package me.vaqxine.BuycraftAmplification.tasks; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.UUID; import me.vaqxine.BuycraftAmplification.BuycraftAmplification; import me.vaqxine.BuycraftAmplification.database.SQLConnectionThread; import me.vaqxine.BuycraftAmplification.libs.UUIDLibrary; import me.vaqxine.NetworkManager.NetworkManager; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; public class PendingCommandTask implements Runnable { private static boolean network_mgr = false; public PendingCommandTask(){ network_mgr = Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("NetworkManager"); } @Override public void run() { Collection<? extends Player> players; try { players = Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers(); } catch (ConcurrentModificationException cme){ BuycraftAmplification.log.error("Could not run PendingCommandTask due to CME exception.", this.getClass()); return; } for(Player pl : players){ if(pl.hasMetadata("NPC")) continue; // Check if they have any pending commands_to_run. UUID uuid = BuycraftAmplification.spoof_uuid ? UUIDLibrary.getSpoofedUUIDFromName(pl.getName()) : pl.getUniqueId(); runLoginCommands(uuid, pl.getName()); } } public static void runLoginCommands(final UUID uuid, String p){ PreparedStatement pst = null; String commands = null; String player_commands = null; String query = ""; query = "SELECT commands_to_run, player_commands_to_run from buycraft_amplification WHERE uuid='" + uuid + "'"; try { pst = SQLConnectionThread.getConnection().prepareStatement(query); pst.execute(); ResultSet rs = pst.getResultSet(); while({ commands = rs.getString("commands_to_run"); player_commands = rs.getString("player_commands_to_run"); } rs.close(); pst.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO Clear the pending commands? ex.printStackTrace(); BuycraftAmplification.log.error(query, PendingCommandTask.class); } String new_server_command_cache = ""; String new_player_command_cache = ""; boolean ran_cmd = false; if(commands != null && commands.length() > 0){ if(commands.contains("@CMDSPLIT@")){ // Multi. for(String cmd : commands.split("@CMDSPLIT@")){ if(cmd != null && cmd.length() > 0){ if(cmd.contains(";")){ if(!network_mgr){ // We can't determine if this is the correct server, assume it's wrong. new_server_command_cache += cmd + "@CMDSPLIT@"; continue; } // Specific server. String server = cmd.split(";")[0]; if(NetworkManager.bungee_server_map.containsKey(server)){ // It's a legit server. if(!BuycraftAmplification.local_server_prefix.toLowerCase().startsWith(server.toLowerCase())){ // Not where it needs to run. new_server_command_cache += cmd + "@CMDSPLIT@"; Bukkit.getLogger().info("Skipping command " + cmd + " due to wrong SERVER value!"); continue; } else { // Clean it up so the local server can run it. cmd = cmd.split(";")[1]; // cmd.replace(server + ";", ""); } } } if(cmd.contains(";")){ cmd = cmd.split(";")[1]; } Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), cmd); BuycraftAmplification.log.debug("Ran command '" + cmd + "' on behalf of " + p + "!", PendingCommandTask.class); ran_cmd = true; } } } else { // Singular. Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), commands); BuycraftAmplification.log.debug("Ran command '" + commands + "' on behalf of " + p + "!", PendingCommandTask.class); ran_cmd = true; } } if(player_commands != null && player_commands.length() > 0){ final String f_player_commands = player_commands; if(f_player_commands.contains("@CMDSPLIT@")){ // Multi. for(String cmd : f_player_commands.split("@CMDSPLIT@")){ if(cmd != null && cmd.length() > 0){ if(cmd.contains(";")){ if(!network_mgr){ // We can't determine if this is the correct server, assume it's wrong. new_server_command_cache += cmd + "@CMDSPLIT@"; continue; } // Specific server. String server = cmd.split(";")[0]; if(NetworkManager.bungee_server_map.containsKey(server)){ // It's a legit server. if(!BuycraftAmplification.local_server_prefix.toLowerCase().startsWith(server.toLowerCase())){ // Not where it needs to run. Bukkit.getLogger().info("Skipping command " + cmd + " due to wrong SERVER value!"); new_player_command_cache += cmd + "@CMDSPLIT@"; continue; } else { // Clean it up so the local server can run it. cmd = cmd.replace(server + ";", ""); ran_cmd = true; } } } final String f_cmd = cmd; Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskLater(BuycraftAmplification.getPlugin(), new Runnable(){ public void run(){ Player pl = Bukkit.getPlayer(uuid); if(pl == null) return; // Can't execute SHIT. pl.performCommand(f_cmd.replace("/", "")); BuycraftAmplification.log.debug("Ran command '" + f_cmd + "' on behalf of " + pl.getName() + "!", PendingCommandTask.class); } }, 20L); } } } else { // Singular. Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskLater(BuycraftAmplification.getPlugin(), new Runnable(){ public void run(){ Player pl = Bukkit.getPlayer(uuid); if(pl == null) return; // Can't execute SHIT. pl.performCommand(f_player_commands.replace("/", "")); BuycraftAmplification.log.debug("Ran command '" + f_player_commands + "' on behalf of " + pl.getName() + "!", PendingCommandTask.class); } }, 20L); } } if(ran_cmd && (commands.length() > 0 || player_commands.length() > 0)){ // Put the commands we couldn't execute back in SQL. updateLoginCommandsSync(uuid, new_server_command_cache, new_player_command_cache); } } public static void updateLoginCommandsSync(UUID uuid, String server_commands, String player_commands){ Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pst = null; String query = "UPDATE buycraft_amplification SET commands_to_run='" + server_commands + "', player_commands_to_run='" + player_commands + "' WHERE uuid='" + uuid + "'"; try { pst = SQLConnectionThread.getConnection().prepareStatement(query); pst.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); BuycraftAmplification.log.error(query, PendingCommandTask.class); } finally { try { if (pst != null) { pst.close(); } if (con != null) { con.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }