package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import; import android.text.Html; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TextView; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Renders all visible KmlPlacemark and KmlGroundOverlay objects onto the GoogleMap as Marker, * Polyline, Polygon, GroundOverlay objects. Also removes objects from the map. */ /* package */ class KmlRenderer { private static final String LOG_TAG = "KmlRenderer"; private static final int LRU_CACHE_SIZE = 50; private final LruCache<String, Bitmap> mImagesCache; private final ArrayList<String> mMarkerIconUrls; private final ArrayList<String> mGroundOverlayUrls; private GoogleMap mMap; private HashMap<KmlPlacemark, Object> mPlacemarks; private HashMap<String, String> mStyleMaps; private ArrayList<KmlContainer> mContainers; private HashMap<String, KmlStyle> mStyles; private HashMap<String, KmlStyle> mStylesRenderer; private HashMap<KmlGroundOverlay, GroundOverlay> mGroundOverlays; private boolean mLayerVisible; private boolean mMarkerIconsDownloaded; private boolean mGroundOverlayImagesDownloaded; private Context mContext; /* package */ KmlRenderer(GoogleMap map, Context context) { mContext = context; mMap = map; mImagesCache = new LruCache<String, Bitmap>(LRU_CACHE_SIZE); mMarkerIconUrls = new ArrayList<String>(); mGroundOverlayUrls = new ArrayList<String>(); mStylesRenderer = new HashMap<String, KmlStyle>(); mLayerVisible = false; mMarkerIconsDownloaded = false; mGroundOverlayImagesDownloaded = false; } /** * Gets the visibility of the placemark if it is specified. A visibility value of "1" * corresponds as "true", a visibility value of "0" corresponds as false. If the * visibility is not set, the method returns "true". * * @param placemark Placemark to obtain visibility from. * @return False if a Placemark has a visibility value of "1", true otherwise. */ private static boolean getPlacemarkVisibility(KmlPlacemark placemark) { boolean isPlacemarkVisible = true; if (placemark.hasProperty("visibility")) { String placemarkVisibility = placemark.getProperty("visibility"); if (Integer.parseInt(placemarkVisibility) == 0) { isPlacemarkVisible = false; } } return isPlacemarkVisible; } /** * Scales a Bitmap to a specified float. * * @param unscaledBitmap Unscaled bitmap image to scale. * @param scale Scale value. A "1.0" scale value corresponds to the original size of the Bitmap * @return A scaled bitmap image */ private static BitmapDescriptor scaleIcon(Bitmap unscaledBitmap, Double scale) { int width = (int) (unscaledBitmap.getWidth() * scale); int height = (int) (unscaledBitmap.getHeight() * scale); Bitmap scaledBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(unscaledBitmap, width, height, false); return BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(scaledBitmap); } /** * Removes all given KML placemarks from the map and clears all stored placemarks. * * @param placemarks placemarks to remove */ private static void removePlacemarks(HashMap<KmlPlacemark, Object> placemarks) { // Remove map object from the map for (Object mapObject : placemarks.values()) { if (mapObject instanceof Marker) { ((Marker) mapObject).remove(); } else if (mapObject instanceof Polyline) { ((Polyline) mapObject).remove(); } else if (mapObject instanceof Polygon) { ((Polygon) mapObject).remove(); } } } /** * Gets the visibility of the container * * @param kmlContainer container to check visibility of * @param isParentContainerVisible true if the parent container is visible, false otherwise * @return true if this container is visible, false otherwise */ /*package*/ static boolean getContainerVisibility(KmlContainer kmlContainer, boolean isParentContainerVisible) { boolean isChildContainerVisible = true; if (kmlContainer.hasProperty("visibility")) { String placemarkVisibility = kmlContainer.getProperty("visibility"); if (Integer.parseInt(placemarkVisibility) == 0) { isChildContainerVisible = false; } } return (isParentContainerVisible && isChildContainerVisible); } /** * Removes