package qa.qcri.aidr.predict.classification.nominal; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import weka.classifiers.Classifier; import weka.core.Instances; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.DataStore; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.common.*; import; import qa.qcri.aidr.predict.dbentities.ModelFamilyEC; /** * ModelController handles classification of DocumentSet objects, with the * assumption that feature extraction has been done previously in the pipeline. * * @author jrogstadius & Imran */ public class ModelController extends PipelineProcess { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ModelController.class); ModelSet models = new ModelSet(); ModelRetrainTrigger trainingFeedMonitor; long lastCheckForDefinitionUpdates = 0; final long definitionChangeFrequencyMs = 5 * 60000; //labelTrainingWeights contains <attributeID,<labelID, trainingWeight>> HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, Double>> labelTrainingWeights; long lastLabelTrainingWeightUpdate = 0; //classifiedDocCount contains <modelID,<labelID, documentCount>> HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, Integer>> classifiedDocCount = new HashMap<>(); long lastDocCountSaveTime = 0; long nowTime; public ModelController() { trainingFeedMonitor = new ModelRetrainTrigger(); trainingFeedMonitor.onRetrain .subscribe(new Function<EventArgs<CrisisAttributePair>>() { @Override public void execute(EventArgs<CrisisAttributePair> args) { onRetrainModel(args.result); } }); Thread t = new Thread(trainingFeedMonitor); t.start(); } @Override protected void processItem(Document item) { // TODO: Decide if pre-labeled items should be be re-classified. // Currently they are considered training examples and skipped. if (item.hasHumanLabels()) { return; } synchronized (this) { loadModelsIfNeeded(); Model[] ms = models.getModels(item.getCrisisID().intValue()); for (Model m : ms) { //Classify the document and get the output label NominalLabelBC label = m.classify(item); if (!classifiedDocCount.containsKey(m.getModelID())) { classifiedDocCount.put(m.getModelID(), new HashMap<Integer, Integer>()); } HashMap<Integer, Integer> labelCount = classifiedDocCount.get(m.getModelID()); if (!labelCount.containsKey(label.getNominalLabelID())) { labelCount.put(label.getNominalLabelID(), 1); } else { int count = labelCount.get(label.getNominalLabelID()); labelCount.put(label.getNominalLabelID(), count + 1); } } item.setValueAsTrainingSample(calculateValueAsTrainingSample(item)); writeClassifiedDocCountToDB(); } } private void writeClassifiedDocCountToDB() { Calendar d = Calendar.getInstance(); nowTime = d.getTimeInMillis(); if (nowTime - lastDocCountSaveTime < 60000 || classifiedDocCount.isEmpty()) { return; } HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, Integer>> docCounts = classifiedDocCount; classifiedDocCount = new HashMap<>(); Function<HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, Integer>>> task = new Function<HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, Integer>>>() { @Override public void execute(HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, Integer>> data) { DataStore.saveClassifiedDocumentCounts(data); lastDocCountSaveTime = nowTime; } }; AsyncWorker<HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, Integer>>> worker = new AsyncWorker<>(task, docCounts); worker.start(); } @Override protected void idle() { writeClassifiedDocCountToDB(); } private void loadModelsIfNeeded() { long now = (new Date()).getTime(); if ((now - lastCheckForDefinitionUpdates) > definitionChangeFrequencyMs) { ArrayList<ModelFamilyEC> activeModels = DataStore.getActiveModels(); for (ModelFamilyEC family : activeModels) { if (family.getState() == ModelFamilyEC.State.RUNNING && !models.hasModel(family.getCrisisID(), family.getNominalAttribute().getNominalAttributeID())) { loadModel(family.getCrisisID(), family.getNominalAttribute().getNominalAttributeID(), family.getCurrentModelID()); } } } lastCheckForDefinitionUpdates = now; } // This method is called when the training set grows sufficiently (event // based, see constructor) private void onRetrainModel(CrisisAttributePair info) {"Training a new model for event " + info.eventID + " and attribute " + info.attributeID); Model oldModel = models.getModel(info.eventID, info.attributeID); Model newModel; try { newModel = ModelFactory.buildModel(info.eventID, info.attributeID, oldModel); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception while attempting to build model", e); return; } if (newModel != null && newModel != oldModel) { replaceModel(info.eventID, info.attributeID, newModel); } else if (newModel == null) { "Performance was too low, new model was discarded"); } else {"New model did not outperform old model"); } } private void replaceModel(int eventID, int attributeID, Model newModel) {"Replacing model for event " + eventID + " and attribute " + attributeID); // Insert the new model into the database and update the currentModelID // for this event and ontology int modelID = DataStore.saveModelToDatabase(eventID, attributeID, newModel); if (modelID == DataStore.MODEL_ID_ERROR) { logger.error("Model was not correctly written to the database. Aborting write to disk."); throw new RuntimeException("Model was not correctly written to the database. Aborting write to disk."); } newModel.setModelID(modelID); // Write the new model to the model store try { weka.core.SerializationHelper.writeAll( getModelPath(eventID, attributeID, newModel.getModelID()), // filename new Object[]{newModel.getClassifier(), newModel.getAttributeSpecification()} // classifier ); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception when writing new model to file", e); return; // There is no point proceeding if the model could not be // written } // Pause classification and change the active model synchronized (this) { models.setModel(eventID, attributeID, newModel); } } public void initialize() { // Load models from disk into memory DataStore.getAttributesLabels(); ArrayList<ModelFamilyEC> families = DataStore.getActiveModels(); for (ModelFamilyEC family : families) { if (family.getState() == ModelFamilyEC.State.RUNNING) { loadModel(family.getCrisisID(), family.getNominalAttribute().getNominalAttributeID(), family.getCurrentModelID()); } } trainingFeedMonitor.initialize(families); } private boolean loadModel(int eventID, int attributeID, int modelID) { // Load models from dish and deserialize Object[] o; try { String path = getModelPath(eventID, attributeID, modelID); o = weka.core.SerializationHelper.readAll(path); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Could not load model from disk (crisis " + eventID + ", attribute " + attributeID + ", model " + modelID + "). Delete model reference in DB and retrain? [y/n]"); try { if ( == 'y') { DataStore.deleteModel(modelID); onRetrainModel(new CrisisAttributePair(eventID, attributeID)); } } catch (IOException ex) { logger.warn("Unable to read input."); } return false; } Classifier classifier = (Classifier) o[0]; Instances specification = (Instances) o[1]; Model model = new Model(attributeID, classifier, specification); model.setModelID(modelID); models.setModel(eventID, attributeID, model);"Loaded model for crisis " + eventID + ", attribute " + attributeID); return true; } private static String getModelPath(int eventID, int attributeID, int modelID) { String modelsPath = TaggerConfigurator.getInstance().getProperty( TaggerConfigurationProperty.MODEL_STORE_PATH); if (!modelsPath.endsWith(File.separator)) { modelsPath += File.separator; } return modelsPath + eventID + "_" + attributeID + "_" + modelID + ".model"; } private void unloadModel(int eventID, int attributeID) { // TODO: Unload models from memory when they get deleted or are no // longer in use models.removeModel(eventID, attributeID); } public double calculateValueAsTrainingSample(Document doc) { ArrayList<NominalLabelBC> labels = doc.getLabels(NominalLabelBC.class); if (labels.isEmpty()) { return 0.5; } double sum = 0; for (NominalLabelBC label : labels) { double a = label.getConfidence(); double b = getLabelTrainingWeight(label.getAttributeID(), label.getNominalLabelID()); // weight increases with: // increasing probability of this item belonging to a class with few // samples decreasing confidence in the classification range of // weight is [0-1]. For domain see //*%28%282*a-1%29*%282*b-1%29%29%29+from+a%3D0+to+1%2C+b%3D0+to+1 double weight = 1 - (0.5 + 0.5 * ((2 * a - 1) * (2 * b - 1))); sum += weight; } return sum / (double) labels.size(); } private double getLabelTrainingWeight(int attributeID, int labelID) { if (labelTrainingWeights == null || (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLabelTrainingWeightUpdate) > 300000) { // 5 // minutes updateLabelTrainingWeights(); } if (!labelTrainingWeights.containsKey(attributeID) || !labelTrainingWeights.get(attributeID) .containsKey(labelID)) { return 1; } return labelTrainingWeights.get(attributeID).get(labelID); } private void updateLabelTrainingWeights() { labelTrainingWeights = DataStore.getNominalLabelTrainingValues(); lastLabelTrainingWeightUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis(); } }