package com.pan.materialdrawer; import; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import com.mikepenz.iconics.IconicsDrawable; import com.mikepenz.materialize.util.UIUtils; import com.pan.materialdrawer.holder.ColorHolder; import com.pan.materialdrawer.holder.DimenHolder; import com.pan.materialdrawer.holder.ImageHolder; import com.pan.materialdrawer.holder.StringHolder; import com.pan.materialdrawer.icons.MaterialDrawerFont; import com.pan.materialdrawer.model.interfaces.IDrawerItem; import com.pan.materialdrawer.model.interfaces.IProfile; import com.pan.materialdrawer.util.DrawerImageLoader; import com.pan.materialdrawer.util.DrawerUIUtils; import com.pan.materialdrawer.util.IdDistributor; import com.pan.materialdrawer.view.BezelImageView; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Stack; /** * Created by mikepenz on 23.05.15. */ public class AccountHeaderBuilder { // global references to views we need later protected View mAccountHeader; protected ImageView mAccountHeaderBackground; protected BezelImageView mCurrentProfileView; protected View mAccountHeaderTextSection; protected ImageView mAccountSwitcherArrow; protected TextView mCurrentProfileName; protected TextView mCurrentProfileEmail; protected BezelImageView mProfileFirstView; protected BezelImageView mProfileSecondView; protected BezelImageView mProfileThirdView; // global references to the profiles protected IProfile mCurrentProfile; protected IProfile mProfileFirst; protected IProfile mProfileSecond; protected IProfile mProfileThird; // global stuff protected boolean mSelectionListShown = false; protected int mAccountHeaderTextSectionBackgroundResource = -1; // the activity to use protected Activity mActivity; /** * Pass the activity you use the drawer in ;) * * @param activity * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withActivity(@NonNull Activity activity) { this.mActivity = activity; return this; } // defines if we use the compactStyle protected boolean mCompactStyle = false; /** * Defines if we should use the compact style for the header. * * @param compactStyle * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withCompactStyle(boolean compactStyle) { this.mCompactStyle = compactStyle; return this; } // the typeface used for textViews within the AccountHeader protected Typeface mTypeface; // the typeface used for name textView only. overrides mTypeface protected Typeface mNameTypeface; // the typeface used for email textView only. overrides mTypeface protected Typeface mEmailTypeface; /** * Define the typeface which will be used for all textViews in the AccountHeader * * @param typeface * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withTypeface(@NonNull Typeface typeface) { this.mTypeface = typeface; return this; } /** * Define the typeface which will be used for name textView in the AccountHeader. * Overrides typeface supplied to {@link AccountHeaderBuilder#withTypeface(} * * @param typeface * @return * @see #withTypeface( */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withNameTypeface(@NonNull Typeface typeface) { this.mNameTypeface = typeface; return this; } /** * Define the typeface which will be used for email textView in the AccountHeader. * Overrides typeface supplied to {@link AccountHeaderBuilder#withTypeface(} * * @param typeface * @return * @see #withTypeface( */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withEmailTypeface(@NonNull Typeface typeface) { this.mEmailTypeface = typeface; return this; } // set the account header height protected DimenHolder mHeight; /** * set the height for the header * * @param heightPx * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withHeightPx(int heightPx) { this.mHeight = DimenHolder.fromPixel(heightPx); return this; } /** * set the height for the header * * @param heightDp * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withHeightDp(int heightDp) { this.mHeight = DimenHolder.fromDp(heightDp); return this; } /** * set the height for the header by resource * * @param heightRes * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withHeightRes(@DimenRes int heightRes) { this.mHeight = DimenHolder.fromResource(heightRes); return this; } //the background color for the slider protected ColorHolder mTextColor; /** * set the