all ground overlays in the given hashmap * * @param groundOverlays hashmap of ground overlays to remove */ private void removeGroundOverlays(HashMap<KmlGroundOverlay, GroundOverlay> groundOverlays) { for (GroundOverlay groundOverlay : groundOverlays.values()) { groundOverlay.remove(); } } /** * Removes all the KML data from the map and clears all the stored placemarks of those which * are in a container. */ private void removeContainers(Iterable<KmlContainer> containers) { for (KmlContainer container : containers) { removePlacemarks(container.getPlacemarksHashMap()); removeGroundOverlays(container.getGroundOverlayHashMap()); removeContainers(container.getContainers()); } } /** * Iterates a list of styles and assigns a style */ /*package*/ void assignStyleMap(HashMap<String, String> styleMap, HashMap<String, KmlStyle> styles) { for (String styleMapKey : styleMap.keySet()) { String styleMapValue = styleMap.get(styleMapKey); if (styles.containsKey(styleMapValue)) { styles.put(styleMapKey, styles.get(styleMapValue)); } } } /** * Stores all given data and adds it onto the map * * @param styles hashmap of styles * @param styleMaps hashmap of style maps * @param placemarks hashmap of placemarks * @param folders array of containers * @param groundOverlays hashmap of ground overlays */ /* package */ void storeKmlData(HashMap<String, KmlStyle> styles, HashMap<String, String> styleMaps, HashMap<KmlPlacemark, Object> placemarks, ArrayList<KmlContainer> folders, HashMap<KmlGroundOverlay, GroundOverlay> groundOverlays) { mStyles = styles; mStyleMaps = styleMaps; mPlacemarks = placemarks; mContainers = folders; mGroundOverlays = groundOverlays; } /* package */ void addLayerToMap() { mStylesRenderer.putAll(mStyles); assignStyleMap(mStyleMaps, mStylesRenderer); addGroundOverlays(mGroundOverlays, mContainers); addContainerGroupToMap(mContainers, true); addPlacemarksToMap(mPlacemarks); if (!mGroundOverlayImagesDownloaded) { downloadGroundOverlays(); } if (!mMarkerIconsDownloaded) { downloadMarkerIcons(); } mLayerVisible = true; } /** * Gets the map that objects are being placed on * * @return map */ /* package */ GoogleMap getMap() { return mMap; } /** * Sets the map that objects are being placed on * * @param map map to place placemark, container, style and ground overlays on */ /* package */ void setMap(GoogleMap map) { removeLayerFromMap(); mMap = map; addLayerToMap(); } /** * Checks if the layer contains placemarks * * @return true if there are placemarks, false otherwise */ /* package */ boolean hasKmlPlacemarks() { return mPlacemarks.size() > 0; } /** * Gets an iterable of KmlPlacemark objects * * @return iterable of KmlPlacemark objects */ /* package */ Iterable<KmlPlacemark> getKmlPlacemarks() { return mPlacemarks.keySet(); } /** * Checks if the layer contains any KmlContainers * * @return true if there is at least 1 container within the KmlLayer, false otherwise */ /* package */ boolean hasNestedContainers() { return mContainers.size() > 0; } /** * Gets an iterable of KmlContainerInterface objects * * @return iterable of KmlContainerInterface objects */ /* package */ Iterable<KmlContainer> getNestedContainers() { return mContainers; } /** * Gets an iterable of KmlGroundOverlay objects * * @return iterable of KmlGroundOverlay objects */ /* package */ Iterable<KmlGroundOverlay> getGroundOverlays() { return mGroundOverlays.keySet(); } /** * Removes all the KML data from the map and clears all the stored placemarks */ /* package */ void removeLayerFromMap() { removePlacemarks(mPlacemarks); removeGroundOverlays(mGroundOverlays); if (hasNestedContainers()) { removeContainers(getNestedContainers()); } mLayerVisible = false; mStylesRenderer.clear(); } /** * Iterates over the placemarks, gets its style or assigns a default one and adds it to the map */ private void addPlacemarksToMap(HashMap<KmlPlacemark, Object> placemarks) { for (KmlPlacemark kmlPlacemark : placemarks.keySet()) { boolean isPlacemarkVisible = getPlacemarkVisibility(kmlPlacemark); Object