package net.wigle.wigleandroid; import android.content.Context; import; import android.provider.Settings; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import net.wigle.wigleandroid.model.Network; import net.wigle.wigleandroid.model.NetworkType; import net.wigle.wigleandroid.model.OUI; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; /** * the array adapter for a list of networks. * note: separators aren't drawn if areAllItemsEnabled or isEnabled are false */ public final class NetworkListAdapter extends AbstractListAdapter<Network> { //color by signal strength private static final int COLOR_1 = Color.rgb( 70, 170, 0); private static final int COLOR_2 = Color.rgb(170, 170, 0); private static final int COLOR_3 = Color.rgb(170, 95, 30); private static final int COLOR_4 = Color.rgb(180, 60, 40); private static final int COLOR_5 = Color.rgb(180, 45, 70); private static final int COLOR_1A = Color.argb(128, 70, 170, 0); private static final int COLOR_2A = Color.argb(128, 170, 170, 0); private static final int COLOR_3A = Color.argb(128, 170, 95, 30); private static final int COLOR_4A = Color.argb(128, 180, 60, 40); private static final int COLOR_5A = Color.argb(128, 180, 45, 70); private final SimpleDateFormat format; public NetworkListAdapter( final Context context, final int rowLayout ) { super( context, rowLayout ); format = getConstructionTimeFormater( context ); if (ListFragment.lameStatic.oui == null) { ListFragment.lameStatic.oui = new OUI(context.getAssets()); } } public static SimpleDateFormat getConstructionTimeFormater( final Context context ) { final int value = Settings.System.getInt(context.getContentResolver(), Settings.System.TIME_12_24, -1); SimpleDateFormat format; if ( value == 24 ) { format = new SimpleDateFormat("H:mm:ss", Locale.getDefault()); } else { format = new SimpleDateFormat("h:mm:ss a", Locale.getDefault()); } return format; } @Override public View getView( final int position, final View convertView, final ViewGroup parent ) { // long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); View row; if ( null == convertView ) { row = mInflater.inflate( R.layout.row, parent, false ); } else { row = convertView; } Network network; try { network = getItem(position); } catch ( final IndexOutOfBoundsException ex ) { // yes, this happened to someone"index out of bounds: " + position + " ex: " + ex); return row; } // info( "listing net: " + network.getBssid() ); final ImageView ico = (ImageView) row.findViewById( ); ico.setImageResource(getImage(network)); TextView tv = (TextView) row.findViewById( ); tv.setText( network.getSsid() + " "); tv = (TextView) row.findViewById( ); final String ouiString = network.getOui(ListFragment.lameStatic.oui); final String sep = ouiString.length() > 0 ? " - " : ""; tv.setText( ouiString + sep ); tv = (TextView) row.findViewById( ); tv.setText( getConstructionTime( format, network ) ); tv = (TextView) row.findViewById( ); final int level = network.getLevel(); tv.setTextColor( getSignalColor( level ) ); tv.setText( Integer.toString( level ) ); tv = (TextView) row.findViewById( ); String det = network.getDetail(); tv.setText( det ); // status( position + " view done. ms: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start ) ); return row; } public static String getConstructionTime( final SimpleDateFormat format, final Network network ) { return format.format( new Date( network.getConstructionTime() ) ); } public static int getSignalColor( final int level ) { return getSignalColor( level, false ); } public static int getSignalColor( final int level, final boolean alpha ) { int color = alpha ? COLOR_1A : COLOR_1; if ( level <= -90 ) { color = alpha ? COLOR_5A : COLOR_5; } else if ( level <= -80 ) { color = alpha ? COLOR_4A : COLOR_4; } else if ( level <= -70 ) { color = alpha ? COLOR_3A : COLOR_3; } else if ( level <= -60 ) { color = alpha ? COLOR_2A : COLOR_2; } return color; } public static int getImage( final Network network ) { int resource; if ( network.getType().equals(NetworkType.WIFI) ) { switch ( network.getCrypto() ) { case Network.CRYPTO_WEP: resource = R.drawable.wep_ico; break; case Network.CRYPTO_WPA: resource = R.drawable.wpa_ico; break; case Network.CRYPTO_NONE: resource = R.drawable.no_ico; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unhanded crypto: " + network.getCrypto() + " in network: " + network ); } } else { resource = R.drawable.tower_ico; } return resource; } }