package org.archstudio.graphlayout.core.graphviz; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.archstudio.graphlayout.GraphLayoutConstants; import org.archstudio.graphlayout.GraphLayoutException; import org.archstudio.sysutils.NativeProcess; import org.archstudio.sysutils.SystemUtils; import org.archstudio.xarchadt.IXArchADT; import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore; public class DotLayoutEngine extends AbstractGraphvizLayoutEngine { public static final String LAYOUT_ENGINE_ID = "dot"; public static final String LAYOUT_ENGINE_DESCRIPTION = "GraphViz DOT Engine"; @Override public String getID() { return LAYOUT_ENGINE_ID; } @Override public String getDescription() { return LAYOUT_ENGINE_DESCRIPTION; } @Override protected String runLayoutTool(IXArchADT xarch, IPreferenceStore prefs, String toolInput) throws GraphLayoutException { SystemUtils.OperatingSystem os = SystemUtils.guessOperatingSystem(); String toolFilename = "dot"; if (os.equals(SystemUtils.OperatingSystem.OS_WINDOWS)) { toolFilename = toolFilename + ".exe"; } String graphvizPath = prefs.getString(GraphLayoutConstants.PREF_GRAPHVIZ_PATH); if (graphvizPath == null) { throw new GraphLayoutException("Don't have path for GraphViz dot. Check Graph Layout Preferences."); } String dotPath = graphvizPath; if (!dotPath.endsWith(File.separator)) { dotPath += File.separator; } if (!dotPath.endsWith("bin" + File.separator)) { dotPath += "bin" + File.separator; } dotPath += toolFilename; File dotExecutable = new File(dotPath); if (!dotExecutable.exists()) { throw new GraphLayoutException("Can't find GraphViz dot. Check Graph Layout Preferences."); } if (!dotExecutable.canRead()) { throw new GraphLayoutException("No read permission on GraphViz dot."); } //We have to flip Y so we don't get a mathematical (i.e. 0,0 at the lower-left corner) //coordinate system. List<String> commandLineEltList = new ArrayList<String>(); commandLineEltList.add(dotPath); commandLineEltList.add("-Tplain-ext"); commandLineEltList.add("-y"); try { String[] commandline = commandLineEltList.toArray(new String[0]); Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandline); NativeProcess np = new NativeProcess(p, toolInput); np.start(); np.waitForCompletion(); String outputData = np.getStdout().trim(); return outputData; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new GraphLayoutException("I/O Error Running Graphviz dot", ioe); } } }