background for the slider as color * * @param textColor * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withTextColor(@ColorInt int textColor) { this.mTextColor = ColorHolder.fromColor(textColor); return this; } /** * set the background for the slider as resource * * @param textColorRes * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withTextColorRes(@ColorRes int textColorRes) { this.mTextColor = ColorHolder.fromColorRes(textColorRes); return this; } //the current selected profile is visible in the list protected boolean mCurrentHiddenInList = false; /** * hide the current selected profile from the list * * @param currentProfileHiddenInList * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withCurrentProfileHiddenInList(boolean currentProfileHiddenInList) { mCurrentHiddenInList = currentProfileHiddenInList; return this; } //set to hide the first or second line protected boolean mSelectionFirstLineShown = true; protected boolean mSelectionSecondLineShown = true; /** * set this to false if you want to hide the first line of the selection box in the header (first line would be the name) * * @param selectionFirstLineShown * @return * @deprecated replaced by {@link #withSelectionFirstLineShown} */ @Deprecated public AccountHeaderBuilder withSelectionFistLineShown(boolean selectionFirstLineShown) { this.mSelectionFirstLineShown = selectionFirstLineShown; return this; } /** * set this to false if you want to hide the first line of the selection box in the header (first line would be the name) * * @param selectionFirstLineShown * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withSelectionFirstLineShown(boolean selectionFirstLineShown) { this.mSelectionFirstLineShown = selectionFirstLineShown; return this; } /** * set this to false if you want to hide the second line of the selection box in the header (second line would be the e-mail) * * @param selectionSecondLineShown * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withSelectionSecondLineShown(boolean selectionSecondLineShown) { this.mSelectionSecondLineShown = selectionSecondLineShown; return this; } //set one of these to define the text in the first or second line with in the account selector protected String mSelectionFirstLine; protected String mSelectionSecondLine; /** * set this to define the first line in the selection area if there is no profile * note this will block any values from profiles! * * @param selectionFirstLine * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withSelectionFirstLine(String selectionFirstLine) { this.mSelectionFirstLine = selectionFirstLine; return this; } /** * set this to define the second line in the selection area if there is no profile * note this will block any values from profiles! * * @param selectionSecondLine * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withSelectionSecondLine(String selectionSecondLine) { this.mSelectionSecondLine = selectionSecondLine; return this; } // set no divider below the header protected boolean mPaddingBelowHeader = true; /** * Set this to false if you want no padding below the Header * * @param paddingBelowHeader * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withPaddingBelowHeader(boolean paddingBelowHeader) { this.mPaddingBelowHeader = paddingBelowHeader; return this; } // set no divider below the header protected boolean mDividerBelowHeader = true; /** * Set this to false if you want no divider below the Header * * @param dividerBelowHeader * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withDividerBelowHeader(boolean dividerBelowHeader) { this.mDividerBelowHeader = dividerBelowHeader; return this; } // set non translucent statusBar mode protected boolean mTranslucentStatusBar = true; /** * Set or disable this if you use a translucent statusbar * * @param translucentStatusBar * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withTranslucentStatusBar(boolean translucentStatusBar) { this.mTranslucentStatusBar = translucentStatusBar; return this; } //the background for the header protected ImageHolder mHeaderBackground; /** * set the background for the slider as color * * @param headerBackground * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withHeaderBackground(Drawable headerBackground) { this.mHeaderBackground = new