package com.pan.materialdrawer.holder; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.ColorStateList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TextView; import com.mikepenz.iconics.IconicsDrawable; import com.mikepenz.materialize.util.UIUtils; /** * Created by mikepenz on 13.07.15. */ public class ColorHolder { private int mColorInt = 0; private int mColorRes = -1; public ColorHolder() { } public static ColorHolder fromColorRes(@ColorRes int colorRes) { ColorHolder colorHolder = new ColorHolder(); colorHolder.mColorRes = colorRes; return colorHolder; } public static ColorHolder fromColor(@ColorInt int colorInt) { ColorHolder colorHolder = new ColorHolder(); colorHolder.mColorInt = colorInt; return colorHolder; } public int getColorInt() { return mColorInt; } public int getColorRes() { return mColorRes; } /** * set the textColor of the ColorHolder to an iconicsDrawable * * @param iconicsDrawable */ public void applyTo(IconicsDrawable iconicsDrawable) { if (mColorInt != 0) { iconicsDrawable.color(mColorInt); } else if (mColorRes != -1) { iconicsDrawable.colorRes(mColorRes); } } /** * set the textColor of the ColorHolder to an drawable * * @param ctx * @param drawable */ public void applyTo(Context ctx, GradientDrawable drawable) { if (mColorInt != 0) { drawable.setColor(mColorInt); } else if (mColorRes != -1) { drawable.setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(ctx, mColorRes)); } } /** * set the textColor of the ColorHolder to a view * * @param view */ public void applyToBackground(View view) { if (mColorInt != 0) { view.setBackgroundColor(mColorInt); } else if (mColorRes != -1) { view.setBackgroundResource(mColorRes); } } /** * a small helper to set the text color to a textView null save * * @param textView * @param colorDefault */ public void applyToOr(TextView textView, ColorStateList colorDefault) { if (mColorInt != 0) { textView.setTextColor(mColorInt); } else if (mColorRes != -1) { textView.setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(textView.getContext(), mColorRes)); } else if (colorDefault != null) { textView.setTextColor(colorDefault); } } /** * a small helper class to get the color from the colorHolder or from the theme or from the default color value * * @param ctx * @param colorStyle * @param colorDefaultRes * @return */ public int color(Context ctx, @AttrRes int colorStyle, @ColorRes int colorDefaultRes) { //get the color from the holder else from the theme int color = color(ctx); if (color == 0) { return UIUtils.getThemeColorFromAttrOrRes(ctx, colorStyle, colorDefaultRes); } else { return color; } } /** * a small helper to get the color from the colorHolder * * @param ctx * @return */ public int color(Context ctx) { if (mColorInt == 0 && mColorRes != -1) { mColorInt = ContextCompat.getColor(ctx, mColorRes); } return mColorInt; } /** * a small static helper class to get the color from the colorHolder or from the theme or from the default color value * * @param colorHolder * @param ctx * @param colorStyle * @param colorDefault * @return */ public static int color(ColorHolder colorHolder, Context ctx, @AttrRes int colorStyle, @ColorRes int colorDefault) { if (colorHolder == null) { return UIUtils.getThemeColorFromAttrOrRes(ctx, colorStyle, colorDefault); } else { return colorHolder.color(ctx, colorStyle, colorDefault); } } /** * a small static helper class to get the color from the colorHolder * * @param colorHolder * @param ctx * @return */ public static int color(ColorHolder colorHolder, Context ctx) { if (colorHolder == null) { return 0; } else { return colorHolder.color(ctx); } } /** * a small static helper to set the text color to a textView null save * * @param colorHolder * @param textView * @param colorDefault */ public static void applyToOr(ColorHolder colorHolder, TextView textView, ColorStateList colorDefault) { if (colorHolder != null && textView != null) { colorHolder.applyToOr(textView, colorDefault); } else if (textView != null) { textView.setTextColor(colorDefault); } } /** * a small static helper to set the color to a GradientDrawable null save * * @param colorHolder * @param ctx * @param gradientDrawable */ public static void applyToOrTransparent(ColorHolder colorHolder, Context ctx, GradientDrawable gradientDrawable) { if (colorHolder != null && gradientDrawable != null) { colorHolder.applyTo(ctx, gradientDrawable); } else if (gradientDrawable != null) { gradientDrawable.setColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); } } }