mapObject = addPlacemarkToMap(kmlPlacemark, isPlacemarkVisible); // Placemark stores a KmlPlacemark as a key, and GoogleMap Object as its value placemarks.put(kmlPlacemark, mapObject); } } /** * Combines style and visibility to apply to a placemark geometry object and adds it to the map * * @param placemark Placemark to obtain geometry object to add to the map * @param placemarkVisibility boolean value, where true indicates the placemark geometry is * shown initially on the map, false for not shown initially on the * map. * @return Google Map Object of the placemark geometry after it has been added to the map. */ private Object addPlacemarkToMap(KmlPlacemark placemark, boolean placemarkVisibility) { //If the placemark contains a geometry, then we add it to the map //If it doesnt contain a geometry, we do not add anything to the map and just store values if (placemark.getGeometry() != null) { String placemarkId = placemark.getStyleId(); KmlGeometry geometry = placemark.getGeometry(); KmlStyle style = getPlacemarkStyle(placemarkId); KmlStyle inlineStyle = placemark.getInlineStyle(); return addToMap(placemark, geometry, style, inlineStyle, placemarkVisibility); } return null; } /** * Adds placemarks with their corresponding styles onto the map * * @param kmlContainers An arraylist of folders */ private void addContainerGroupToMap(Iterable<KmlContainer> kmlContainers, boolean containerVisibility) { for (KmlContainer container : kmlContainers) { boolean isContainerVisible = getContainerVisibility(container, containerVisibility); if (container.getStyles() != null) { // Stores all found styles from the container mStylesRenderer.putAll(container.getStyles()); } if (container.getStyleMap() != null) { // Stores all found style maps from the container assignStyleMap(container.getStyleMap(), mStylesRenderer); } addContainerObjectToMap(container, isContainerVisible); if (container.hasContainers()) { addContainerGroupToMap(container.getContainers(), isContainerVisible); } } } /** * Goes through the every placemark, style and properties object within a <Folder> tag * * @param kmlContainer Folder to obtain placemark and styles from */ private void addContainerObjectToMap(KmlContainer kmlContainer, boolean isContainerVisible) { for (KmlPlacemark placemark : kmlContainer.getPlacemarks()) { boolean isPlacemarkVisible = getPlacemarkVisibility(placemark); boolean isObjectVisible = isContainerVisible && isPlacemarkVisible; Object mapObject = addPlacemarkToMap(placemark, isObjectVisible); kmlContainer.setPlacemark(placemark, mapObject); } } /** * Obtains the styleUrl from a placemark and finds the corresponding style in a list * * @param styleId StyleUrl from a placemark * @return Style which corresponds to an ID */ private KmlStyle getPlacemarkStyle(String styleId) { KmlStyle style = mStylesRenderer.get(null); if (mStylesRenderer.get(styleId) != null) { style = mStylesRenderer.get(styleId); } return style; } /** * Sets the marker icon if there was a url that was found * * @param styleUrl The style which we retrieve the icon url from * @param markerOptions The marker which is displaying the icon */ private void addMarkerIcons(String styleUrl, MarkerOptions markerOptions) { if (mImagesCache.get(styleUrl) != null) { // Bitmap stored in cache Bitmap bitmap = mImagesCache.get(styleUrl); markerOptions.icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(bitmap)); } else if (!mMarkerIconUrls.contains(styleUrl)) { mMarkerIconUrls.add(styleUrl); } } /** * Determines if there are any icons to add to markers */ private void downloadMarkerIcons() { mMarkerIconsDownloaded = true; for (Iterator<String> iterator = mMarkerIconUrls.