemUtils.round(dist * sy); } // Also perform translation p2.y = newRect.y + dist; } else if (p.x == oldRect.x + oldRect.width // - 1 || p.x == oldRect.x + oldRect.width) { // It's on the right rail // Keep it on the right rail p2.x = newRect.x + newRect.width/* - 1 */; // Old distance from the top rail int dist = p.y - oldRect.y; if (dh != 0) { // Scale that distance dist = SystemUtils.round(dist * sy); } // Also perform translation p2.y = newRect.y + dist; } // Normalize if (p2.x < newRect.x) { p2.x = newRect.x; } if (p2.x >= newRect.x + newRect.width) { p2.x = newRect.x + newRect.width/* - 1 */; } if (p2.y < newRect.y) { p2.y = newRect.y; } if (p2.y >= newRect.y + newRect.height) { p2.y = newRect.y + newRect.height/* - 1 */; } return p2; } public static RGB getRGBForSystemColor(Device d, int systemColorID) { Color c = d.getSystemColor(systemColorID); if (c == null) { return null; } return c.getRGB(); } public static boolean isPointOnRectangle(Point p, Rectangle r) { return isPointOnRectangle(p.x, p.y, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } public static boolean isPointOnRectangle(int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh) { if (x == rx || x == rx + rw) { if (y >= ry && y <= ry + rh) { return true; } } if (y == ry || y == ry + rh) { if (x >= rx && x <= rx + rw) { return true; } } return false; } public static class PointToRectangleDistanceData { public Orientation closestSide; public double dist; } public static PointToRectangleDistanceData getPointToRectangleDistance(Point p, Rectangle r) { double closestDist = Double.MAX_VALUE; Orientation closestSide = Orientation.NONE; double dist; // Check north distance dist = Line2D.ptSegDist(r.x, r.y, r.x + r.width, r.y, p.x, p.y); if (dist < closestDist) { closestDist = dist; closestSide = Orientation.NORTH; } dist = Line2D.ptSegDist(r.x, r.y, r.x, r.y + r.height, p.x, p.y); if (dist < closestDist) { closestDist = dist; closestSide = Orientation.WEST; } dist = Line2D.ptSegDist(r.x + r.width, r.y, r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height, p.x, p.y); if (dist < closestDist) { closestDist = dist; closestSide = Orientation.EAST; } dist = Line2D.ptSegDist(r.x, r.y + r.height, r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height, p.x, p.y); if (dist < closestDist) { closestDist = dist; closestSide = Orientation.SOUTH; } PointToRectangleDistanceData dd = new PointToRectangleDistanceData(); dd.closestSide = closestSide; dd.dist = closestDist; return dd; } // public static Rectangle clone(Rectangle r) { // return r == null ? null : new Rectangle(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); // } // // public static final Point clone(Point p) { // return p == null ? null : new Point(p.x, p.y); // } // // public static final Point[] clone(Point[] points) { // if (points == null) { // return null; // } // Point[] newPoints = new Point[points.length]; // for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { // newPoints[i] = clone(points[i]); // } // return newPoints; // } /** * @deprecated Use {@link SWTWidgetUtils#async(Widget,Runnable)} instead */ @Deprecated public static void asyncExec(final Widget w, final Runnable r) { SWTWidgetUtils.async(w, r); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link SWTWidgetUtils#async(Display,Runnable)} instead */ @Deprecated public static void asyncExec(final Display d, final Runnable r) { SWTWidgetUtils.async(d, r); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link SWTWidgetUtils#sync(Widget,Runnable)} instead */ @Deprecated public static void syncExec(final Widget w, final Runnable r) { SWTWidgetUtils.sync(w, r); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link SWTWidgetUtils#sync(Display,Runnable)} instead */ @Deprecated public static void syncExec(final Display d, final Runnable r) { SWTWidgetUtils.sync(d, r); } // public static Widget getParentsComposite(IBNAView view) { // if (view == null) { // return null; // } // Composite c = view.getParentComposite(); // if (c != null) { // return c; // } // return getParentComposite(view.getParentView()); // } public static @Nullable Point2D getCentralPoint(IThing t) { if (t instanceof IHasBoundingBox) { Rectangle r = ((IHasBoundingBox) t).getBoundingBox(); return new Point2D.Double(r.x + r.width / 2, r.y + r.height / 2); } if (t instanceof IHasAnchorPoint) { return ((IHasAnchorPoint) t).getAnchorPoint(); } if (t instanceof IHasStickyShape) { java.awt.Rectangle r = ((IHasStickyShape) t).getStickyShape().getBounds(); return new Point2D.Double(r.getCenterX(), r.getCenterY()); } return null; } private static final Predicate<IThing> isSelectedPredicate = new Predicate<IThing>() { @Override public boolean apply(IThing t) { if (t instanceof IHasSelected) { return ((IHasSelected) t).isSelected(); } return false; }; }; public static final Collection<IThing> getSelectedThings(IBNAModel m) { return Collections2.filter(m.getAllThings(), isSelectedPredicate); } public static final int sizeOfSelectedThings(IBNAModel m) { return Iterables.size(getSelectedThings(m)); } public static boolean infinitelyRecurses(IBNAView view) { IBNAWorld world = view.getBNAWorld(); if (world == null) { return false; } IBNAView view2 = view.getParentView(); while (view2 != null) { if (world.equals(view2.getBNAWorld())) { return true; } view2 = view2.getParentView(); } return false; } public static final Dimension getSize(Rectangle r) { return new Dimension(r.width, r.height); } public static double getDistance(Point p1, Point p2) { if (p1 != null && p2 != null) { double dx = p2.x - p1.x; double dy = p2.y - p1.y; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } public static double getDistance(Point2D p1, Point2D p2) { if (p1 != null && p2 != null) { return p1.distance(p2); } return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } public static Point2D getClosestPointOnShape(Shape shape, double nearX, double nearY, double refX, double refY) { // search for the point closest to (nearX,nearY) that intersects the referenceLine Line2D referenceLine = new Line2D.Double(refX, refY, nearX, nearY); double[] coords = new double[6]; double closestDistanceSq = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; Point2D closestIntersection = new Point2D.Double(refX, refY); { Point2D closePoint = new Point2D.Double(); Point2D lastPoint = new Point2D.Double(); Line2D lineSegment = new Line2D.Double(); for (PathIterator i = shape.getPathIterator(new AffineTransform(), 0.5f); !i.isDone(); { switch (i.currentSegment(coords)) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: closePoint.setLocation(coords[0], coords[1]); lastPoint.setLocation(coords[0], coords[1]); continue; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: lineSegment.setLine(closePoint.getX(), closePoint.getY(), coords[0], coords[1]); lastPoint.setLocation(coords[0], coords[1]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: lineSegment.setLine(lastPoint.getX(), lastPoint.getY(), coords[0], coords[1]); lastPoint.setLocation(coords[0], coords[1]); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } Point2D intersection = getLineIntersection(lineSegment, referenceLine); if (lineSegment.ptSegDistSq(intersection) < REAL_EQUAL_THRESHOLD) { double distanceSq = intersection.distanceSq(nearX, nearY); if (distanceSq < closestDistanceSq) { closestDistanceSq = distanceSq; closestIntersection = intersection; } } } } return closestIntersection; } private static Point2D.Double getLineIntersection(Line2D l, Line2D r) { // see: double x1 = l.getX1(); double y1 = l.getY1(); double x2 = l.getX2(); double y2 = l.getY2(); double x3 = r.getX1(); double y3 = r.getY1(); double x4 = r.getX2(); double y4 = r.getY2(); double x1y2 = x1 * y2; double y1x2 = y1 * x2; double x3y4 = x3 * y4; double y3x4 = y3 * x4; double xNumerator = (x1y2 - y1x2) * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * (x3y4 - y3x4); double yNumerator = (x1y2 - y1x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3y4 - y3x4); double denominator = (x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4); return new Point2D.Double(xNumerator / denominator, yNumerator / denominator); } private static Point2D getClosestPointOnLineSegment(Line2D l, double x3, double y3) { // see: double x1 = l.getX1(); double y1 = l.getY1(); double x2 = l.getX2(); double y2 = l.getY2(); double u = ((x3 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y3 - y1) * (y2 - y1)) / l.getP2().distanceSq(l.getP1()); double x = x1 + u * (x2 - x1); double y = y1 + u * (y2 - y1); Point2D p1 = l.getP1(); Point2D p2 = l.getP2(); // determine if the calculated intersection is between the segment points if (l.ptSegDistSq(x, y) < REAL_EQUAL_THRESHOLD) { return new Point2D.Double(x, y); } // its not, so use the closest end point double dp1 = p1.distanceSq(x3, y3); double dp2 = p2.distanceSq(x3, y3); Point2D p = dp1 < dp2 ? p1 : p2; return p; } public static Point2D getClosestPointOnShape(Shape shape, double nearX, double nearY) { // search for the closest line segment double[] pathCoords = new double[6]; double closestDistanceSq = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; Line2D closestLineSeg = new Line2D.Double(); Point2D lastPoint = new Point2D.Double(0, 0); for (PathIterator i = shape.getPathIterator(new AffineTransform(), 0.5f); !i.isDone(); { Line2D lineSegment = new Line2D.Double(); switch (i.currentSegment(pathCoords)) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: lastPoint.setLocation(pathCoords[0], pathCoords[1]); continue; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: continue; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: lineSegment.setLine(lastPoint.getX(), lastPoint.getY(), pathCoords[0], pathCoords[1]); lastPoint.setLocation(pathCoords[0], pathCoords[1]); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } double distanceSq = lineSegment.ptSegDistSq(nearX, nearY); if (distanceSq < closestDistanceSq) { closestDistanceSq = distanceSq; closestLineSeg.setLine(lineSegment); } } return getClosestPointOnLineSegment(closestLineSeg, nearX, nearY); } public static final IBNAView getInternalView(IBNAView outerView, IThing worldThing) { if (worldThing instanceof IHasWorld) { IThingPeer<?> worldThingPeer = outerView.getThingPeer(worldThing); if (worldThingPeer instanceof IHasInnerViewPeer) { return ((IHasInnerViewPeer<?>) worldThingPeer).getInnerView(); } } return null; } public static final IBNAView getInternalView(IBNAView outerView, Object worldThingID) { return getInternalView(outerView, outerView.getBNAWorld().getBNAModel().getThing(worldThingID)); } public static final void expandRectangle(Rectangle r, Point toIncludePoint) { if (toIncludePoint.x < r.x) { r.width += r.x - toIncludePoint.x; r.x = toIncludePoint.x; } else if (toIncludePoint.x > r.x + r.width) { r.width = toIncludePoint.x - r.x; } if (toIncludePoint.y < r.y) { r.height += r.y - toIncludePoint.y; r.y = toIncludePoint.y; } else if (toIncludePoint.y > r.y + r.height) { r.height = toIncludePoint.y - r.y; } } public static int[] toXYIntArrayFromPoint2D(List<Point2D> points) { int[] xyArray = new int[2 * points.size()]; for (int i = 0, length = points.size(), xy = 0; i < length; i++) { Point2D p = points.get(i); xyArray[xy++] = SystemUtils.round(p.getX()); xyArray[xy++] = SystemUtils.round(p.getY()); } return xyArray; } public static int[] toXYIntArrayFromPoint(List<Point> points) { int[] xyArray = new int[2 * points.size()]; for (int i = 0, length = points.size(), xy = 0; i < length; i++) { Point p = points.get(i); xyArray[xy++] = p.x; xyArray[xy++] = p.y; } return xyArray; } public static int[] toXYIntArrayFromPoint(ICoordinateMapper cm, List<Point> points, Point anchorPoint) { int[] xyArray = new int[2 * points.size()]; for (int i = 0, length = points.size(), xy = 0; i < length; i++) { Point p = points.get(i); p.x += anchorPoint.x; p.y += anchorPoint.y; p = cm.worldToLocal(p); xyArray[xy++] = p.x; xyArray[xy++] = p.y; } return xyArray; } private static final Function<IThing, Object> thingToIDFunction = new Function<IThing, Object>() { @Override public Object apply(IThing input) { return input.getID(); } }; public static final List<Object> getThingIDs(Iterable<? extends IThing> things) { return Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.transform(things, thingToIDFunction)); } public static final void union(Rectangle result, Rectangle other) { if (result.isEmpty()) { result.x = other.x; result.y = other.y; result.width = other.width; result.height = other.height; } else if (!other.isEmpty()) { result.union(other); } } public static RGB adjustBrightness(RGB rgb, float factor) { float r = * factor; float g = * factor; float b = * factor; return new RGB(// SystemUtils.bound(0, SystemUtils.round(r), 255),// SystemUtils.bound(0, SystemUtils.round(g), 255),// SystemUtils.bound(0, SystemUtils.round(b), 255)); } public static final Rectangle toRectangle(java.awt.Rectangle bounds) { return new Rectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height); } public static final Rectangle toRectangle(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D bounds) { int x1 = SystemUtils.floor(bounds.getMinX()); int y1 = SystemUtils.floor(bounds.getMinY()); int x2 = SystemUtils.ceil(bounds.getMaxX()); int y2 = SystemUtils.ceil(bounds.getMaxY()); return new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1); } public static final Rectangle2D toRectangle2D(Rectangle bounds) { return new Rectangle2D.Double(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height); } public static Point toPoint(double x, double y) { return new Point(SystemUtils.round(x), SystemUtils.round(y)); } public static Point toPoint(java.awt.Point point) { return new Point(point.x, point.y); } public static Point toPoint(Point2D p) { return new Point(SystemUtils.round(p.getX()), SystemUtils.round(p.getY())); } public static final Point2D toPoint2D(Point