/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.arkhamnetwork.arcade.commons.utils; /** * * @author devan_000 */ public class NumberUtils { public static String integerToRomanNumeral(int input) { if (input < 1 || input > 3999) { return "Invalid Roman Number Value"; } String s = ""; while (input >= 1000) { s += "M"; input -= 1000; } while (input >= 900) { s += "CM"; input -= 900; } while (input >= 500) { s += "D"; input -= 500; } while (input >= 400) { s += "CD"; input -= 400; } while (input >= 100) { s += "C"; input -= 100; } while (input >= 90) { s += "XC"; input -= 90; } while (input >= 50) { s += "L"; input -= 50; } while (input >= 40) { s += "XL"; input -= 40; } while (input >= 10) { s += "X"; input -= 10; } while (input >= 9) { s += "IX"; input -= 9; } while (input >= 5) { s += "V"; input -= 5; } while (input >= 4) { s += "IV"; input -= 4; } while (input >= 1) { s += "I"; input -= 1; } return s; } }