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { String markerIconUrl =; new MarkerIconImageDownload(markerIconUrl).execute(); iterator.remove(); } } /** * Adds the marker icon stored in mMarkerIconCache, to the {@link} * * @param iconUrl icon url of icon to add to markers */ private void addIconToMarkers(String iconUrl, HashMap<KmlPlacemark, Object> placemarks) { for (KmlPlacemark placemark : placemarks.keySet()) { KmlStyle urlStyle = mStylesRenderer.get(placemark.getStyleId()); KmlStyle inlineStyle = placemark.getInlineStyle(); if ("Point".equals(placemark.getGeometry().getGeometryType())) { boolean isInlineStyleIcon = inlineStyle != null && iconUrl .equals(inlineStyle.getIconUrl()); boolean isPlacemarkStyleIcon = urlStyle != null && iconUrl .equals(urlStyle.getIconUrl()); if (isInlineStyleIcon) { scaleBitmap(inlineStyle, placemarks, placemark); } else if (isPlacemarkStyleIcon) { scaleBitmap(urlStyle, placemarks, placemark); } } } } /** * Enlarges or shrinks a bitmap image based on the scale provided * @param style Style to retrieve iconUrl and scale from * @param placemark Placemark object to set the image to */ private void scaleBitmap(KmlStyle style, HashMap<KmlPlacemark, Object> placemarks, KmlPlacemark placemark) { double bitmapScale = style.getIconScale(); String bitmapUrl = style.getIconUrl(); Bitmap bitmapImage = mImagesCache.get(bitmapUrl); BitmapDescriptor scaledBitmap = scaleIcon(bitmapImage, bitmapScale); ((Marker) placemarks.get(placemark)).setIcon(scaledBitmap); } /** * Assigns icons to markers with a url if put in a placemark tag that is nested in a folder. * * @param iconUrl url to obtain marker image * @param kmlContainers kml container which contains the marker */ private void addContainerGroupIconsToMarkers(String iconUrl, Iterable<KmlContainer> kmlContainers) { for (KmlContainer container : kmlContainers) { addIconToMarkers(iconUrl, container.getPlacemarksHashMap()); if (container.hasContainers()) { addContainerGroupIconsToMarkers(iconUrl, container.getContainers()); } } } /** * Adds a single geometry object to the map with its specified style * * @param geometry defines the type of object to add to the map * @param style defines styling properties to add to the object when added to the map * @return the object that was added to the map, this is a Marker, Polyline, Polygon or an array * of either objects */ private Object addToMap(KmlPlacemark placemark, KmlGeometry geometry, KmlStyle style, KmlStyle inlineStyle, boolean isVisible) { String geometryType = geometry.getGeometryType(); if (geometryType.equals("Point")) { Marker marker = addPointToMap(placemark, (KmlPoint) geometry, style, inlineStyle); marker.setVisible(isVisible); return marker; } else if (geometryType.equals("LineString")) { Polyline polyline = addLineStringToMap((KmlLineString) geometry, style, inlineStyle); polyline.setVisible(isVisible); return polyline; } else if (geometryType.equals("Polygon")) { Polygon polygon = addPolygonToMap((KmlPolygon) geometry, style, inlineStyle); polygon.setVisible(isVisible); return polygon; } else if (geometryType.equals("MultiGeometry")) { return addMultiGeometryToMap(placemark, (KmlMultiGeometry) geometry, style, inlineStyle, isVisible); } return null; } /** * Adds a KML Point to the map as a Marker by combining the styling and coordinates * * @param point contains coordinates for the Marker * @param style contains relevant styling properties for the Marker * @return Marker object */ private Marker addPointToMap(KmlPlacemark placemark, KmlPoint point, KmlStyle style, KmlStyle markerInlineStyle) { MarkerOptions markerUrlStyle = style.getMarkerOptions(); markerUrlStyle.position(point.getGeometryObject()); if (markerInlineStyle != null) { setInlinePointStyle(markerUrlStyle, markerInlineStyle, style.getIconUrl()); } else if (style.getIconUrl() != null) { // Use shared style addMarkerIcons(style.getIconUrl(), markerUrlStyle); } Marker marker = mMap.addMarker(markerUrlStyle); setMarkerInfoWindow(style, marker, placemark); return marker; } /** * Sets a marker info window if no <text> tag was found in the KML document. This method sets * the marker title as the text found in the <name> start tag and the snippet as <description> * * @param style Style to apply */ private void setMarkerInfoWindow(KmlStyle style, Marker marker, final