ImageHolder(headerBackground); return this; } /** * set the background for the header as resource * * @param headerBackgroundRes * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withHeaderBackground(@DrawableRes int headerBackgroundRes) { this.mHeaderBackground = new ImageHolder(headerBackgroundRes); return this; } /** * set the background for the header via the ImageHolder class * * @param headerBackground * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withHeaderBackground(ImageHolder headerBackground) { this.mHeaderBackground = headerBackground; return this; } //background scale type protected ImageView.ScaleType mHeaderBackgroundScaleType = null; /** * define the ScaleType for the header background * * @param headerBackgroundScaleType * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withHeaderBackgroundScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType headerBackgroundScaleType) { this.mHeaderBackgroundScaleType = headerBackgroundScaleType; return this; } //profile images in the header are shown or not protected boolean mProfileImagesVisible = true; /** * define if the profile images in the header are shown or not * * @param profileImagesVisible * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withProfileImagesVisible(boolean profileImagesVisible) { this.mProfileImagesVisible = profileImagesVisible; return this; } //only the main profile image is visible protected boolean mOnlyMainProfileImageVisible = false; /** * define if only the main (current selected) profile image should be visible * * @param onlyMainProfileImageVisible * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withOnlyMainProfileImageVisible(boolean onlyMainProfileImageVisible) { this.mOnlyMainProfileImageVisible = onlyMainProfileImageVisible; return this; } //close the drawer after a profile was clicked in the list protected Boolean mCloseDrawerOnProfileListClick = null; /** * define if the drawer should close if the user clicks on a profile item if the selection list is shown * * @param closeDrawerOnProfileListClick * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withCloseDrawerOnProfileListClick(boolean closeDrawerOnProfileListClick) { this.mCloseDrawerOnProfileListClick = closeDrawerOnProfileListClick; return this; } //reset the drawer list to the main drawer list after the profile was clicked in the list protected boolean mResetDrawerOnProfileListClick = true; /** * define if the drawer selection list should be reseted after the user clicks on a profile item if the selection list is shown * * @param resetDrawerOnProfileListClick * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withResetDrawerOnProfileListClick(boolean resetDrawerOnProfileListClick) { this.mResetDrawerOnProfileListClick = resetDrawerOnProfileListClick; return this; } // set the profile images clickable or not protected boolean mProfileImagesClickable = true; /** * enable or disable the profile images to be clickable * * @param profileImagesClickable * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withProfileImagesClickable(boolean profileImagesClickable) { this.mProfileImagesClickable = profileImagesClickable; return this; } // set to use the alternative profile header switching protected boolean mAlternativeProfileHeaderSwitching = false; /** * enable the alternative profile header switching * * @param alternativeProfileHeaderSwitching * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withAlternativeProfileHeaderSwitching(boolean alternativeProfileHeaderSwitching) { this.mAlternativeProfileHeaderSwitching = alternativeProfileHeaderSwitching; return this; } // enable 3 small header previews protected boolean mThreeSmallProfileImages = false; /** * enable the extended profile icon view with 3 small header images instead of two * * @param threeSmallProfileImages * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withThreeSmallProfileImages(boolean threeSmallProfileImages) { this.mThreeSmallProfileImages = threeSmallProfileImages; return this; } // the onAccountHeaderSelectionListener to set protected AccountHeader.OnAccountHeaderSelectionViewClickListener mOnAccountHeaderSelectionViewClickListener; /** * set a onSelection listener for the selection box * * @param onAccountHeaderSelectionViewClickListener * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withOnAccountHeaderSelectionViewClickListener(AccountHeader.OnAccountHeaderSelectionViewClickListener onAccountHeaderSelectionViewClickListener) { this.mOnAccountHeaderSelectionViewClickListener = onAccountHeaderSelectionViewClickListener; return this; } //set the selection list enabled if there is only a single profile protected boolean mSelectionListEnabledForSingleProfile = true; /** * enable or disable the selection list if there is only a single profile * * @param selectionListEnabledForSingleProfile * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withSelectionListEnabledForSingleProfile(boolean selectionListEnabledForSingleProfile) { this.mSelectionListEnabledForSingleProfile = selectionListEnabledForSingleProfile; return this; } //set the selection enabled disabled protected boolean mSelectionListEnabled = true; /** * enable or disable the selection list * * @param selectionListEnabled * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withSelectionListEnabled(boolean selectionListEnabled) { this.mSelectionListEnabled = selectionListEnabled; return this; } // the drawerLayout to use protected View mAccountHeaderContainer; /** * You can pass a custom view for the drawer lib. note this requires the same structure as the drawer.xml * * @param accountHeader * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withAccountHeader(@NonNull View accountHeader) { this.mAccountHeaderContainer = accountHeader; return this; } /** * You can pass a custom layout for the drawer lib. see the drawer.xml in layouts of this lib on GitHub * * @param resLayout * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withAccountHeader(@LayoutRes int resLayout) { if (mActivity == null) { throw new RuntimeException("please pass an activity first to use this call"); } if (resLayout != -1) { this.mAccountHeaderContainer = mActivity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(resLayout, null, false); } else { if (mCompactStyle) { this.mAccountHeaderContainer = mActivity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.material_drawer_compact_header, null, false); } else { this.mAccountHeaderContainer = mActivity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.material_drawer_header, null, false); } } return this; } // the profiles to display protected ArrayList<IProfile> mProfiles; /** * set the arrayList of DrawerItems for the drawer * * @param profiles * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withProfiles(@NonNull ArrayList<IProfile> profiles) { this.mProfiles = IdDistributor.checkIds(profiles); return this; } /** * add single ore more DrawerItems to the Drawer * * @param profiles * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder addProfiles(@NonNull IProfile... profiles) { if (this.mProfiles == null) { this.mProfiles = new ArrayList<>(); } Collections.addAll(this.mProfiles, IdDistributor.checkIds(profiles)); return this; } // the click listener to be fired on profile or selection click protected AccountHeader.OnAccountHeaderListener mOnAccountHeaderListener; /** * add a listener for the accountHeader * * @param onAccountHeaderListener * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withOnAccountHeaderListener(@NonNull AccountHeader.OnAccountHeaderListener onAccountHeaderListener) { this.mOnAccountHeaderListener = onAccountHeaderListener; return this; } // the drawer to set the AccountSwitcher for protected Drawer mDrawer; /** * @param drawer * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withDrawer(@NonNull Drawer drawer) { this.mDrawer = drawer; return this; } // savedInstance to restore state protected Bundle mSavedInstance; /** * create the drawer with the values of a savedInstance * * @param savedInstance * @return */ public AccountHeaderBuilder withSavedInstance(Bundle savedInstance) { this.mSavedInstance = savedInstance; return this; } /** * helper method to set the height for the header! * * @param height */ private void setHeaderHeight(int height) { if (mAccountHeaderContainer != null) { ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = mAccountHeaderContainer.getLayoutParams(); if (params != null) { params.height = height; mAccountHeaderContainer.setLayoutParams(params); } View accountHeader = mAccountHeaderContainer.findViewById(; if (accountHeader != null) { params = accountHeader.getLayoutParams(); params.height = height; accountHeader.setLayoutParams(params); } View accountHeaderBackground = mAccountHeaderContainer.findViewById(; if (accountHeaderBackground != null) { params = accountHeaderBackground.getLayoutParams(); params.height = height; accountHeaderBackground.setLayoutParams(params); } } } /** * a small helper to handle the selectionView * * @param on */ private void handleSelectionView(IProfile profile, boolean on) { if (on) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { ((FrameLayout) mAccountHeaderContainer).setForeground(UIUtils.getCompatDrawable(mAccountHeaderContainer.getContext(), mAccountHeaderTextSectionBackgroundResource)); mAccountHeaderContainer.setOnClickListener(onSelectionClickListener); mAccountHeaderContainer.setTag(, profile); } else { mAccountHeaderTextSection.setBackgroundResource(mAccountHeaderTextSectionBackgroundResource); mAccountHeaderTextSection.setOnClickListener(onSelectionClickListener); mAccountHeaderTextSection.setTag(, profile); } } else { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { ((FrameLayout) mAccountHeaderContainer).setForeground(null); mAccountHeaderContainer.setOnClickListener(null); } else { UIUtils.setBackground(mAccountHeaderTextSection, null); mAccountHeaderTextSection.setOnClickListener(null); } } } /** * method to build the header view * * @return */ public AccountHeader build() { // if the user has not set a accountHeader use the default one :D if (mAccountHeaderContainer == null) { withAccountHeader(-1); } // get the header view within the container mAccountHeader = mAccountHeaderContainer.findViewById(; // handle the height for the header int height; if (mHeight != null) { height = mHeight.asPixel(mActivity); } else { if (mCompactStyle) { height = mActivity.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.material_drawer_account_header_height_compact); } else { //calculate the header height by getting the optimal drawer width and calculating it * 9 / 16 height = (int) (DrawerUIUtils.getOptimalDrawerWidth(mActivity) * AccountHeader.NAVIGATION_DRAWER_ACCOUNT_ASPECT_RATIO); //if we are lower than api 19 (>= 19 we have a translucentStatusBar) the height should be a bit lower //probably even if we are non translucent on > 19 devices? if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 19) { int tempHeight = height - UIUtils.getStatusBarHeight(mActivity, true); if (UIUtils.convertPixelsToDp(tempHeight, mActivity) > 140) { height = tempHeight; } } } } // handle everything if we don't have a translucent status bar if (mTranslucentStatusBar) { mAccountHeader.setPadding(mAccountHeader.getPaddingLeft(), mAccountHeader.getPaddingTop() + UIUtils.getStatusBarHeight(mActivity), mAccountHeader.getPaddingRight(), mAccountHeader.getPaddingBottom()); //in fact it makes no difference if we have a translucent statusBar or not. we want 9/16 just if we are not compact if (mCompactStyle) { height = height + UIUtils.getStatusBarHeight(mActivity); } } //set the height for the header setHeaderHeight(height); // get the background view mAccountHeaderBackground = (ImageView) mAccountHeaderContainer.findViewById(; // set the background ImageHolder.applyTo(mHeaderBackground, mAccountHeaderBackground,; if (mHeaderBackgroundScaleType != null) { mAccountHeaderBackground.setScaleType(mHeaderBackgroundScaleType); } // get the text color to use for the text section int textColor = ColorHolder.color(mTextColor, mActivity, R.attr.material_drawer_header_selection_text, R.color.material_drawer_header_selection_text); // set the background for the section if (mCompactStyle) { mAccountHeaderTextSection = mAccountHeader; } else { mAccountHeaderTextSection = mAccountHeaderContainer.findViewById(; } mAccountHeaderTextSectionBackgroundResource = DrawerUIUtils.getSelectableBackground(mActivity); handleSelectionView(mCurrentProfile, true); // set the arrow :D mAccountSwitcherArrow = (ImageView) mAccountHeaderContainer.findViewById(; mAccountSwitcherArrow.setImageDrawable(new IconicsDrawable(mActivity, MaterialDrawerFont.Icon.mdf_arrow_drop_down).sizeRes(R.dimen.material_drawer_account_header_dropdown).paddingRes(R.dimen.material_drawer_account_header_dropdown_padding).color(textColor)); //get