p) { return new Point2D.Float(p.x, p.y); } public static Dimension toDimension(Point p) { return new Dimension(p.x, p.y); } public static Dimension toDimension(Rectangle2D r) { return new Dimension(SystemUtils.round(r.getWidth()), SystemUtils.round(r.getHeight())); } public static Dimension toDimension(Rectangle lbb) { return new Dimension(lbb.width, lbb.height); } public static void toXYFloatBuffer(Shape localShape, ExpandableFloatBuffer xyFloatBuffer) { float firstX = 0, firstY = 0; float lastX = 0, lastY = 0; PathIterator p = localShape.getPathIterator(null, TO_POINTS_ERROR); double[] coords = new double[6]; while (!p.isDone()) { switch (p.currentSegment(coords)) { case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: if (Math.abs(firstX - lastX) > TO_POINTS_ERROR || Math.abs(firstY - lastY) > TO_POINTS_ERROR) { xyFloatBuffer.put(lastX = firstX); xyFloatBuffer.put(lastY = firstY); } break; case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: xyFloatBuffer.put(firstX = lastX = (float) coords[0]); xyFloatBuffer.put(firstY = lastY = (float) coords[1]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: float nextX = (float) coords[0]; float nextY = (float) coords[1]; if (Math.abs(nextX - lastX) > TO_POINTS_ERROR || Math.abs(nextY - lastY) > TO_POINTS_ERROR) { xyFloatBuffer.put(lastX = nextX); xyFloatBuffer.put(lastY = nextY); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); }; } } public static void toXYIntBuffer(Shape localShape, ExpandableIntBuffer xyIntBuffer) { int firstX = 0, firstY = 0; int lastX = 0, lastY = 0; PathIterator p = localShape.getPathIterator(null, TO_POINTS_ERROR); double[] coords = new double[6]; while (!p.isDone()) { switch (p.currentSegment(coords)) { case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: if (Math.abs(firstX - lastX) > TO_POINTS_ERROR || Math.abs(firstY - lastY) > TO_POINTS_ERROR) { xyIntBuffer.put(lastX = firstX); xyIntBuffer.put(lastY = firstY); } break; case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: xyIntBuffer.put(firstX = lastX = SystemUtils.round(coords[0])); xyIntBuffer.put(firstY = lastY = SystemUtils.round(coords[1])); break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: int nextX = SystemUtils.round(coords[0]); int nextY = SystemUtils.round(coords[1]); if (Math.abs(nextX - lastX) > TO_POINTS_ERROR || Math.abs(nextY - lastY) > TO_POINTS_ERROR) { xyIntBuffer.put(lastX = nextX); xyIntBuffer.put(lastY = nextY); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); }; } } public static final Path toPath(Path path, Shape localShape) { PathIterator p = localShape.getPathIterator(null); double[] coords = new double[6]; while (!p.isDone()) { switch (p.currentSegment(coords)) { case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: path.close(); break; case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: path.moveTo((float) coords[0], (float) coords[1]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: path.lineTo((float) coords[0], (float) coords[1]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: path.quadTo((float) coords[0], (float) coords[1], (float) coords[2], (float) coords[3]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: path.cubicTo((float) coords[0], (float) coords[1], (float) coords[2], (float) coords[3], (float) coords[4], (float) coords[5]); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); }; } return path; } public static Path2D worldToLocal(ICoordinateMapper cm, Shape shape) { Path2D p = new Path2D.Double(); PathIterator i = shape.getPathIterator(null); double[] coords = new double[6]; Point2D.Double d = new Point2D.Double(); Point2D d2; while (!i.isDone()) { switch (i.currentSegment(coords)) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: d.x = coords[0]; d.y = coords[1]; d2 = cm.worldToLocal(d); p.moveTo(d2.getX(), d2.getY()); break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: d.x = coords[0]; d.y = coords[1]; d2 = cm.worldToLocal(d); p.lineTo(d2.getX(), d2.getY()); break; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: for (int j = 0; j < 4; j += 2) { d.x = coords[j]; d.y = coords[j + 1]; d2 = cm.worldToLocal(d); coords[j] = d2.getX(); coords[j + 1] = d2.getY(); } p.quadTo(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: for (int j = 0; j < 6; j += 2) { d.x = coords[j]; d.y = coords[j + 1]; d2 = cm.worldToLocal(d); coords[j] = d2.getX(); coords[j + 1] = d2.getY(); } p.curveTo(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4], coords[5]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: p.closePath(); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); }; } return p; } }