KmlPlacemark placemark) { boolean hasName = placemark.hasProperty("name"); boolean hasDescription = placemark.hasProperty("description"); boolean hasBalloonOptions = style.hasBalloonStyle(); boolean hasBalloonText = style.getBalloonOptions().containsKey("text"); if (hasBalloonOptions && hasBalloonText) { marker.setTitle(style.getBalloonOptions().get("text")); createInfoWindow(); } else if (hasBalloonOptions && hasName) { marker.setTitle(placemark.getProperty("name")); createInfoWindow(); } else if (hasName && hasDescription) { marker.setTitle(placemark.getProperty("name")); marker.setSnippet(placemark.getProperty("description")); createInfoWindow(); } else if (hasDescription) { marker.setTitle(placemark.getProperty("description")); createInfoWindow(); } } /** * Creates a new InfoWindowAdapter and sets text if marker snippet or title is set. This allows * the info window to have custom HTML. */ private void createInfoWindow() { mMap.setInfoWindowAdapter(new GoogleMap.InfoWindowAdapter() { public View getInfoWindow(Marker arg0) { return null; } public View getInfoContents(Marker arg0) { View view = LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(R.layout.amu_info_window, null); TextView infoWindowText = (TextView) view.findViewById(; if (arg0.getSnippet() != null) { infoWindowText.setText(Html.fromHtml(arg0.getTitle() + "<br>" + arg0.getSnippet())); } else { infoWindowText.setText(Html.fromHtml(arg0.getTitle())); } return view; } }); } /** * Sets the inline point style by copying over the styles that have been set * * @param markerOptions marker options object to add inline styles to * @param inlineStyle inline styles to apply * @param markerUrlIconUrl default marker icon URL from shared style */ private void setInlinePointStyle(MarkerOptions markerOptions, KmlStyle inlineStyle, String markerUrlIconUrl) { MarkerOptions inlineMarkerOptions = inlineStyle.getMarkerOptions(); if (inlineStyle.isStyleSet("heading")) { markerOptions.rotation(inlineMarkerOptions.getRotation()); } if (inlineStyle.isStyleSet("hotSpot")) { markerOptions .anchor(inlineMarkerOptions.getAnchorU(), inlineMarkerOptions.getAnchorV()); } if (inlineStyle.isStyleSet("markerColor")) { markerOptions.icon(inlineMarkerOptions.getIcon()); } if (inlineStyle.isStyleSet("iconUrl")) { addMarkerIcons(inlineStyle.getIconUrl(), markerOptions); } else if (markerUrlIconUrl != null) { // Inline style with no icon defined addMarkerIcons(markerUrlIconUrl, markerOptions); } } /** * Adds a KML LineString to the map as a Polyline by combining the styling and coordinates * * @param lineString contains coordinates for the Polyline * @param style contains relevant styling properties for the Polyline * @return Polyline object */ private Polyline addLineStringToMap(KmlLineString lineString, KmlStyle style, KmlStyle inlineStyle) { PolylineOptions polylineOptions = style.getPolylineOptions(); polylineOptions.addAll(lineString.getGeometryObject()); if (inlineStyle != null) { setInlineLineStringStyle(polylineOptions, inlineStyle); } else if (style.isLineRandomColorMode()) { polylineOptions.color(KmlStyle.computeRandomColor(polylineOptions.getColor())); } return mMap.addPolyline(polylineOptions); } /** * Sets the inline linestring style by copying over the styles that have been set * * @param polylineOptions polygon options object to add inline styles to * @param inlineStyle inline styles to apply */ private void setInlineLineStringStyle(PolylineOptions polylineOptions, KmlStyle inlineStyle) { PolylineOptions inlinePolylineOptions = inlineStyle.getPolylineOptions(); if (inlineStyle.isStyleSet("outlineColor")) { polylineOptions.color(inlinePolylineOptions.getColor()); } if (inlineStyle.isStyleSet("width")) { polylineOptions.width(inlinePolylineOptions.getWidth()); } if (inlineStyle.isLineRandomColorMode()) { polylineOptions.color(KmlStyle.computeRandomColor(inlinePolylineOptions.getColor())); } } /** * Adds a KML Polygon to the map as a Polygon by combining the styling and coordinates * * @param