the fields for the name mCurrentProfileView = (BezelImageView) mAccountHeader.findViewById(; mCurrentProfileName = (TextView) mAccountHeader.findViewById(; mCurrentProfileEmail = (TextView) mAccountHeader.findViewById(; //set the typeface for the AccountHeader if (mNameTypeface != null) { mCurrentProfileName.setTypeface(mNameTypeface); } else if (mTypeface != null) { mCurrentProfileName.setTypeface(mTypeface); } if (mEmailTypeface != null) { mCurrentProfileEmail.setTypeface(mEmailTypeface); } else if (mTypeface != null) { mCurrentProfileEmail.setTypeface(mTypeface); } mCurrentProfileName.setTextColor(textColor); mCurrentProfileEmail.setTextColor(textColor); mProfileFirstView = (BezelImageView) mAccountHeader.findViewById(; mProfileSecondView = (BezelImageView) mAccountHeader.findViewById(; mProfileThirdView = (BezelImageView) mAccountHeader.findViewById(; //calculate the profiles to set calculateProfiles(); //process and build the profiles buildProfiles(); // try to restore all saved values again if (mSavedInstance != null) { int selection = mSavedInstance.getInt(AccountHeader.BUNDLE_SELECTION_HEADER, -1); if (selection != -1) { //predefine selection (should be the first element if (mProfiles != null && (selection) > -1 && selection < mProfiles.size()) { switchProfiles(mProfiles.get(selection)); } } } //everything created. now set the header if (mDrawer != null) { mDrawer.setHeader(mAccountHeaderContainer, mPaddingBelowHeader, mDividerBelowHeader); } //forget the reference to the activity mActivity = null; return new AccountHeader(this); } /** * helper method to calculate the order of the profiles */ protected void calculateProfiles() { if (mProfiles == null) { mProfiles = new ArrayList<>(); } if (mCurrentProfile == null) { int setCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mProfiles.size(); i++) { if (mProfiles.size() > i && mProfiles.get(i).isSelectable()) { if (setCount == 0 && (mCurrentProfile == null)) { mCurrentProfile = mProfiles.get(i); } else if (setCount == 1 && (mProfileFirst == null)) { mProfileFirst = mProfiles.get(i); } else if (setCount == 2 && (mProfileSecond == null)) { mProfileSecond = mProfiles.get(i); } else if (setCount == 3 && (mProfileThird == null)) { mProfileThird = mProfiles.get(i); } setCount++; } } return; } IProfile[] previousActiveProfiles = new IProfile[]{ mCurrentProfile, mProfileFirst, mProfileSecond, mProfileThird }; IProfile[] newActiveProfiles = new IProfile[4]; Stack<IProfile> unusedProfiles = new Stack<>(); // try to keep existing active profiles in the same positions for (int i = 0; i < mProfiles.size(); i++) { IProfile p = mProfiles.get(i); if (p.isSelectable()) { boolean used = false; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (previousActiveProfiles[j] == p) { newActiveProfiles[j] = p; used = true; break; } } if (!used) { unusedProfiles.push(p); } } } Stack<IProfile> activeProfiles = new Stack<>(); // try to fill the gaps with new available profiles for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (newActiveProfiles[i] != null) { activeProfiles.push(newActiveProfiles[i]); } else if (!unusedProfiles.isEmpty()) { activeProfiles.push(unusedProfiles.pop()); } } Stack<IProfile> reversedActiveProfiles = new Stack<>(); while (!activeProfiles.empty()) { reversedActiveProfiles.push(activeProfiles.pop()); } // reassign active profiles if (reversedActiveProfiles.isEmpty()) { mCurrentProfile = null; } else { mCurrentProfile = reversedActiveProfiles.pop(); } if (reversedActiveProfiles.isEmpty()) { mProfileFirst = null; } else { mProfileFirst = reversedActiveProfiles.pop(); } if (reversedActiveProfiles.isEmpty()) { mProfileSecond = null; } else { mProfileSecond = reversedActiveProfiles.pop(); } if (reversedActiveProfiles.isEmpty()) { mProfileThird = null; } else { mProfileThird = reversedActiveProfiles.pop(); } } /** * helper method to switch the profiles * * @param newSelection * @return true if the new selection was the current profile */ protected boolean switchProfiles(IProfile newSelection) { if (newSelection == null) { return false; } if (mCurrentProfile == newSelection) { return true; } if (mAlternativeProfileHeaderSwitching) { int prevSelection = -1; if (mProfileFirst == newSelection) { prevSelection = 