package org.archstudio.schematron.core; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.archstudio.archlight.ArchlightElementIdentifier; import org.archstudio.archlight.ArchlightIssue; import org.archstudio.archlight.ArchlightTestResult; import org.archstudio.xarchadt.IXArchADT; import org.archstudio.xarchadt.ObjRef; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.Text; public class SchematronTestResultParser { public static final String CONTENT_ELEMENT_DELIMITER_REGEX = "\\|\\*\\|"; //Returns an array of objects. Each Object is either a TronTestResult //or a SchematronTestException in case the test result parsing failed. public static List<? extends Object> parseTestResults(IXArchADT xarch, ObjRef documentRef, String toolID, Document schematronProcessingResults) { List<Object> testResultList = new ArrayList<Object>(); List<TestResultSnippet> resultSnippets = null; try { resultSnippets = parseTestResultSnippets(schematronProcessingResults); for (TestResultSnippet resultSnippet : resultSnippets) { try { ArchlightTestResult testResult = parseResultSnippet(xarch, documentRef, toolID, resultSnippet); testResultList.add(testResult); } catch (SchematronTestException ste) { testResultList.add(ste); } } } catch (SchematronTestException ste) { testResultList.add(ste); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(testResultList); } private static ArchlightTestResult parseResultSnippet(IXArchADT xarch, ObjRef documentRef, String toolID, TestResultSnippet snippet) throws SchematronTestException { String testUID = snippet.activePatternElement.getAttribute("id"); if (testUID == null) { String desc = "Test result had no UID"; String name = snippet.activePatternElement.getAttribute("name"); if (name != null) { desc += ": " + name; } throw new SchematronTestException(desc); } List<ArchlightIssue> archlightIssues = new ArrayList<ArchlightIssue>(snippet.failedAssertElements.length); for (Element failedAssertElt : snippet.failedAssertElements) { Element contentElt = (Element) failedAssertElt.getFirstChild(); String content = getElementContents(contentElt); if (content == null || content.equals("")) { SchematronTestException ste = new SchematronTestException("Failed assert had no content."); ste.setTestUID(testUID); throw ste; } ContentProperties contentProperties = ContentProperties.create(content); //We have the testUID //We have the documentRef //We have the toolID, int severity = ArchlightIssue.SEVERITY_ERROR; String severityString = contentProperties.getSeverity(); if (severityString != null) { if (severityString.toLowerCase().equals("warning")) { severity = ArchlightIssue.SEVERITY_WARNING; } else if (severityString.toLowerCase().equals("info")) { severity = ArchlightIssue.SEVERITY_INFO; } } //We have the severity. String headline = contentProperties.getText(); if (headline == null) { SchematronTestException ste = new SchematronTestException("Failed assert had no text."); ste.setTestUID(testUID); throw ste; } //We have the headline. String detailedDescription = contentProperties.getDetail(); //if(detailedDescription == null){ // detailedDescription = "[No additional detail.]"; //} //We have the detail String iconHref = contentProperties.getIconHref(); //We have the icon href List<ArchlightElementIdentifier> elementIdentifiers = contentProperties.getElementIdentifiers(); //We have the element identifiers. if (elementIdentifiers.isEmpty()) { //Can't find it. Try resolving the XPath? } /* * else{ String id = elementIdentifiers[0].getElementID(); ObjRef ref = xarch.getByID(documentRef, id); * System.out.println(ref); System.out.println(xarch.getXArchPath(ref)); } */ archlightIssues.add(new ArchlightIssue(testUID, documentRef, toolID, severity, headline, detailedDescription, iconHref, elementIdentifiers)); } return new ArchlightTestResult(documentRef, testUID, archlightIssues); } private static String getElementContents(Element elt) { elt.normalize(); NodeList childNodes = elt.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { if (childNodes.item(i) instanceof Text) { return ((Text) childNodes.item(i)).getNodeValue(); } } return ""; } //The test results file is organized weirdly. It looks like: //<ns...