polygon contains coordinates for the Polygon * @param style contains relevant styling properties for the Polygon * @return Polygon object */ private Polygon addPolygonToMap(KmlPolygon polygon, KmlStyle style, KmlStyle inlineStyle) { PolygonOptions polygonOptions = style.getPolygonOptions(); polygonOptions.addAll(polygon.getOuterBoundaryCoordinates()); for (ArrayList<LatLng> innerBoundary : polygon.getInnerBoundaryCoordinates()) { polygonOptions.addHole(innerBoundary); } if (inlineStyle != null) { setInlinePolygonStyle(polygonOptions, inlineStyle); } else if (style.isPolyRandomColorMode()) { polygonOptions.fillColor(KmlStyle.computeRandomColor(polygonOptions.getFillColor())); } return mMap.addPolygon(polygonOptions); } /** * Sets the inline polygon style by copying over the styles that have been set * * @param polygonOptions polygon options object to add inline styles to * @param inlineStyle inline styles to apply */ private void setInlinePolygonStyle(PolygonOptions polygonOptions, KmlStyle inlineStyle) { PolygonOptions inlinePolygonOptions = inlineStyle.getPolygonOptions(); if (inlineStyle.hasFill() && inlineStyle.isStyleSet("fillColor")) { polygonOptions.fillColor(inlinePolygonOptions.getFillColor()); } if (inlineStyle.hasOutline()) { if (inlineStyle.isStyleSet("outlineColor")) { polygonOptions.strokeColor(inlinePolygonOptions.getStrokeColor()); } if (inlineStyle.isStyleSet("width")) { polygonOptions.strokeWidth(inlinePolygonOptions.getStrokeWidth()); } } if (inlineStyle.isPolyRandomColorMode()) { polygonOptions.fillColor(KmlStyle.computeRandomColor(inlinePolygonOptions.getFillColor())); } } /** * Adds all the geometries within a KML MultiGeometry to the map. Supports recursive * MultiGeometry. Combines styling of the placemark with the coordinates of each geometry. * * @param multiGeometry contains array of geometries for the MultiGeometry * @param urlStyle contains relevant styling properties for the MultiGeometry * @return array of Marker, Polyline and Polygon objects */ private ArrayList<Object> addMultiGeometryToMap(KmlPlacemark placemark, KmlMultiGeometry multiGeometry, KmlStyle urlStyle, KmlStyle inlineStyle, boolean isContainerVisible) { ArrayList<Object> mapObjects = new ArrayList<Object>(); ArrayList<KmlGeometry> kmlObjects = multiGeometry.getGeometryObject(); for (KmlGeometry kmlGeometry : kmlObjects) { mapObjects.add(addToMap(placemark, kmlGeometry, urlStyle, inlineStyle, isContainerVisible)); } return mapObjects; } /** * Adds a ground overlay adds all the ground overlays onto the map and recursively adds all * ground overlays stored in the given containers * * @param groundOverlays ground overlays to add to the map * @param kmlContainers containers to check for ground overlays */ private void addGroundOverlays(HashMap<KmlGroundOverlay, GroundOverlay> groundOverlays, Iterable<KmlContainer> kmlContainers) { addGroundOverlays(groundOverlays); for (KmlContainer container : kmlContainers) { addGroundOverlays(container.getGroundOverlayHashMap(), container.getContainers()); } } /** * Adds all given ground overlays to the map * * @param groundOverlays hashmap of ground overlays to add to the map */ private void addGroundOverlays(HashMap<KmlGroundOverlay, GroundOverlay> groundOverlays) { for (KmlGroundOverlay groundOverlay : groundOverlays.keySet()) { String groundOverlayUrl = groundOverlay.getImageUrl(); if (groundOverlayUrl != null && groundOverlay.getLatLngBox() != null) { // Can't draw overlay if url and coordinates are missing if (mImagesCache.get(groundOverlayUrl) != null) { addGroundOverlayToMap(groundOverlayUrl, mGroundOverlays, true); } else if (!mGroundOverlayUrls.contains(groundOverlayUrl)) { mGroundOverlayUrls.add(groundOverlayUrl); } } } } /** * Downloads images of all ground overlays */ private void downloadGroundOverlays() { mGroundOverlayImagesDownloaded = true; for (Iterator<String> iterator = mGroundOverlayUrls.