1; } else if (mProfileSecond == newSelection) { prevSelection = 2; } else if (mProfileThird == newSelection) { prevSelection = 3; } IProfile tmp = mCurrentProfile; mCurrentProfile = newSelection; if (prevSelection == 1) { mProfileFirst = tmp; } else if (prevSelection == 2) { mProfileSecond = tmp; } else if (prevSelection == 3) { mProfileThird = tmp; } } else { if (mProfiles != null) { ArrayList<IProfile> previousActiveProfiles = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(mCurrentProfile, mProfileFirst, mProfileSecond, mProfileThird)); if (previousActiveProfiles.contains(newSelection)) { int position = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (previousActiveProfiles.get(i) == newSelection) { position = i; break; } } if (position != -1) { previousActiveProfiles.remove(position); previousActiveProfiles.add(0, newSelection); mCurrentProfile = previousActiveProfiles.get(0); mProfileFirst = previousActiveProfiles.get(1); mProfileSecond = previousActiveProfiles.get(2); mProfileThird = previousActiveProfiles.get(3); } } else { mProfileThird = mProfileSecond; mProfileSecond = mProfileFirst; mProfileFirst = mCurrentProfile; mCurrentProfile = newSelection; } } } buildProfiles(); return false; } /** * helper method to build the views for the ui */ protected void buildProfiles() { mCurrentProfileView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mAccountHeaderTextSection.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mAccountSwitcherArrow.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mProfileFirstView.setVisibility(View.GONE); mProfileFirstView.setOnClickListener(null); mProfileSecondView.setVisibility(View.GONE); mProfileSecondView.setOnClickListener(null); mProfileThirdView.setVisibility(View.GONE); mProfileThirdView.setOnClickListener(null); mCurrentProfileName.setText(""); mCurrentProfileEmail.setText(""); handleSelectionView(mCurrentProfile, true); if (mCurrentProfile != null) { if (mProfileImagesVisible || mOnlyMainProfileImageVisible) { setImageOrPlaceholder(mCurrentProfileView, mCurrentProfile.getIcon()); if (mProfileImagesClickable) { mCurrentProfileView.setOnClickListener(onProfileClickListener); mCurrentProfileView.disableTouchFeedback(false); } else { mCurrentProfileView.disableTouchFeedback(true); } mCurrentProfileView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mCurrentProfileView.invalidate(); } else if (mCompactStyle) { mCurrentProfileView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } mAccountHeaderTextSection.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); handleSelectionView(mCurrentProfile, true); mAccountSwitcherArrow.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mCurrentProfileView.setTag(, mCurrentProfile); StringHolder.applyTo(mCurrentProfile.getName(), mCurrentProfileName); StringHolder.applyTo(mCurrentProfile.getEmail(), mCurrentProfileEmail); if (mProfileFirst != null && mProfileImagesVisible && !mOnlyMainProfileImageVisible) { setImageOrPlaceholder(mProfileFirstView, mProfileFirst.getIcon()); mProfileFirstView.setTag(, mProfileFirst); if (mProfileImagesClickable) { mProfileFirstView.setOnClickListener(onProfileClickListener); mProfileFirstView.disableTouchFeedback(false); } else { mProfileFirstView.disableTouchFeedback(true); } mProfileFirstView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mProfileFirstView.invalidate(); } if (mProfileSecond != null && mProfileImagesVisible && !mOnlyMainProfileImageVisible) { setImageOrPlaceholder(mProfileSecondView, mProfileSecond.getIcon()); mProfileSecondView.setTag(, mProfileSecond); if (mProfileImagesClickable) { mProfileSecondView.setOnClickListener(onProfileClickListener); mProfileSecondView.disableTouchFeedback(false); } else { mProfileSecondView.disableTouchFeedback(true); } mProfileSecondView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mProfileSecondView.invalidate(); } if (mProfileThird != null && mThreeSmallProfileImages && mProfileImagesVisible && !mOnlyMainProfileImageVisible) { setImageOrPlaceholder(mProfileThirdView, mProfileThird.getIcon()); mProfileThirdView.setTag(, mProfileThird); if (mProfileImagesClickable) { mProfileThirdView.setOnClickListener(onProfileClickListener); mProfileThirdView.disableTouchFeedback(false); } else { mProfileThirdView.disableTouchFeedback(true); } mProfileThirdView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mProfileThirdView.invalidate(); } } else if (mProfiles != null && mProfiles.size() > 0) { IProfile profile = mProfiles.get(0); mAccountHeaderTextSection.setTag(, profile); mAccountHeaderTextSection.