> //<ns...> ... //<active-pattern ... /> //<failed-assert ... /> //<failed-assert ... /> //<active-pattern ... /> //<failed-assert ... /> //... //So all the failed assertions are at the top level but split //up by active-patterns. There will always be an active-pattern //heading even if there are no failed-asserts private static List<TestResultSnippet> parseTestResultSnippets(Document schematronProcessingResults) throws SchematronTestException { List<TestResultSnippet> testResultSnippetList = new ArrayList<TestResultSnippet>(); Element rootElement = schematronProcessingResults.getDocumentElement(); NodeList topLevelElements = rootElement.getChildNodes(); Element activePatternElement = null; List<Element> failedAssertElementList = new ArrayList<Element>(); for (int i = 0; i < topLevelElements.getLength(); i++) { Node childNode = topLevelElements.item(i); if (childNode instanceof Element) { Element childElt = (Element) childNode; String tagName = childElt.getLocalName(); if (tagName.equals("active-pattern")) { if (activePatternElement != null) { //Save the old snippet TestResultSnippet snippet = new TestResultSnippet(); snippet.activePatternElement = activePatternElement; snippet.failedAssertElements = failedAssertElementList.toArray(new Element[0]); testResultSnippetList.add(snippet); } activePatternElement = childElt; failedAssertElementList.clear(); } if (tagName.equals("failed-assert")) { failedAssertElementList.add(childElt); } } } if (activePatternElement != null) { //Save the old snippet TestResultSnippet snippet = new TestResultSnippet(); snippet.activePatternElement = activePatternElement; snippet.failedAssertElements = failedAssertElementList.toArray(new Element[0]); testResultSnippetList.add(snippet); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(testResultSnippetList); } private static class TestResultSnippet { public Element activePatternElement; public Element[] failedAssertElements; } private static class ContentProperties { private final Properties properties; public ContentProperties(Properties properties) { = properties; } public String getSeverity() { return properties.getProperty("severity"); } public String getIconHref() { return properties.getProperty("iconHref"); } public String getDetail() { return properties.getProperty("detail"); } public String getText() { return properties.getProperty("text"); } public List<ArchlightElementIdentifier> getElementIdentifiers() { List<ArchlightElementIdentifier> elementIdentifierList = new ArrayList<ArchlightElementIdentifier>(); //Get the default ID String id = properties.getProperty("id"); if (id != null) { String iddesc = properties.getProperty("iddesc"); ArchlightElementIdentifier eltIdentifier = new ArchlightElementIdentifier(id, iddesc); elementIdentifierList.add(eltIdentifier); } int index = 0; while (true) { String indexid = properties.getProperty("id" + index); if (indexid != null) { String indexiddesc = properties.getProperty("iddesc" + index); ArchlightElementIdentifier eltIdentifier = new ArchlightElementIdentifier(indexid, indexiddesc); elementIdentifierList.add(eltIdentifier); index++; } else { break; } } return Collections.unmodifiableList(elementIdentifierList); } public static ContentProperties create(String content) throws SchematronTestException { Properties newProperties = new Properties(); String[] propertyElements = content.split(CONTENT_ELEMENT_DELIMITER_REGEX); for (String propertyElement : propertyElements) { int equalsIndex = propertyElement.indexOf("="); if (equalsIndex == -1) { if (newProperties.containsKey("text")) { throw new SchematronTestException("Test result has multiple segments with name 'text'"); } newProperties.put("text", propertyElement.trim()); } else { String propName = propertyElement.substring(0, equalsIndex).trim(); String propValue = propertyElement.substring(equalsIndex + 1).trim(); if (newProperties.containsKey(propName)) { throw new SchematronTestException("Test result has multiple segments with name '" + propName + "'"); } newProperties.put(propName, propValue); } } return new ContentProperties(newProperties); } } }