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { String groundOverlayUrl =; new GroundOverlayImageDownload(groundOverlayUrl).execute(); iterator.remove(); } } /** * Adds ground overlays from a given URL onto the map * * @param groundOverlayUrl url of ground overlay * @param groundOverlays hashmap of ground overlays to add to the map */ private void addGroundOverlayToMap(String groundOverlayUrl, HashMap<KmlGroundOverlay, GroundOverlay> groundOverlays, boolean containerVisibility) { BitmapDescriptor groundOverlayBitmap = BitmapDescriptorFactory .fromBitmap(mImagesCache.get(groundOverlayUrl)); for (KmlGroundOverlay kmlGroundOverlay : groundOverlays.keySet()) { if (kmlGroundOverlay.getImageUrl().equals(groundOverlayUrl)) { GroundOverlayOptions groundOverlayOptions = kmlGroundOverlay.getGroundOverlayOptions() .image(groundOverlayBitmap); GroundOverlay mapGroundOverlay = mMap.addGroundOverlay(groundOverlayOptions); if (containerVisibility == false) { mapGroundOverlay.setVisible(false); } groundOverlays.put(kmlGroundOverlay, mapGroundOverlay); } } } /** * Adds ground overlays in containers from a given URL onto the map * * @param groundOverlayUrl url of ground overlay * @param kmlContainers containers containing ground overlays to add to the map */ private void addGroundOverlayInContainerGroups(String groundOverlayUrl, Iterable<KmlContainer> kmlContainers, boolean containerVisibility) { for (KmlContainer container : kmlContainers) { boolean isContainerVisible = getContainerVisibility(container, containerVisibility); addGroundOverlayToMap(groundOverlayUrl, container.getGroundOverlayHashMap(), isContainerVisible); if (container.hasContainers()) { addGroundOverlayInContainerGroups(groundOverlayUrl, container.getContainers(), isContainerVisible); } } } /** * Downloads images for use as marker icons */ private class MarkerIconImageDownload extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Bitmap> { private final String mIconUrl; /** * Creates a new IconImageDownload object * * @param iconUrl URL of the marker icon to download */ public MarkerIconImageDownload(String iconUrl) { mIconUrl = iconUrl; } /** * Downloads the marker icon in another thread * * @param params String varargs not used * @return Bitmap object downloaded */ @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground(String... params) { try { return BitmapFactory.decodeStream((InputStream) new URL(mIconUrl).getContent()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Adds the bitmap to the cache and adds the bitmap to the markers * * @param bitmap bitmap downloaded */ @Override protected void onPostExecute(Bitmap bitmap) { if (bitmap == null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Image at this URL could not be found " + mIconUrl); } else { mImagesCache.put(mIconUrl, bitmap); if (mLayerVisible) { addIconToMarkers(mIconUrl, mPlacemarks); addContainerGroupIconsToMarkers(mIconUrl, mContainers); } } } } /** * Downloads images for use as ground overlays */ private class GroundOverlayImageDownload extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Bitmap> { private final String mGroundOverlayUrl; public GroundOverlayImageDownload(String groundOverlayUrl) { mGroundOverlayUrl = groundOverlayUrl; } /** * Downloads the ground overlay image in another thread * * @param params String varargs not used * @return Bitmap object downloaded */ @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground(String... params) { try { return BitmapFactory .decodeStream((InputStream) new URL(mGroundOverlayUrl).getContent()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Adds the bitmap to the ground overlay and places it on a map * * @param bitmap bitmap downloaded */ @Override protected void onPostExecute(Bitmap bitmap) { if (bitmap == null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Image at this URL could not be found " + mGroundOverlayUrl); } else { mImagesCache.put(mGroundOverlayUrl, bitmap); if (mLayerVisible) { addGroundOverlayToMap(mGroundOverlayUrl, mGroundOverlays, true); addGroundOverlayInContainerGroups(mGroundOverlayUrl, mContainers, true); } } } } }