package net.wigle.wigleandroid.listener; import static android.location.LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER; import static android.location.LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER; import net.wigle.wigleandroid.ListFragment; import net.wigle.wigleandroid.MainActivity; import net.wigle.wigleandroid.R; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import; import android.location.GpsSatellite; import android.location.GpsStatus; import android.location.GpsStatus.Listener; import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationListener; import android.location.LocationManager; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.widget.Toast; public class GPSListener implements Listener, LocationListener { private static final long GPS_TIMEOUT = 15000L; private static final long NET_LOC_TIMEOUT = 60000L; private MainActivity mainActivity; private Location location; private Location networkLocation; private GpsStatus gpsStatus; // set these times to avoid NPE in locationOK() seen by <DooMMasteR> private Long lastLocationTime = 0L; private Long lastNetworkLocationTime = 0L; private Long satCountLowTime = 0L; private float previousSpeed = 0f; private LocationListener mapLocationListener; private int prevStatus = 0; public GPSListener( MainActivity mainActivity ) { this.mainActivity = mainActivity; } public void setMapListener( LocationListener mapLocationListener ) { this.mapLocationListener = mapLocationListener; } public void setMainActivity( MainActivity mainActivity ) { this.mainActivity = mainActivity; } @Override public void onGpsStatusChanged( final int event ) { if ( event == GpsStatus.GPS_EVENT_STOPPED ) {"GPS STOPPED"); // this event lies, on one device it gets called when the // network provider is disabled :( so we do nothing... // listActivity.setLocationUpdates(); } //"GPS event: " + event); updateLocationData(null); } public void handleScanStop() {"GPSListener: handleScanStop"); gpsStatus = null; location = null; } @Override public void onLocationChanged( final Location newLocation ) { //"GPS onLocationChanged: " + newLocation); updateLocationData( newLocation ); if ( mapLocationListener != null ) { mapLocationListener.onLocationChanged( newLocation ); } } @Override public void onProviderDisabled( final String provider ) {"provider disabled: " + provider); if ( mapLocationListener != null ) { mapLocationListener.onProviderDisabled( provider ); } } @Override public void onProviderEnabled( final String provider ) {"provider enabled: " + provider); if ( mapLocationListener != null ) { mapLocationListener.onProviderEnabled( provider ); } } @Override public void onStatusChanged( final String provider, final int status, final Bundle extras ) { final boolean isgps = "gps".equals(provider); if (!isgps || status != prevStatus) {"provider status changed: " + provider + " status: " + status); if (isgps) prevStatus = status; } if ( mapLocationListener != null ) { mapLocationListener.onStatusChanged( provider, status, extras ); } } /** newLocation can be null */ private void updateLocationData( final Location newLocation ) { /** * ALIBI: the location manager call's a non-starter if permission hasn't been granted. */ if ( Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission( mainActivity.getApplicationContext(), android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION ) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED && ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission( mainActivity.getApplicationContext(), android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { return; } final LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) mainActivity.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); // see if we have new data try { gpsStatus = locationManager.getGpsStatus(gpsStatus); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { MainActivity.error("NPE trying to call getGPSStatus"); return; } final int satCount = getSatCount(); boolean newOK = newLocation != null; final boolean locOK = locationOK( location, satCount ); final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ( newOK ) { if ( NETWORK_PROVIDER.equals( newLocation.getProvider() ) ) { // save for later, in case we lose gps networkLocation = newLocation; lastNetworkLocationTime = now; } else { lastLocationTime = now; // make sure there's enough sats on this new gps location newOK = locationOK( newLocation, satCount ); } } if ( mainActivity.inEmulator() && newLocation != null ) { newOK = true; } final boolean netLocOK = locationOK( networkLocation, satCount ); boolean wasProviderChange = false; if ( ! locOK ) { if ( newOK ) { wasProviderChange = true; //noinspection RedundantIfStatement if ( location != null && ! location.getProvider().equals( newLocation.getProvider() ) ) { wasProviderChange = false; } location = newLocation; } else if ( netLocOK ) { location = networkLocation; wasProviderChange = true; } else if ( location != null ) { // transition to null "nulling location: " + location ); location = null; wasProviderChange = true; // make sure we're registered for updates mainActivity.setLocationUpdates(); } } else if ( newOK && GPS_PROVIDER.equals( newLocation.getProvider() ) ) { if ( NETWORK_PROVIDER.equals( location.getProvider() ) ) { // this is an upgrade from network to gps wasProviderChange = true; } location = newLocation; if ( wasProviderChange ) { // save it in prefs saveLocation(); } } else if ( newOK && NETWORK_PROVIDER.equals( newLocation.getProvider() ) ) { if ( NETWORK_PROVIDER.equals( location.getProvider() ) ) { // just a new network provided location over an old one location = newLocation; } } // for maps. so lame! ListFragment.lameStatic.location = location; boolean scanScheduled = false; if ( location != null ) { final float currentSpeed = location.getSpeed(); if ( (previousSpeed == 0f && currentSpeed > 0f) || (previousSpeed < 5f && currentSpeed >= 5f)) { // moving faster now than before, schedule a scan because the timing config pry changed"Going faster, scheduling scan"); mainActivity.scheduleScan(); scanScheduled = true; } previousSpeed = currentSpeed; } else { previousSpeed = 0f; } //"sat count: " + satCount); if ( wasProviderChange ) { "wasProviderChange: satCount: " + satCount + " newOK: " + newOK + " locOK: " + locOK + " netLocOK: " + netLocOK + (newOK ? " newProvider: " + newLocation.getProvider() : "") + (locOK ? " locProvider: " + location.getProvider() : "") + " newLocation: " + newLocation ); final SharedPreferences prefs = mainActivity.getSharedPreferences( ListFragment.SHARED_PREFS, 0 ); final boolean disableToast = prefs.getBoolean( ListFragment.PREF_DISABLE_TOAST, false ); if (!disableToast) { final String announce = location == null ? mainActivity.getString(R.string.lost_location) : mainActivity.getString(R.string.have_location) + " \"" + location.getProvider() + "\""; Toast.makeText( mainActivity, announce, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show(); } final boolean speechGPS = prefs.getBoolean( ListFragment.PREF_SPEECH_GPS, true ); if ( speechGPS ) { // no quotes or the voice pauses final String speakAnnounce = location == null ? "Lost Location" : "Now have location from " + location.getProvider() + "."; mainActivity.speak( speakAnnounce ); } if ( ! scanScheduled ) { // get the ball rolling"Location provider change, scheduling scan"); mainActivity.scheduleScan(); } } // update the UI mainActivity.setLocationUI(); } public void checkLocationOK() { if ( ! locationOK( location, getSatCount() ) ) { // do a self-check updateLocationData(null); } } private boolean locationOK( final Location location, final int satCount ) { boolean retval = false; final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody if ( location == null ) { // bad! } else if ( GPS_PROVIDER.equals( location.getProvider() ) ) { if ( satCount > 0 && satCount < 3 ) { if ( satCountLowTime == null ) { satCountLowTime = now; } } else { // plenty of sats satCountLowTime = null; } boolean gpsLost = satCountLowTime != null && (now - satCountLowTime) > GPS_TIMEOUT; gpsLost |= now - lastLocationTime > GPS_TIMEOUT; gpsLost |= horribleGps(location); retval = ! gpsLost; } else if ( NETWORK_PROVIDER.equals( location.getProvider() ) ) { boolean gpsLost = now - lastNetworkLocationTime > NET_LOC_TIMEOUT; gpsLost |= horribleGps(location); retval = ! gpsLost; } return retval; } private boolean horribleGps(final Location location) { // try to protect against some horrible gps's out there // check if accuracy is under 10 miles boolean horrible = location.hasAccuracy() && location.getAccuracy() > 16000; horrible |= location.getLatitude() < -90 || location.getLatitude() > 90; horrible |= location.getLongitude() < -180 || location.getLongitude() > 180; return horrible; } public int getSatCount() { int satCount = 0; if ( gpsStatus != null ) { for ( GpsSatellite sat : gpsStatus.getSatellites() ) { if ( sat.usedInFix() ) { satCount++; } } } return satCount; } public void saveLocation() { // save our location for use on later runs if ( this.location != null ) { final SharedPreferences prefs = mainActivity.getSharedPreferences( ListFragment.SHARED_PREFS, 0 ); final Editor edit = prefs.edit(); // there is no putDouble edit.putFloat( ListFragment.PREF_PREV_LAT, (float) location.getLatitude() ); edit.putFloat( ListFragment.PREF_PREV_LON, (float) location.getLongitude() ); edit.apply(); } } public Location getLocation() { return location; } }