import*; import*; import java.util.*; import qa.qcri.aidr.common.code.Configurator; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.classification.nominal.NominalLabelBC; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.common.TaggerConfigurationProperty; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.common.TaggerConfigurator; import; import; /** * Test class that reads labeled training data from a file and sends each item * to the AIDR pipeline. * * To use with the Sandy dataset, configure attributes and labels in a * deployment and modify the labels and attribute IDs in processSandyData() to * match the configuration. * * @author jrogstadius */ public class HttpBatchImportSandy { static String host = "localhost"; static int port; static { Configurator testConfigurator = TaggerConfigurator.getInstance(); testConfigurator.initProperties(TaggerConfigurator.configLoadFileName, TaggerConfigurationProperty.values()); port = Integer.parseInt(testConfigurator .getProperty(TaggerConfigurationProperty.HTTP_INPUT_PORT)); } static Socket socket; static BufferedReader serverIn; static PrintWriter serverOut; static int messageID = 0; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println("ClientTest"); sendMessages(); } public static void sendMessages() throws Exception { // Create socket connection socket = new Socket(host, port); serverOut = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true); serverIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( socket.getInputStream())); // processTweetsFromFile(5, "..\\1k_random_tweets.txt"); processSandyData(); socket.close(); } public static void getUserInput() { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; String line = ""; while (!(line = scanner.nextLine()).equals("exit")) { serverOut.println(line); } scanner.close(); } // Reads tweets from a file in which each line is one json-formatted tweet public static void processJsonTweetsFromFile(String crisisCode, int crisisID, String filename) throws Exception { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; BufferedReader br; br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String tweet = br.readLine(); while (tweet != null) { sendTweetToServer(crisisCode, crisisID, tweet, null); scanner.nextLine(); tweet = br.readLine(); } br.close(); scanner.close(); } public static void processSandyData() throws Exception { /* * * SANDY DATASET COLUMNS 0 _unit_id, 1 _golden, 2 _unit_state, 3 * _trusted_judgments, 4 _last_judgment_at, 5 * the_author_of_the_tweet_seems_to_be_an_eye_witness_of_the_event, 6 * the_author_of_the_tweet_seems_to_be_an_eye_witness_of_the_event * :confidence, 7 type_of_message, 8 type_of_message:confidence, 9 nil, * 10 * the_author_of_the_tweet_seems_to_be_an_eye_witness_of_the_event_gold, * 11 tweet, 12 tweet_no, 13 tweet_no_rt, 14 type_of_message_gold, 15 * user * * * SANDY DATASET example TUPLE 0 238841781, 1 false, 2 finalized, 3 4, * 4 1/2/2013 13:37:11, 5 , 6 , 7 * "Informative: offers/gives donations of money, goods, or free services" * , 8 0.2689, 9 , 10 , 11 important --> @JebBush suggests federal * gov't not crucial to storm recovery #haction * #2012 #sandy, 12 11899, 13 important --> @JebBush suggests federal * gov't not crucial to storm recovery #haction * #2012 #sandy, 14 , 15 danholler * * * ATTRIBUTE DEFINITIONS 20 Eyewitness null, eyewitness 23 Informative * null, informative 24 Casualties null, casualties 25 Caution or advice * null, advice 27 Reaction null, reaction 28 Damage null, damage 29 * Media source null, mediasource 30 Donation null, offer, request 31 * Photo or video null, photo 32 People missing null, missing * * * SANDY DATASET LABELS Can not judge (not in English, too short, * etc.) Informative: casualties (people injured or dead) Informative: * caution or advice Informative: celebrities or authorities react to * the event or visit the area Informative: damage (building, road, * lines, etc.) Informative: information source with extensive coverage * (radio, tv, website, etc.) Informative: offers/gives donations