package qa.qcri.aidr.predict; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Driver; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.JSONObject; import qa.qcri.aidr.dbmanager.dto.DocumentDTO; import qa.qcri.aidr.dbmanager.dto.DocumentNominalLabelDTO; import qa.qcri.aidr.dbmanager.dto.DocumentNominalLabelIdDTO; import qa.qcri.aidr.dbmanager.ejb.remote.facade.TaskManagerRemote; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.classification.nominal.Model; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.classification.nominal.ModelNominalLabelPerformance; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.classification.nominal.NominalLabelBC; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.common.Helpers; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.common.TaggerConfigurationProperty; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.common.TaggerConfigurator; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.common.TaggerErrorLog; import; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.dbentities.ModelFamilyEC; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.dbentities.NominalAttributeEC; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.dbentities.NominalLabelEC; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.dbentities.TaggerDocument; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool; import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig; import snaq.db.ConnectionPool; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.DenseInstance; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.SparseInstance; /** * Wrapper class for database communication (both MySQL and Redis). * * @author jrogstadius * @author koushik */ public class DataStore { public static TaskManagerRemote<DocumentDTO, Long> taskManager = null; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DataStore.class); private static final String remoteEJBJNDIName = TaggerConfigurator .getInstance().getProperty( TaggerConfigurationProperty.REMOTE_TASK_MANAGER_JNDI_NAME); private static final long LOG_INTERVAL = Integer .parseInt(TaggerConfigurator.getInstance().getProperty( TaggerConfigurationProperty.LOG_INTERVAL_MINUTES)) * 60 * 1000; private static int saveNewDocumentsCount = 0; private static long lastSaveTime = 0; private static JedisPool jedisPool = null; private static ConnectionPool mySqlPool = null; private static int attempts = 0; private static final int MAX_RECREATE_POOL_ATTEMPTS = 3; private static Object lockObject = new Object(); private static HashMap<Integer,NominalAttributeEC> attLabels = new HashMap<Integer,NominalAttributeEC>(); public static synchronized void initializeJedisPool() throws Exception { if (null == jedisPool) { jedisPool = new JedisPool(new JedisPoolConfig(), TaggerConfigurator .getInstance().getProperty( TaggerConfigurationProperty.REDIS_HOST));"Initialized jedisPool = " + jedisPool); } else { logger.warn("Attempting to initialize an active JedisPool!"); } } public static void initDBPools() { try { initializeJedisPool(); } catch (Exception e1) { logger.error("Unable to allocate JEDIS Pool!"); logger.error("Exception", e1); TaggerErrorLog.sendErrorMail("Redis", "Could not establish Redis connection. " + e1.getMessage()); } try { initializeMySqlPool(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to allocate MySQL Pool!"); logger.error("Exception", e); TaggerErrorLog.sendErrorMail("Mysql connection", "Could not initialize mysql connection. " + e.getMessage()); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void initTaskManager() { if (taskManager != null) { logger.warn("taskManager has already been initialized: " + taskManager + ". Hence, skipping taskManager initialization attempt..."); return; } // Else initialize taskManager try { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //Properties props = new Properties(); //props.setProperty("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory"); //props.setProperty("java.naming.factory, url.pkgs", "com.sun.enterprise.naming"); //props.setProperty("java.naming.factory.state", ""); //props.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost", "localhost"); //props.