package qa.qcri.aidr.persister.collction; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import qa.qcri.aidr.redis.JedisConnectionPool; import qa.qcri.aidr.utils.PersisterErrorHandler; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; /** * Creates a new thread per collection to listen to REDIS and persis twetes being streamed from REDIS by collector. * @author Imran */ public class RedisCollectionPersister implements Runnable { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RedisCollectionPersister.class.getName()); String fileName; Thread t; boolean suspendFlag; Jedis subscriberJedis = null; CollectionSubscriber subscriber = null; String channel; String collectionCode; private JedisConnectionPool connObject = null; public RedisCollectionPersister(String fileName, String channel, String collectionCode, boolean saveMediaEnabled) throws InterruptedException { this.fileName = fileName + collectionCode; = channel; this.collectionCode = collectionCode; connObject = new JedisConnectionPool(); t = new Thread(this, this.fileName); suspendFlag = true; try { subscriberJedis = connObject.getJedisConnection(); subscriber = new CollectionSubscriber(fileName, channel, collectionCode, saveMediaEnabled); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(collectionCode + ": Error in subscribing to Redis"); PersisterErrorHandler.sendErrorMail(e.getLocalizedMessage(), "Error in subscribing to Redis for collection: "+collectionCode); connObject.close(subscriberJedis); subscriberJedis = null; subscriber = null; throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage()); } } public void startMe() { t.start(); } public void run() { try { while (suspendFlag) { try {"Started persisting data to [" + fileName + "] for collection [" + collectionCode + "]");"Listening on channel [" + channel +"]"); subscriberJedis.psubscribe(subscriber, channel);"Stopped persisting data to [" + fileName + "] for collection [" + collectionCode + "]"); Thread.sleep(200); } finally { if (subscriber != null && subscriber.isSubscribed()) { subscriber.punsubscribe(channel); try { connObject.close(subscriberJedis); // return jedis resource to JedisPool Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.warn(collectionCode + " error in closing Redis connection"); } } } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.warn(collectionCode + " interrupted."); } + " exiting."); } public void suspendMe() { suspendFlag = false; if (subscriber != null && subscriber.isSubscribed()) { subscriber.punsubscribe(channel); } try { t.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.warn(collectionCode + ": Collector Persister Thread join interrupted"); } } synchronized void myresume() { suspendFlag = false; notify(); } }