package net.wigle.wigleandroid.model; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import; import; /** * network data. not thread-safe. */ @SuppressLint("UseSparseArrays") public final class Network implements ClusterItem { private final String bssid; private final String ssid; private final int frequency; private final String capabilities; private int level; private final Integer channel; private final String showCapabilities; private final int crypto; private final NetworkType type; private LatLng geoPoint; private boolean isNew; private String detail; private final long constructionTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private static final String BAR_STRING = " | "; private static final String DASH_STRING = " - "; private static final String WPA_CAP = "[WPA"; private static final String WEP_CAP = "[WEP"; // faster than enums public static final int CRYPTO_NONE = 0; public static final int CRYPTO_WEP = 1; public static final int CRYPTO_WPA = 2; private static final Map<Integer,Integer> freqToChan; static { Map<Integer,Integer> freqToChanTemp = new HashMap<>(); for ( int i = 237; i <= 255; i++ ) { freqToChanTemp.put( 2312 + 5 * (i - 237), i ); } for ( int i = 0; i <= 13; i++ ) { freqToChanTemp.put(2407 + (5 * i), i); } freqToChanTemp.put(2484, 14); freqToChanTemp.put(5170, 34); freqToChanTemp.put(5180, 36); freqToChanTemp.put(5190, 38); freqToChanTemp.put(5200, 40); freqToChanTemp.put(5210, 42); freqToChanTemp.put(5220, 44); freqToChanTemp.put(5230, 46); freqToChanTemp.put(5240, 48); freqToChanTemp.put(5260, 52); freqToChanTemp.put(5280, 56); freqToChanTemp.put(5300, 58); freqToChanTemp.put(5320, 60); freqToChanTemp.put(5500, 100); freqToChanTemp.put(5520, 104); freqToChanTemp.put(5540, 108); freqToChanTemp.put(5560, 112); freqToChanTemp.put(5570, 116); freqToChanTemp.put(5600, 120); freqToChanTemp.put(5620, 124); freqToChanTemp.put(5640, 128); freqToChanTemp.put(5660, 132); freqToChanTemp.put(5680, 136); freqToChanTemp.put(5700, 140); freqToChanTemp.put(5745, 149); freqToChanTemp.put(5765, 153); freqToChanTemp.put(5785, 157); freqToChanTemp.put(5805, 161); freqToChanTemp.put(5825, 165); freqToChan = Collections.unmodifiableMap( freqToChanTemp ); } /** * convenience constructor * @param scanResult a result from a wifi scan */ public Network( final ScanResult scanResult ) { this( scanResult.BSSID, scanResult.SSID, scanResult.frequency, scanResult.capabilities, scanResult.level, NetworkType.WIFI ); } public Network( final String bssid, final String ssid, final int frequency, final String capabilities, final int level, final NetworkType type ) { this.bssid = ( bssid == null ) ? "" : bssid.toLowerCase(Locale.US); this.ssid = ( ssid == null ) ? "" : ssid; this.frequency = frequency; this.capabilities = ( capabilities == null ) ? "" : capabilities; this.level = level; this.type = type; = freqToChan.get( frequency ); if ( ! NetworkType.WIFI.equals( type ) ) { int semicolon = this.capabilities.lastIndexOf(";"); if ( semicolon > 0 ) { this.showCapabilities = this.capabilities.substring(0, semicolon); } else { this.showCapabilities = this.capabilities; } } else if ( this.capabilities.length() > 16 ) { this.showCapabilities = this.capabilities.replaceAll("(\\[\\w+)\\-.*?\\]", "$1]"); } else { this.showCapabilities = null; } if (this.capabilities.contains(WPA_CAP)) { crypto = CRYPTO_WPA; } else if (this.capabilities.contains(WEP_CAP)) { crypto = CRYPTO_WEP; } else { crypto = CRYPTO_NONE; } } public String getBssid() { return bssid; } public String getSsid() { return ssid; } public int getFrequency() { return frequency; } public String getCapabilities() { return capabilities; } public String getShowCapabilities() { if ( showCapabilities == null ) { return capabilities; } return showCapabilities; } public int getLevel() { return level; } public NetworkType getType() { return type; } public Integer getChannel() { return channel; } public void setLevel( final int level ) { this.level = level; } public void setIsNew() { this.isNew = true; } public boolean isNew() { return isNew; } /** * get crypto category, one of CRYPTO_* defined in this class. * @return integer corresponding to an encryption category */ public int getCrypto() { return crypto; } public long getConstructionTime() { return constructionTime; } public String getDetail() { if ( detail == null ) { final Integer chan = channel != null ? channel : frequency; final StringBuilder detailBuild = new StringBuilder( 40 ); detailBuild.append( BAR_STRING ).append( bssid ); detailBuild.append( DASH_STRING ); if ( NetworkType.WIFI.equals(type) ) { detailBuild.append( chan ); } else { detailBuild.append( type ); } detailBuild.append( DASH_STRING ).append( getShowCapabilities() ); detail = detailBuild.toString(); } return detail; } public void setLatLng(LatLng geoPoint) { this.geoPoint = geoPoint; } public LatLng getLatLng() { return geoPoint; } public String getOui(final OUI oui) { String retval = ""; final String lookup = getBssid().replace(":", "").toUpperCase(); if (oui != null && lookup.length() >= 9) { retval = oui.getOui(lookup.substring(0, 9)); if (retval == null) retval = oui.getOui(lookup.substring(0, 7)); if (retval == null) retval = oui.getOui(lookup.substring(0, 6)); } return retval == null ? "" : retval; } @Override public LatLng getPosition() { return geoPoint; } @Override public int hashCode() { return bssid.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object other) { if (other instanceof Network) { final Network o = (Network) other; return bssid.equals(o.bssid); } return false; } }