of * money, goods, or free services Informative: other Informative: other * type of photos/videos (not in the above classes) Informative: people * missing, or lost people found Informative: requests donations of * money, goods, or free services Not informative: personal only Not * informative: unrelated to the disaster */ String crisisCode = "sandy_hurricane_test"; int crisisID = 5; String filename = "C:\\projects\\aidr\\develop\\predict\\Sandy-Labeled.csv"; // Attribute IDs int eyewitnessID = 20; int informativeID = 23; int casualtiesID = 24; int adviceID = 25; int reactionID = 27; int damageID = 28; int mediaID = 29; int donationID = 30; int photoID = 31; int missingID = 32; // Labels used in the Sandy dataset String casualtiesStr = "casualties (people injured or dead)"; String adviceStr = "caution or advice"; String reactionStr = "celebrities or authorities react to the event or visit the area"; String damageStr = "damage (building, road, lines, etc.)"; String mediaStr = "information source with extensive coverage (radio, tv, website, etc.)"; String donationStr1 = "offers/gives donations of money, goods, or free services"; String donationStr2 = "requests donations of money, goods, or free services"; String photoStr = "other type of photos/videos (not in the above classes)"; String missingStr = "people missing, or lost people found"; CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(filename)); String[] line; reader.readNext(); while ((line = reader.readNext()) != null) { String tweetText = line[11]; long userID = 0; String tweet = "{text:\"" + tweetText.replaceAll("\"", "'") + "\", user: {id:" + userID + "}}"; ArrayList<NominalLabelBC> labels = new ArrayList<>(); // Match labels in the Sandy dataset to attribute IDs/labels // labels.add(new NominalLabelBC(0, eyewitnessID, // line[5].equals("true") ? "eyewitness" : "null", 1)); // String typeStr = line[14].equals("") // && Double.parseDouble(line[8]) > 0.5 ? line[7] : line[14]; // labels.add(new NominalLabelBC(0, informativeID, typeStr // .contains("Informative") ? "informative" : "null", 1)); // labels.add(new NominalLabelBC(0, casualtiesID, typeStr // .contains(casualtiesStr) ? "casualties" : "null", 1)); // labels.add(new NominalLabelBC(0, adviceID, typeStr // .contains(adviceStr) ? "advice" : "null", 1)); // labels.add(new NominalLabelBC(0, reactionID, typeStr // .contains(reactionStr) ? "reaction" : "null", 1)); // labels.add(new NominalLabelBC(0, damageID, typeStr // .contains(damageStr) ? "damage" : "null", 1)); // labels.add(new NominalLabelBC(0, mediaID, // typeStr.contains(mediaStr) ? "mediasource" : "null", 1)); // labels.add(new NominalLabelBC(0, donationID, typeStr // .contains(donationStr1) ? "offer" : (typeStr // .contains(donationStr2) ? "request" : "null"), 1)); // labels.add(new NominalLabelBC(0, photoID, // typeStr.contains(photoStr) ? "photo" : "null", 1)); // labels.add(new NominalLabelBC(0, missingID, typeStr // .contains(missingStr) ? "missing" : "null", 1)); for (NominalLabelBC l : labels) l.setHumanLabel(true); sendTweetToServer(crisisCode, crisisID, tweet, labels); if (messageID % 150 == 149) Thread.sleep(20000); else Thread.sleep(10); } reader.close(); } static void sendTweetToServer(String crisisCode, int crisisID, String jsonTweet, List<NominalLabelBC> labels) { String labelsStr = ""; if (labels != null && labels.size() > 0) { labelsStr = "nominal_labels: ["; for (int i = 0; i < labels.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) labelsStr += ","; labelsStr += DocumentJSONConverter.getLabelJson(crisisID, labels.get(i)); } labelsStr += "]"; } String info = "{ \"crisis_code\": \"" + crisisCode + "\", doctype:\"twitter\", " + labelsStr + " }"; jsonTweet = jsonTweet.substring(0, jsonTweet.length() - 1) + ", \"aidr\": " + info + "}"; System.out.println(jsonTweet); serverOut.println(jsonTweet); } public static void getServerOutput() { String line; try { while ((line = serverIn.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(line); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }