package qa.qcri.aidr.predictui.api; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import qa.qcri.aidr.dbmanager.dto.CollectionDTO; import qa.qcri.aidr.dbmanager.dto.CrisisTypeDTO; import qa.qcri.aidr.dbmanager.dto.DocumentDTO; import qa.qcri.aidr.dbmanager.dto.DocumentNominalLabelDTO; import qa.qcri.aidr.dbmanager.dto.UsersDTO; import qa.qcri.aidr.dbmanager.ejb.remote.facade.TaskManagerRemote; @Path("/test") @Stateless public class TestDBManagerResource { private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("db-manager-log"); @EJB private qa.qcri.aidr.dbmanager.ejb.remote.facade.CollectionResourceFacade remoteCrisisEJB; @EJB private qa.qcri.aidr.dbmanager.ejb.remote.facade.DocumentResourceFacade remoteDocumentEJB; @EJB private qa.qcri.aidr.dbmanager.ejb.remote.facade.UsersResourceFacade remoteUsersEJB; @EJB private qa.qcri.aidr.dbmanager.ejb.remote.facade.DocumentNominalLabelResourceFacade remoteDocumentNominalLabelEJB; @EJB private qa.qcri.aidr.dbmanager.ejb.remote.facade.CrisisTypeResourceFacade remoteCrisisTypeEJB; @EJB private TaskManagerRemote<DocumentDTO, Long> taskManager; @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/crisisType/{id}") public Response getCrisisTypeByID(@PathParam("id") long id) { try { CrisisTypeDTO dto = remoteCrisisTypeEJB.findCrisisTypeByID(id);"Returned successfully from remote EJB call!"); if (dto != null) { return Response.ok(dto).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("Exception in fetching crisisType from remote EJB: " + id); logger.error("stacktrace: ", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("Null object returned").build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/crisisType/all") public Response getAllCrisisTypes() { try { List<CrisisTypeDTO> dtoList = remoteCrisisTypeEJB.getAllCrisisTypes(); if (dtoList != null) { return Response.ok(dtoList).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("Exception in fetching crisisType list from remote EJB "); logger.error("stacktrace: ", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("Null object returned").build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/crisisType/crisis/{id}") public Response getAllCrisisForCrisisType(@PathParam("id") long id) { try { List<CollectionDTO> dtoList = remoteCrisisTypeEJB.getAllCrisisForCrisisTypeID(id); if (dtoList != null) { return Response.ok(dtoList).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("Exception in fetching crisis list for crisisType from remote EJB: " + id); logger.error("stacktrace: ", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("Null object returned").build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/crisis/{id}") public Response getCrisisByID(@PathParam("id") long id) { try { CollectionDTO dto = remoteCrisisEJB.findCrisisByID(id); if (dto != null) { return Response.ok(dto).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("Exception in fetching crisis from remote EJB for id = " + id); logger.error("stacktrace: ", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("Null object returned for crisis ID = " + id).build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/crisis/fulldata/{id}") public Response getCrisisWithAllParamsByID(@PathParam("id") long id) { try { CollectionDTO dto = remoteCrisisEJB.getCrisisWithAllFieldsByID(id); if (dto != null) { return Response.ok(dto).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("Exception in fetching crisis from remote EJB for id = " + id); logger.error("stacktrace: ", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("Null object returned for crisis ID = " + id).build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/crisis/all") public Response getAllCrisis() { try { List<CollectionDTO> dtoList = remoteCrisisEJB.getAllCrisis(); if (dtoList != null) { return Response.ok(dtoList).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("Exception in fetching crisis from remote EJB"); logger.error("stacktrace: ", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("Null object returned").build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/crisis/update/{id}") public Response updateCrisisByID(@PathParam("id") long id, @QueryParam("value") boolean value) { try { CollectionDTO dto = remoteCrisisEJB.findCrisisByID(id); if (dto != null) {"Fetched crisis: " + dto.getCrisisID() + ", " + dto.getCrisisID()); dto.setIsTrashed(value); CollectionDTO newDTO = remoteCrisisEJB.editCrisis(dto); return Response.ok(newDTO).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception in updating crisis from remote EJB: " + id); logger.error("stacktrace: ", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("Null object returned for: " + id).build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/document/{id}") public Response getDocumentByID(@PathParam("id") long id) { try { DocumentDTO dto = remoteDocumentEJB.findDocumentByID(id); if (dto != null) { return Response.ok(dto).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("Exception in fetching document from remote EJB for id = " + id); logger.error("stacktrace: ", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("Null object returned for document ID = " + id).build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/document/crisis/{id}") public Response getDocumentsByCrisisID(@PathParam("id") long id) { try { List<DocumentDTO> dtoList = remoteDocumentEJB.findDocumentsByCrisisID(id); if (dtoList != null) { return Response.ok(dtoList).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("Exception in fetching document from remote EJB for id = " + id); logger.error("stacktrace: ", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("Null object returned for document ID = " + id).build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/document/labeled/{id}") public Response getLabeledDocumentsByCrisisID(@PathParam("id") long id) { try { List<DocumentDTO> dtoList = remoteDocumentEJB.findLabeledDocumentsByCrisisID(id); if (dtoList != null) { return Response.ok(dtoList).