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort", "3700"); //InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(props); InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); taskManager = (TaskManagerRemote<DocumentDTO, Long>) ctx.lookup(DataStore.remoteEJBJNDIName);"taskManager: " + taskManager + ", time taken to initialize = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); if (taskManager != null) {"Success in connecting to remote EJB to initialize taskManager"); } } catch (NamingException e) { logger.error("Error in JNDI lookup for initializing remote EJB", e); } } /* * TODO: Rename all database columns and tables to use underscore_notation. * Everything was initially created with camelCaseNotation, but apparently * MySQL has a configuration where everything is forced into lowercase on * database creation. This resulted in that all queries broke when when * moving the code to the production server, so the current status is that * the naming is... ugly. */ static class TrainingSampleNotification { public int crisisID; public Collection<Integer> attributeIDs; public TrainingSampleNotification(int crisisID, Collection<Integer> attributeIDs) { this.crisisID = crisisID; this.attributeIDs = attributeIDs; } } /* REDIS */ public static Jedis getJedisConnection() { try { if (jedisPool != null) return jedisPool.getResource(); else { logger.error("Jedis Pool is NULL!"); initializeJedisPool(); return jedisPool.getResource(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not establish Redis connection. Is the Redis server running?"); logger.error("Exception", e); TaggerErrorLog.sendErrorMail("Redis", "Could not establish Redis connection. " + e.getMessage()); } return null; } public static void close(Jedis resource) { jedisPool.returnResource(resource); } public static void clearRedisPipeline() { Jedis redis = getJedisConnection(); redis.del(TaggerConfigurator.getInstance().getProperty( TaggerConfigurationProperty.REDIS_FOR_CLASSIFICATION_QUEUE)); redis.del(TaggerConfigurator.getInstance().getProperty( TaggerConfigurationProperty.REDIS_FOR_EXTRACTION_QUEUE)); redis.del(TaggerConfigurator.getInstance().getProperty( TaggerConfigurationProperty.REDIS_FOR_OUTPUT_QUEUE)); redis.del(TaggerConfigurator.getInstance().getProperty( TaggerConfigurationProperty.REDIS_LABEL_TASK_WRITE_QUEUE)); redis.del(TaggerConfigurator.getInstance().getProperty( TaggerConfigurationProperty.REDIS_TRAINING_SAMPLE_INFO_QUEUE)); close(redis); } public static final int MODEL_ID_ERROR = -1; /* MYSQL */ public static synchronized void initializeMySqlPool() throws SQLException { if (null == mySqlPool) { try { Class<?> c = Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Driver driver = (Driver) c.newInstance(); DriverManager.registerDriver(driver); mySqlPool = new ConnectionPool("aidr-backend", 10, // min-pool default = 1 40, // max-pool default = 5 200, // max-size default 30 500, // timeout (sec) TaggerConfigurator.getInstance().getProperty( TaggerConfigurationProperty.MYSQL_PATH), TaggerConfigurator.getInstance().getProperty( TaggerConfigurationProperty.MYSQL_USERNAME), TaggerConfigurator.getInstance().getProperty( TaggerConfigurationProperty.MYSQL_PASSWORD));"Initialized mySQLPool = " + mySqlPool); attempts = 0; } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.error("Exception when initializing MySQL connection"); logger.error("Exception:", e); ++attempts; } } else { logger.warn("Attempting to initialize an active MySqlPool, attempts = " + attempts); } } public static synchronized Connection getMySqlConnection() throws SQLException { long timeout = 30000; Connection con = null; try { if (mySqlPool != null) { con = mySqlPool.getConnection(timeout); } else { logger.error("MySql Pool is NULL"); initializeMySqlPool(); con = mySqlPool.getConnection(timeout); } if (con != null) { attempts = 0; return con; } else { if (attempts < MAX_RECREATE_POOL_ATTEMPTS) { if (!mySqlPool.isReleased() && mySqlPool != null) { mySqlPool.release(); mySqlPool = null; ++attempts; } initializeMySqlPool(); con = mySqlPool.getConnection(timeout); logger.warn("MySQL Pool reallocated!"); if (null == con) { logger.error("The created MySQL connection is null even AFTER Reinitializing the MySQL Pool!!! Giving up..."); } else { attempts = 0; //reset } return con; } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception", e); if (attempts < MAX_RECREATE_POOL_ATTEMPTS) { if (!mySqlPool.isReleased() && mySqlPool != null) { mySqlPool.release(); mySqlPool = null; ++attempts; } initializeMySqlPool(); con = mySqlPool.getConnection(timeout); if (con != null) { attempts = 0; //reset } } } return con; } public static void close(Connection con) { if (con == null) { return; } try { con.close(); con = null; } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Exception when returning MySQL connection", e); } } public static void close(Statement statement) { if (statement == null) { return; } try { statement.close(); statement = null; } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Could not close statement", e); } } public static void close(ResultSet resultset) { if (resultset == null) { return; } try { resultset.close(); resultset = null; } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Could not close resultSet", e); } } public static Integer getNullLabelID(int attributeID) { String sql = "select nominalLabelID from nominal_label where nominalAttributeID=" + attributeID + " and nominalLabelCode='null'"; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement query = null; ResultSet result = null; try { conn = getMySqlConnection(); query = conn.prepareStatement(sql); result = query.executeQuery(); if ( { return result.getInt(1); } } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error("Error in executing SQL statement: " + sql, ex); } finally { close(result); close(query); close(conn); } return null; } public static Instances getTrainingSet(int crisisID, int attributeID) throws Exception { ArrayList<String[]> wordVectors = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> labels = new ArrayList<>(); String sql = "SELECT wordFeatures, nominalLabelID FROM nominal_label_training_data WHERE crisisID = " + crisisID + " AND nominalAttributeID = " + attributeID; getLabeledSet(sql, wordVectors, labels); return createInstances(wordVectors, labels); } public static Instances getEvaluationSet(int crisisID, int attributeID, Instances trainingData) throws Exception { ArrayList<String[]> wordVectors = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> labels = new ArrayList<>(); String sql = "SELECT wordFeatures, nominalLabelID FROM nominal_label_evaluation_data WHERE crisisID = " + crisisID + " AND nominalAttributeID = " + attributeID; getLabeledSet(sql, wordVectors, labels); return createFormattedInstances(trainingData, wordVectors, labels); } static void getLabeledSet(String sql, ArrayList<String[]> wordVectors, ArrayList<String> labels) { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet result = null; String wordFeatures = null; try { conn = getMySqlConnection(); statement = conn.prepareStatement(sql); result = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { //Weka class attributes only accept string values, hence the toString labels.add(Integer.toString(result.getInt("nominalLabelID"))); wordFeatures = result.getString("wordFeatures"); JSONObject wordsJson = new JSONObject( Helpers.unescapeJson(wordFeatures)); wordVectors.add(Helpers.toStringArray(wordsJson .getJSONArray("words"))); } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Exception while fetching dataset. ", e); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception while fetching dataset", e); } finally { close(result); close(statement); close(conn); } } static Instances createInstances(ArrayList<String[]> wordVectors, ArrayList<String> labels) throws Exception { if (wordVectors.size() != labels.size()) { throw new Exception(); } // Build a dictionary based on words in the documents, and transform // documents into word vectors HashSet<String> uniqueWords = new HashSet<String>(); for (String[] words : wordVectors) { uniqueWords.addAll(Arrays.asList(words)); } // Create attributes based on the dictionary ArrayList<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); for (String word : uniqueWords) { attributes.add(new Attribute(word)); } // Make class attribute HashSet<String> uniqueLabels = new HashSet<String>(labels); ArrayList<String> uniqueLabelsList = new ArrayList<String>(uniqueLabels); Attribute classAttribute = new Attribute("___aidrclass___", uniqueLabelsList); attributes.add(classAttribute); // Create the dataset Instances instances = new Instances("data", attributes, wordVectors.size()); double[] missingVal = new double[attributes.size()]; instances.setClass(classAttribute); // Add each document as an instance for (int i = 0; i < wordVectors.size(); i++) { Instance item = new SparseInstance(instances.numAttributes()); item.setDataset(instances); for (String word : wordVectors.get(i)) { Attribute attribute = instances.attribute(word); if (attribute != null) { item.setValue(attribute, 1); } } item.setValue(classAttribute, labels.get(i)); item.replaceMissingValues(missingVal); instances.add(item); } return instances; } static Instances createFormattedInstances(Instances headerSet, ArrayList<String[]> wordVectors, ArrayList<String> labels) throws Exception { if (wordVectors.size() != labels.size()) { throw new Exception(); } // Build a dictionary based on words in the documents, and transform // documents into word vectors HashSet<String> uniqueWords = new HashSet<String>(); for (String[] words : wordVectors) { uniqueWords.addAll(Arrays.asList(words)); } // Create the dataset Instances instances = new Instances(headerSet, wordVectors.size()); double[] missingVal = new double[headerSet.numAttributes()]; // Set class index instances.setClassIndex(headerSet.numAttributes() - 1); Attribute classAttribute = instances.classAttribute(); // Get valid class labels HashSet<String> classValues = new HashSet<String>(); Enumeration<?> classEnum = classAttribute.enumerateValues(); while (classEnum.hasMoreElements()) { classValues.add((String) classEnum.nextElement()); } // Add each document as an instance for (int i = 0; i < wordVectors.size(); i++) { if (!classValues.contains(labels.get(i))) { logger.error("New class label found in evaluation set. Discarding value."); continue; /* * TODO: Handle unseen labels in a better way, as this will * over-estimate classification performance. Adding new values * to class attributes requires recreation of the header and * copying of all data to a new Instances. See: * */ } Instance item = new DenseInstance(instances.numAttributes()); item.setDataset(instances); // Words for (String word : wordVectors.get(i)) { Attribute attribute = instances.attribute(word); if (attribute != null) { item.setValue(attribute, 1); } } item.setValue(classAttribute, labels.get(i)); item.replaceMissingValues(missingVal); instances.add(item); } return instances; } public static void saveDocumentToDatabase(Document item) { List<Document> wrapper = new ArrayList<Document>(); wrapper.add(item); saveDocumentsToDatabase(wrapper); } public static boolean canLog() { if (0 == lastSaveTime) { lastSaveTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return true; } else { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastSaveTime) > LOG_INTERVAL) { return true; } else { return false; } } } public static void saveDocumentsToDatabase(List<Document> items) { try { for (Document item : items) { TaggerDocument doc = Document.fromDocumentToTaggerDocument(item); //System.out.println("Attempting to save NEW document for collection = " + doc.getCrisisCode()); //"Attempting to save NEW document for collection = " + doc.getCrisisCode()); Long docID = taskManager.saveNewTask(TaggerDocument.toDocumentDTO(doc), doc.getCrisisID()); ++saveNewDocumentsCount; if (docID.longValue() != -1) { // Update document with auto generated Doc item.setDocumentID(docID); //"Success in saving NEW document: " + item.getDocumentID() + ", for collection = " + item.getCrisisCode()); } else { logger.error("Something went wrong in saving document: " + item.getDocumentID() + ", for collection = " + item.getCrisisCode()); } } if (canLog()) {"In interval " + new Date(lastSaveTime) + " - " + new Date() + ", save NEW documents count = " + saveNewDocumentsCount); lastSaveTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); saveNewDocumentsCount = 0; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception when attempting to write Document to database", e); } saveHumanLabels(items); } /** * Saves human-provided labels for a document and sends a notification via a * redis queue to the model controller. * * @param documents A list of human-annotated documents. */ static void saveHumanLabels(List<Document> documents) { try { /* String insertSql = "INSERT INTO document_nominal_label (documentID, nominalLabelID) VALUES (?,?)"; */ ArrayList<Integer> docsWithLabels = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<TrainingSampleNotification> notifications = new ArrayList<>(); int rows = 0; for (Document d: documents) { List<NominalLabelBC> labels = d.getHumanLabels(NominalLabelBC.class); if (labels.isEmpty()) // Skip document if it has no human-provided labels { continue; } docsWithLabels.add(d.getDocumentID().intValue()); for (NominalLabelBC label : labels) { //statement.setInt(1, doc.getDocumentID()); //statement.setInt(2, label.getNominalLabelID()); //statement.execute(); Long userID = d.getUserID() != null ? d.getUserID() : 1L; // default labeler : 'System' user (userID = 1 in DB) DocumentNominalLabelIdDTO idDTO = new DocumentNominalLabelIdDTO(d.getDocumentID(), new Long(label.getNominalLabelID()), userID); DocumentNominalLabelDTO dto = new DocumentNominalLabelDTO(); dto.setIdDTO(idDTO); if (canLog()) {"Attempting to save LABELED document: " + dto.getIdDTO().getDocumentId() + " with nominal labelID=" + dto.getIdDTO().getNominalLabelId() + ", for collection = " + d.getCrisisCode() + ", userID = " + dto.getIdDTO().getUserId()); lastSaveTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); saveNewDocumentsCount = 0; } //System.out.println("Attempting to save LABELED document: " + dto.getIdDTO().getDocumentId() + " with nominal labelID=" + dto.getIdDTO().getNominalLabelId() + ", for collection = " + d.getCrisisCode() + ", userID = " + dto.getIdDTO().getUserId()); taskManager.saveDocumentNominalLabel(dto); rows++; } notifications.add(new TrainingSampleNotification(d.getCrisisID().intValue(), getAttributeIDs(labels))); } if (rows == 0) { return; }"Saved " + rows + " human labels for " + docsWithLabels.size() + " documents"); //statement.executeUpdate("UPDATE document SET hasHumanLabels=1 WHERE documentID IN (" + Helpers.join(docsWithLabels, ",") + ")"); sendNewLabeledDocumentNotification(notifications); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception when attempting to insert new document labels", e); } } private static Collection<Integer> getAttributeIDs(List<NominalLabelBC> labels) { HashSet<Integer> ids = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (NominalLabelBC l : labels) { ids.add(l.getAttributeID()); } return ids; } public static void sendNewLabeledDocumentNotification( Collection<TrainingSampleNotification> notifications) { Jedis redis = DataStore.getJedisConnection(); for (TrainingSampleNotification n : notifications) { String message = "{ \"crisis_id\": " + n.crisisID + ", \"attributes\": [" + Helpers.join(n.attributeIDs, ",") + "] }"; redis.rpush( TaggerConfigurator .getInstance() .getProperty( TaggerConfigurationProperty.REDIS_TRAINING_SAMPLE_INFO_QUEUE), message); } DataStore.close(redis); } public static ArrayList<ModelFamilyEC> getActiveModels() { ArrayList<ModelFamilyEC> modelFamilies = new ArrayList<>(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement sql = null; ResultSet result = null; try { conn = getMySqlConnection(); Statement sql2 = conn.createStatement(); sql2.execute("SET group_concat_max_len = 10240"); sql2.close(); sql = conn .prepareStatement( "SELECT \n" + " fam.modelFamilyID, \n" + " fam.crisisID, \n" + " col.code AS crisisCode, \n" + " AS crisisName, \n" + " fam.nominalAttributeID, \n" + " attr.code AS nominalAttributeCode, \n" + " AS nominalAttributeName, \n" + " attr.description AS nominalAttributeDescription, \n" + " mdl.modelID, \n" + " lbl.nominalLabelID,\n" + " lbl.nominalLabelCode,\n" + " as nominalLabelName,\n" + " lbl.description as nominLabelDescription, \n" + " COUNT(DISTINCT dnl.documentID) AS labeledItemCount\n" + "FROM model_family fam \n" + "LEFT JOIN model mdl on mdl.modelFamilyID = fam.modelFamilyID \n" + "JOIN collection col on = fam.crisisID and col.classifier_enabled = 1 \n" + "JOIN nominal_attribute attr ON attr.nominalAttributeID = fam.nominalAttributeID \n" + "JOIN nominal_label lbl ON lbl.nominalAttributeID = fam.nominalAttributeID \n" + "LEFT JOIN document doc ON doc.crisisID=fam.crisisID \n" + "LEFT JOIN document_nominal_label dnl ON dnl.documentID=doc.documentID AND dnl.nominalLabelID=lbl.nominalLabelID \n" + "WHERE fam.isActive AND (mdl.modelID IS NULL OR mdl.isCurrentModel) \n" + "GROUP BY crisisID, nominalAttributeID, nominalLabelID "); result = sql.executeQuery(); ModelFamilyEC family = null; NominalAttributeEC attribute = null; HashMap<ModelFamilyEC, Integer> familyLabelCount = new HashMap<>(); while ( { if (family == null || family.getModelFamilyID() != result.getInt("modelFamilyID")) { //create attribute attribute = new NominalAttributeEC(); attribute.setNominalAttributeID(result.getInt("nominalAttributeID")); attribute.setCode(result.getString("nominalAttributeCode")); attribute.setDescription(result.getString("nominalAttributeDescription")); attribute.setName(result.getString("nominalAttributeName")); //create model family family = new ModelFamilyEC(); family.setCrisisID(result.getInt("crisisID")); int tmpModelID = result.getInt("modelID"); if (!result.wasNull()) { family.setCurrentModelID(tmpModelID); } family.setIsActive(true); family.setModelFamilyID(result.getInt("modelFamilyID")); family.setNominalAttribute(attribute); familyLabelCount.put(family, 0); modelFamilies.add(family); } //create label NominalLabelEC label = new NominalLabelEC(); label.setDescription(result.getString("nominLabelDescription")); label.setName(result.getString("nominalLabelName")); label.setNominalAttribute(attribute); label.setNominalLabelCode(result.getString("nominalLabelCode")); label.setNominalLabelID(result.getInt("nominalLabelID")); attribute.addNominalLabel(label); int count = familyLabelCount.get(family); familyLabelCount.put(family, count + result.getInt("labeledItemCount")); } //sum training sample counts per attribute for (Map.Entry<ModelFamilyEC, Integer> entry : familyLabelCount.entrySet()) { entry.getKey().setTrainingExampleCount(entry.getValue()); } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Exception