package; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: jlucas * Date: 11/3/13 * Time: 9:48 PM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class LookupCode { public static Integer Task_NOT_PUBLISHED = 0; public static Integer TASK_PUBLISHED = 1; public static Integer TASK_LIFECYCLE_COMPLETED = 2; public static Integer TASK_EXPORTED = 3; public static Integer TASK_ABANDONED = 4; public static Integer MAX_PENDING_QUEUE_SIZE = 50; public static String TASK_COMMIT_SUCCESS = "success"; public static Integer HTTP_OK = 200; public static Integer HTTP_OK_NO_CONTENT = 204; public static Integer HTTP_OK_DUPLICATE_INFO_FOUND = 415 ; public static Integer HTTP_NOT_OK = -1; public static Integer RESPONSE_MIN_LENGTH = 10; public static Integer CLIENT_APP_PENDING = 0; public static Integer AIDR_ONLY = 1; public static Integer MICROMAPPER_ONLY = 2; public static Integer CLIENT_APP_INACTIVE_REQUEST = 3; public static Integer CLIENT_APP_DISABLED = 4; public static Integer AIDR_MICROMAPPER_BOTH = 5; public static Integer EXTERNAL_DATA_SOURCE_USED = 2; public static Integer EXTERNAL_DATA_SOURCE_ACTIVE = 1; public static Integer EXTERNAL_DATA_SOURCE_UPLOADED = 0; public static Integer TEMPLATE_IS_READY_FOR_EXPORT = 0; public static Integer TEMPLATE_EXPORTED = 1; public static Integer APP_MULTIPLE_CHOICE = 1; public static Integer APP_IMAGE = 2; public static Integer APP_VIDEO = 3; public static Integer APP_MAP = 4; public static Integer APP_AERIAL = 5; public static long TASK_CLEANUP_CUT_OFF_HOUR = 12; public static Integer MIN_VOTE_CUT_OFF_VALUE = 1; public static Integer MAX_VOTE_CUT_OFF_VALUE = 2; public static Integer MAX_APP_HOLD_PERIOD_DAY = -7; public static final String ANSWER_NOT_ENGLISH = "not_english"; public static final Integer MIN_REPORT_TEMPLATE_EXPORT_SIZE = 20; public static Integer CLIENT_APP_DELETION_TIME = 24; public static String SYSTEM_USER_NAME = "MicroMappers"; public static String MIROMAPPER_USER_NAME = "micromappers_custom"; }