package qa.qcri.aidr.trainer.pybossa.format.impl; import; import; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import*; import*; import java.util.*; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: jlucas * Date: 10/18/13 * Time: 2:39 AM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class CVSRemoteFileFormatter { public List<MicromapperInput> getInputData(String url) throws Exception{ //[Twitter username] // [Tweet message] // [optional: time-stamp] // [optional: location] // [optional: latitude] // [optional: longitude] // [image link] String[] row = null; List<MicromapperInput> sourceSet = new ArrayList<MicromapperInput>(); URL stockURL = new URL(url); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stockURL.openStream())); CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader(in); List content = csvReader.readAll(); for (Object object : content) { row = (String[]) object; // tweetID,tweet,author,lat,lng,url,created MicromapperInput source = new MicromapperInput(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6]); sourceSet.add(source); } csvReader.close(); if(sourceSet.size() > 1){ sourceSet.remove(0); } return sourceSet; } private CSVReader getCVSContentReader(String source) throws Exception{ CSVReader csvReader = null; if(source.toLowerCase().startsWith("http")){ URL stockURL = new URL(source); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stockURL.openStream())); csvReader = new CSVReader(in); } else{ csvReader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(source)); } return csvReader; } private String getAerialClickerJsonData(String source) throws Exception{ StringBuffer responseOutput = new StringBuffer(); if(source.toLowerCase().startsWith("http")){ URL stockURL = new URL(source); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stockURL.openStream())); String output; // System.out.println("Output from Server ...." + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + "\n"); while ((output = in.readLine()) != null) { responseOutput.append(output); }; } else{ BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(source)); String sCurrentLine; while ((sCurrentLine = br.readLine()) != null) { responseOutput.append(sCurrentLine); } } return responseOutput.toString(); } public List<MicromapperInput> getClickerInputData(String url) throws Exception{ //[Twitter username] // [Tweet message] // [optional: time-stamp] // [optional: location] // [optional: latitude] // [optional: longitude] // [image link] String[] row = null; List<MicromapperInput> sourceSet = new ArrayList<MicromapperInput>(); CSVReader csvReader = getCVSContentReader(url) ; List content = csvReader.readAll(); for (Object object : content) { //User-Name(0) Tweet(1) Time-stamp(2) Location(3) Latitude(4) Longitude(5) Image-link(6) TweetID(7) // public MicromapperInput(String tweetID, String tweet, String author, String lat, String lng , String url, String created){ row = (String[]) object; if(row!=null){ if(row.length > 7){ String tweetID = row[7]; String tweet=row[1]; String author=row[0]; String lat=row[4]; String lng=row[5]; String imgURL = row[6]; String created = row[2]; String dataSourceLocation; MicromapperInput source = new MicromapperInput(tweetID, tweet, author, lat, lng, imgURL, created); sourceSet.add(source); } } // tweetID,tweet,author,lat,lng,url,created } csvReader.close(); // REMOVEW HEADER if(sourceSet.size() > 1){ sourceSet.remove(0); } return sourceSet; } public List<MicromapperInput> getGeoClickerInputData(String url) throws Exception{ //"tweetID","tweet","author","lat","lng","url","created","answer" String[] row = null; List<MicromapperInput> sourceSet = new ArrayList<MicromapperInput>(); CSVReader csvReader = getCVSContentReader(url) ; List content = csvReader.readAll(); for (Object object : content) { row = (String[]) object; if(row!=null){ if(row.length > 7){ String tweetID = row[0]; String tweet=row[1]; String author=row[2]; String lat=row[3]; String lng=row[4]; String imgURL = row[5]; String created = row[6]; String answer = row[7]; MicromapperInput source = new MicromapperInput(tweetID, tweet, author, lat, lng, imgURL, created, answer); sourceSet.add(source); } } } csvReader.close(); if(sourceSet.size() > 1){ sourceSet.remove(0); } return sourceSet; } public List<MicromapperInput> getAerialClickerInputData(String url) throws Exception{ //"tweetID","tweet","author","lat","lng","url","created","answer" String[] row = null; List<MicromapperInput> sourceSet = new ArrayList<MicromapperInput>(); String geoJsonString = getAerialClickerJsonData(url); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONArray tileJson = (JSONArray)parser.parse(geoJsonString); for (Object object : tileJson) { JSONObject aJson = (JSONObject) object; JSONArray bounds = (JSONArray) aJson.get("bounds"); String imgURL = (String) aJson.get("url"); JSONArray imgSize = (JSONArray) aJson.get("size"); MicromapperInput source = new MicromapperInput( imgURL, bounds.toJSONString(), imgSize.toJSONString()); sourceSet.add(source); } return sourceSet; } public List<MicromapperInput> getClickerLocalFileInputData(String csvFilename) throws Exception{ //[Twitter username] // [Tweet message] // [optional: time-stamp] // [optional: location] // [optional: latitude] // [optional: longitude] // [image link] String[] row = null; List<MicromapperInput> sourceSet = new ArrayList<MicromapperInput>(); CSVReader csvReader = getCVSContentReader(csvFilename) ; List content = csvReader.readAll(); for (Object object : content) { //User-Name(0) Tweet(1) Time-stamp(2) Location(3) Latitude(4) Longitude(5) Image-link(6) TweetID(7) // public MicromapperInput(String tweetID, String tweet, String author, String lat, String lng , String url, String created){ row = (String[]) object; if(row!=null){ if(row.length > 7){ String tweetID = row[7]; String tweet=row[1]; String author=row[0]; String lat=row[4]; String lng=row[5]; String imgURL = row[6]; String created = row[2]; String dataSourceLocation; MicromapperInput source = new MicromapperInput(tweetID, tweet, author, lat, lng, imgURL, created); sourceSet.add(source); } } // tweetID,tweet,author,lat,lng,url,created } csvReader.close(); // REMOVEW HEADER if(sourceSet.size() > 1){ sourceSet.remove(0); } return sourceSet; } public List<MicromapperInput> getFileBaseImageClickerInputData(String csvFilename) throws Exception{ //[Twitter username] // [Tweet message] // [optional: time-stamp] // [optional: location] // [optional: latitude] // [optional: longitude] // [image link] List<MicromapperInput> sourceSet = new ArrayList<MicromapperInput>(); CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(csvFilename)); String[] row = null; while ((row = csvReader.readNext()) != null) { if(row!=null){ if(row.length > 8){ MicromapperInput source = new MicromapperInput(row[8], row[1], row[0], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[2]); sourceSet.add(source); } } } csvReader.close(); // REMOVEW HEADER if(sourceSet.size() > 1){ sourceSet.remove(0); } return sourceSet; } public CSVWriter instanceToOutput(String fileName) throws Exception{ File file = new File(fileName); //file.getAbsolutePath(); CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(fileName, true)); // public MicromapperOuput(String tweetID, String tweet, String author, String lat, String lng, String url, String created, String answer){ String[] header = {"tweetID", "tweet","author", "lat", "lng", "url", "created", "answer"}; writer.writeNext(header); return writer; } public void addToCVSOuputFile(String[] data, CSVWriter writer) throws Exception{ writer.writeNext(data); } public void finalizeCVSOutputFile(CSVWriter writer) throws Exception{ writer.close(); } }