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("Exception in fetching document from remote EJB for id = " + id); logger.error("stacktrace: ", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("Null object returned for document ID = " + id).build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/document/fulldata/{id}") public Response getWithAllFieldsDocument(@PathParam("id") long id) { try { DocumentDTO dto = remoteDocumentEJB.getDocumentWithAllFieldsByID(id); if (dto != null) { return Response.ok(dto).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("Exception in fetching document from remote EJB for id = " + id); logger.error("stacktrace: ", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("Null object returned for document ID = " + id).build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/user/{id}") public Response getUserByID(@PathParam("id") long id) { try { UsersDTO dto = remoteUsersEJB.getUserById(id); if (dto != null) { return Response.ok(dto).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("Exception in fetching user from remote EJB for id = " + id); logger.error("stacktrace: ", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("Null object returned for document ID = " + id).build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/dn/{id}") public Response getDocumentNominalLabelByID(@PathParam("id") long id) { try { DocumentNominalLabelDTO dto = remoteDocumentNominalLabelEJB.findLabeledDocumentByID(id); if (dto != null) { return Response.ok(dto).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("Exception in fetching document_nominal_label from remote EJB for id = " + id); logger.error("stacktrace: ", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("Null object returned for document ID = " + id).build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/crisisType/adddel") public Response TestAddDeleteCrisisType() { try { CrisisTypeDTO crisisType = new CrisisTypeDTO("test_db-manager_crisisType"); CrisisTypeDTO dto = remoteCrisisTypeEJB.addCrisisType(crisisType); if (dto != null) {"Add crisis successful: " + dto.getName() + ":" + dto.getCrisisTypeId()); Integer ret = remoteCrisisTypeEJB.deleteCrisisType(dto.getCrisisTypeId()); if (ret != null && ret.intValue() == 1) return Response.ok("CrisisType Add-Delete test successful" + dto).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in /crisisType/addde.", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("CrisisType add-Delete test failed").build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/crisis/adddel") public Response TestAddDeleteCrisis() { try { CrisisTypeDTO crisisType = remoteCrisisTypeEJB.getAllCrisisTypes().get(0); UsersDTO user = remoteUsersEJB.getUserById(9L); CollectionDTO newCrisis = new CollectionDTO("testDBManagerCrisis", "test_db-manager_crisis", false, false, crisisType, user, user); CollectionDTO dto = remoteCrisisEJB.addCrisis(newCrisis); if (dto != null) {"Add crisis successful: " + dto.getCrisisID() + ":" + dto.getName() + ":" + dto.getCode() + ":" + dto.getCrisisTypeDTO().getName() + ":" + dto.getCrisisTypeDTO().getCrisisTypeId()); Integer ret = remoteCrisisEJB.deleteCrisis(dto); if (ret != null && ret.intValue() == 1) return Response.ok("Crisis Add-Delete test successful" + dto).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in /crisis/adddel.", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("Crisis add-Delete test failed").build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/document/adddel") public Response TestAddDeleteDocument() { try { CollectionDTO crisis = remoteCrisisEJB.findActiveCrisis().get(0); DocumentDTO newDoc = new DocumentDTO(crisis, false, false, 0.7, new Date(), "en", "twitter", "This is a test data for db-manager test"); DocumentDTO dto = remoteDocumentEJB.addDocument(newDoc); if (dto != null) {"Add document successful: " + dto.getDocumentID() + ":" + dto.getCrisisDTO().getCode() + ":" + dto.getCrisisDTO().getCrisisID()); Integer ret = remoteDocumentEJB.deleteDocument(dto); if (ret != null && ret.intValue() == 1) return Response.ok("Document Add-Delete test successful" + dto).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in /document/adddel.",e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("Document add-Delete test failed").build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/user/adddel") public Response TestAddDeleteUser() { try { UsersDTO newUser = new UsersDTO("testUserDBManager", "normal"); UsersDTO dto = remoteUsersEJB.addUser(newUser); if (dto != null) {"Add user successful: " + dto.getUserID() + ":" + dto.getName() + ":" + dto.getRole()); Integer ret = remoteUsersEJB.deleteUser(dto.getUserID()); if (ret != null && ret.intValue() == 1) return Response.ok("User Add-Delete test successful" + dto).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("stacktrace: ", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } return Response.ok("User add-Delete test failed").build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/task/new/{crisisID}") public Response TestGetNewTask(@PathParam("crisisID") long crisisID) { System.out.println("Going to fetch new task collection for crisis ID = " + crisisID); try { List<DocumentDTO> dtoList = taskManager.getNewTaskCollection(crisisID, 10, "DESC", null); if (dtoList != null) { return Response.ok(dtoList).build(); } else { return Response.ok("Null object returned for crisis ID = " + crisisID).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in TestGetNewTask.", e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/document/nominalLabel/{nominalLabelID}") public Response TestGetLabeled(@PathParam("nominalLabelID") long nominalLabelID) {"Going to fetch labled documents for nominalLabel ID = " + nominalLabelID); try { List<DocumentDTO> dtoList = taskManager.getNominalLabelDocumentCollection(nominalLabelID); if (dtoList != null) { return Response.ok(dtoList).build(); } else { return Response.ok("Null object returned for nominalLabelID = " + nominalLabelID).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in TestGetLabeled for label id : " + nominalLabelID, e); return Response.ok("Exception: " + e).build(); } } }