when getting model state", e); } finally { close(result); close(sql); close(conn); } return modelFamilies; } public static void getActiveModelsDocCount(HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, ModelFamilyEC>> modelFamilies, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, ModelFamilyEC>> modelFamiliesByCode) { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement sql = null; ResultSet result = null; try { conn = getMySqlConnection(); sql = conn .prepareStatement( "SELECT \n" + " fam.modelFamilyID, \n" + " fam.crisisID, \n" + " fam.nominalAttributeID, \n" + " mdl.modelID, \n" + " lbl.nominalLabelID,\n" + " COUNT(DISTINCT dnl.documentID) AS labeledItemCount\n" + "FROM model_family fam \n" + "LEFT JOIN model mdl on mdl.modelFamilyID = fam.modelFamilyID \n" + "JOIN nominal_label lbl ON lbl.nominalAttributeID = fam.nominalAttributeID \n" + "LEFT JOIN document doc ON doc.crisisID=fam.crisisID \n" + "LEFT JOIN document_nominal_label dnl ON dnl.documentID=doc.documentID AND dnl.nominalLabelID=lbl.nominalLabelID \n" + "WHERE fam.isActive AND (mdl.modelID IS NULL OR mdl.isCurrentModel) \n" + "GROUP BY crisisID, nominalAttributeID, nominalLabelID "); result = sql.executeQuery(); ModelFamilyEC family = null; NominalAttributeEC attribute = null; NominalLabelEC label = null; HashMap<ModelFamilyEC, Integer> familyLabelCount = new HashMap<>(); Integer crisisID = null; Integer attributeID = null; Integer nominalLabelID = null; int count; while ( { crisisID = result.getInt("crisisID"); attributeID = result.getInt("nominalAttributeID"); nominalLabelID = result.getInt("nominalLabelID"); if (!modelFamilies.containsKey(crisisID)) { modelFamilies.put(crisisID, new HashMap<Integer, ModelFamilyEC>()); modelFamiliesByCode.put(crisisID, new HashMap<String, ModelFamilyEC>()); } if(modelFamilies.get(crisisID).get(attributeID) == null) { //create model family family = new ModelFamilyEC(); family.setCrisisID(crisisID); int tmpModelID = result.getInt("modelID"); if (!result.wasNull()) { family.setCurrentModelID(tmpModelID); } family.setIsActive(true); family.setModelFamilyID(result.getInt("modelFamilyID")); } else family = modelFamilies.get(crisisID).get(attributeID); attribute = family.getNominalAttribute(); if(attribute == null) { if(attLabels.containsKey(attributeID)) { attribute = attLabels.get(attributeID); family.setNominalAttribute(attribute); } else { synchronized(attLabels) { getAttributesLabels(); if(attLabels.containsKey(attributeID)) { attribute = attLabels.get(attributeID); family.setNominalAttribute(attribute); } } } } label = attribute.getNominalLabel(nominalLabelID); if(label == null) { synchronized(attLabels) { updateLabels(attributeID); attribute = attLabels.get(attributeID); } } if(familyLabelCount.get(family) == null) familyLabelCount.put(family, 0); modelFamilies.get(crisisID).put(attributeID, family); modelFamiliesByCode.get(crisisID).put(attribute.getCode(), family); count = familyLabelCount.get(family); familyLabelCount.put(family, count + result.getInt("labeledItemCount")); } //sum training sample counts per attribute for (Map.Entry<ModelFamilyEC, Integer> entry : familyLabelCount.entrySet()) { entry.getKey().setTrainingExampleCount(entry.getValue()); //"training example count: " + entry.getValue() + " for family" + entry.getKey().getModelFamilyID()); } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Exception when getting model state ::", e); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception in getActiveModelsDocCount ::", e); } finally { close(result); close(sql); close(conn); } } public static void deleteModel(int modelID) { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement sql = null; try { conn = getMySqlConnection(); sql = conn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM model WHERE modelID=" + modelID); sql.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Exception while deleting model"); } finally { close(sql); close(conn); } } public static HashMap<String, Integer> getCrisisIDs() { HashMap<String, Integer> crisisIDs = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement sql = null; ResultSet result = null; try { conn = getMySqlConnection(); sql = conn.prepareStatement("select id, code from collection where classifier_enabled = 1;"); result = sql.executeQuery(); while ( { crisisIDs.put(result.getString("code"), result.getInt("id")); } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Exception when getting crisis IDs", e); } finally { close(result); close(sql); close(conn); } return crisisIDs; } public static void truncateLabelingTaskBufferForCrisis(int crisisID, int maxLength) { if (maxLength < 0 || crisisID < 0) { logger.error("Cannot truncate the labeling task buffer - negative parameter(s)"); throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot truncate the labeling task buffer - negative parameter(s)"); } final int ERROR_MARGIN = 0; // if less than this, then skip delete int deleteCount = taskManager.truncateLabelingTaskBufferForCrisis(crisisID, maxLength, ERROR_MARGIN);"Truncation results for crisis " + crisisID + ", deleted doc count = " + deleteCount); } public static int saveModelToDatabase(int crisisID, int nominalAttributeID, Model model) { int modelID = MODEL_ID_ERROR; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement modelInsert = null, mfUpdate = null; PreparedStatement modelLabelPerfInsert = null; ResultSet result = null; NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US); String selectModelFamilyID = "(SELECT modelFamilyID FROM model_family WHERE crisisID = " + crisisID + " and nominalAttributeID = " + nominalAttributeID + ")"; try { // Insert the model object conn = getMySqlConnection(); System.out.println("AUC: " + model.getMeanAuc()); System.out.println("AUC formatted: " + format.format(model.getMeanAuc())); String modelInsertSql = "INSERT INTO model (modelFamilyID, avgPrecision, avgRecall, avgAuc, isCurrentModel, trainingCount, trainingTime) VALUES " + "(" + selectModelFamilyID + ", " + format.format(model.getMeanPrecision()) + ", " + format.format(model.getMeanRecall()) + ", " + format.format(model.getMeanAuc()) + ",false," + model.getTrainingSampleCount() + ", UTC_TIMESTAMP())"; modelInsert = conn.prepareStatement(modelInsertSql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); modelInsert.executeUpdate(); result = modelInsert.getGeneratedKeys(); if (result != null && { modelID = result.getInt(1); } System.out.println("Inserted a new model with model ID " + modelID); //TODO: remove"Inserted a new model with model ID " + modelID); //Insert per-label classification performance of this model List<ModelNominalLabelPerformance> labelPerformaceList = model.getLabelPerformanceList(); String perfInsertSql = "INSERT INTO model_nominal_label (`modelID`, `nominalLabelID`, `labelPrecision`, `labelRecall`, `labelAuc`, `classifiedDocumentCount`) " + " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,0);"; modelLabelPerfInsert = conn.prepareStatement(perfInsertSql); for (ModelNominalLabelPerformance perf : labelPerformaceList) { modelLabelPerfInsert.setInt(1, modelID); modelLabelPerfInsert.setInt(2, perf.getNominalLabelID()); modelLabelPerfInsert.setString(3, format.format(perf.getPrecision())); modelLabelPerfInsert.setString(4, format.format(perf.getRecall())); modelLabelPerfInsert.setString(5, format.format(perf.getAuc())); modelLabelPerfInsert.executeUpdate(); } // Set the the new model as the active model of its model family mfUpdate = conn .prepareStatement("UPDATE model SET isCurrentModel = (modelID = " + modelID + ") " + "WHERE modelID = " + modelID + " OR (isCurrentModel AND modelFamilyID = " + selectModelFamilyID + ")"); mfUpdate.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Exception while saving model to database", e); } finally { close(modelLabelPerfInsert); close(result); close(modelInsert); close(mfUpdate); close(conn); } return modelID; } /** * @return The added value of getting one more training sample of a given * label. Calculated as 1-p(label). */ public static HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, Double>> getNominalLabelTrainingValues() { //<attributeID,<labelID, trainingValueWeight>> HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, Double>> scores = new HashMap<>(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement sql = null; ResultSet result = null; try { conn = getMySqlConnection(); sql = conn .prepareStatement("select nl.nominalAttributeID, nl.nominalLabelID, 1-coalesce(count(dnl.nominalLabelID)/totalCount, 0.5) as weight \n" + "from nominal_label nl \n" + "left join document_nominal_label dnl on dnl.nominalLabelID=nl.nominalLabelID \n" + "left join (select nominalAttributeID, greatest(count(1),1) as totalCount \n" + " from document_nominal_label natural join nominal_label group by 1) lc on lc.nominalAttributeID=nl.nominalAttributeID \n" + "group by 1,2"); result = sql.executeQuery(); while ( { int attrID = result.getInt("nominalAttributeID"); int labelID = result.getInt("nominalLabelID"); double weight = result.getDouble("weight"); if (!scores.containsKey(attrID)) { scores.put(attrID, new HashMap<Integer, Double>()); } scores.get(attrID).put(labelID, weight); } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Exception when getting nominal label training values", e); } finally { close(result); close(sql); close(conn); } return scores; } public static void saveClassifiedDocumentCounts(HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, Integer>> data) { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement selectStatement = null; PreparedStatement updateStatement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; String updateQuery = "UPDATE model_nominal_label SET classifiedDocumentCount = classifiedDocumentCount + ? " + "WHERE modelID = ? AND nominalLabelID = ?"; try { // Insert document conn = getMySqlConnection(); updateStatement = conn.prepareStatement(updateQuery); for (Map.Entry<Integer, HashMap<Integer, Integer>> modelDocCounts : data.entrySet()) { int modelID = modelDocCounts.getKey(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> labelDocCount : modelDocCounts.getValue().entrySet()) { Integer labelID = labelDocCount.getKey(); Integer docCount = labelDocCount.getValue(); updateStatement.setInt(1, docCount); updateStatement.setInt(2, modelID); updateStatement.setInt(3, labelID); updateStatement.executeUpdate(); } } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Exception when attempting to write ClassifiedDocumentCount to database : " + data, e); } finally { close(resultSet); close(updateStatement); close(selectStatement); close(conn); } } //update nominal labels for an attribute from db private static void updateLabels(Integer attributeID){ Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement selectStatement = null; ResultSet result = null; String selectQuery = "SELECT nominalLabelID,l.nominalLabelCode, as nominalLabelName," + "l.description as nominLabelDescription FROM nominal_label l where l.nominalAttributeID = ?"; try { conn = getMySqlConnection(); selectStatement = conn.prepareStatement(selectQuery); selectStatement.setInt(1, attributeID); result = selectStatement.executeQuery(); NominalAttributeEC attribute = null; NominalLabelEC label = null; while ( { int labelID = result.getInt("nominalLabelID"); attribute = attLabels.get(attributeID); attribute.resetNominalLabels(); if(attribute.getNominalLabel(labelID) == null) { label = new NominalLabelEC(); label.setDescription(result.getString("nominLabelDescription")); label.setName(result.getString("nominalLabelName")); label.setNominalAttribute(attribute); label.setNominalLabelCode(result.getString("nominalLabelCode")); label.setNominalLabelID(result.getInt("nominalLabelID")); attribute.addNominalLabel(label); } } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Exception while updating nominal labels ::", e); } finally { close(result); close(selectStatement); close(conn); } } //get all attributes and labels, and store in hashmap //invoke this method after a timed wait - to refresh the data structure public static void getAttributesLabels() { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement selectStatement = null; ResultSet result = null; String selectQuery = "SELECT a.nominalAttributeID, a.code as nominalAttributeCode," + " a.description as nominalAttributeDescription, as nominalAttributeName, l.nominalLabelID, l.nominalLabelCode, as nominalLabelName," + "l.description as nominLabelDescription FROM nominal_attribute a join nominal_label l on a.nominalAttributeID = l.nominalAttributeID"; try { conn = getMySqlConnection(); selectStatement = conn.prepareStatement(selectQuery); result = selectStatement.executeQuery(); NominalAttributeEC attribute = null; NominalLabelEC label = null; while ( { int attrID = result.getInt("nominalAttributeID"); int labelID = result.getInt("nominalLabelID"); if(!attLabels.containsKey(attrID)) { attribute = new NominalAttributeEC(); attribute.setNominalAttributeID(attrID); attribute.setCode(result.getString("nominalAttributeCode")); attribute.setDescription(result.getString("nominalAttributeDescription")); attribute.setName(result.getString("nominalAttributeName")); attLabels.put(attrID, attribute); } else attribute = attLabels.get(attrID); if(attribute.getNominalLabel(labelID) == null) { label = new NominalLabelEC(); label.setDescription(result.getString("nominLabelDescription")); label.setName(result.getString("nominalLabelName")); label.setNominalAttribute(attribute); label.setNominalLabelCode(result.getString("nominalLabelCode")); label.setNominalLabelID(result.getInt("nominalLabelID")); attribute.addNominalLabel(label); } } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Exception while creating nominal attributes ::", e); } finally { close(result); close(selectStatement); close(conn); } } }