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); handleSelectionView(mCurrentProfile, true); mAccountSwitcherArrow.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); if (mCurrentProfile != null) { StringHolder.applyTo(mCurrentProfile.getName(), mCurrentProfileName); StringHolder.applyTo(mCurrentProfile.getEmail(), mCurrentProfileEmail); } } if (!mSelectionFirstLineShown) { mCurrentProfileName.setVisibility(View.GONE); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mSelectionFirstLine)) { mCurrentProfileName.setText(mSelectionFirstLine); mAccountHeaderTextSection.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } if (!mSelectionSecondLineShown) { mCurrentProfileEmail.setVisibility(View.GONE); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mSelectionSecondLine)) { mCurrentProfileEmail.setText(mSelectionSecondLine); mAccountHeaderTextSection.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } //if we disabled the list if (!mSelectionListEnabled) { mAccountSwitcherArrow.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); handleSelectionView(null, false); } if (!mSelectionListEnabledForSingleProfile && mProfileFirst == null && (mProfiles == null || mProfiles.size() == 1)) { mAccountSwitcherArrow.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); handleSelectionView(null, false); } //if we disabled the list but still have set a custom listener if (mOnAccountHeaderSelectionViewClickListener != null) { handleSelectionView(mCurrentProfile, true); } } /** * small helper method to set an profile image or a placeholder * * @param iv * @param imageHolder */ private void setImageOrPlaceholder(ImageView iv, ImageHolder imageHolder) { //cancel previous started image loading processes DrawerImageLoader.getInstance().cancelImage(iv); //set the placeholder iv.setImageDrawable(DrawerUIUtils.getPlaceHolder(iv.getContext())); //set the real image (probably also the uri) ImageHolder.applyTo(imageHolder, iv,; } /** * onProfileClickListener to notify onClick on a profile image */ private View.OnClickListener onCurrentProfileClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { onProfileClick(v, true); } }; /** * onProfileClickListener to notify onClick on a profile image */ private View.OnClickListener onProfileClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { onProfileClick(v, false); } }; protected void onProfileClick(View v, boolean current) { final IProfile profile = (IProfile) v.getTag(; switchProfiles(profile); //reset the drawer content resetDrawerContent(v.getContext()); boolean consumed = false; if (mOnAccountHeaderListener != null) { consumed = mOnAccountHeaderListener.onProfileChanged(v, profile, current); } if (!consumed) { new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (mDrawer != null) { mDrawer.closeDrawer(); } } }, 200); } } /** * get the current selection * * @return */ protected int getCurrentSelection() { if (mCurrentProfile != null && mProfiles != null) { int i = 0; for (IProfile profile : mProfiles) { if (profile == mCurrentProfile) { return i; } i++; } } return -1; } /** * onSelectionClickListener to notify the onClick on the checkbox */ private View.OnClickListener onSelectionClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { boolean consumed = false; if (mOnAccountHeaderSelectionViewClickListener != null) { consumed = mOnAccountHeaderSelectionViewClickListener.onClick(v, (IProfile) v.getTag(; } if (mAccountSwitcherArrow.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE && !consumed) { toggleSelectionList(v.getContext()); } } }; /** * helper method to toggle the collection * * @param ctx */ protected void toggleSelectionList(Context ctx) { if (mDrawer != null) { //if we already show the list. reset everything instead if (mDrawer.switchedDrawerContent()) { resetDrawerContent(ctx); mSelectionListShown = false; } else { //build and set the drawer selection list buildDrawerSelectionList(); // update the arrow image within the drawer mAccountSwitcherArrow.setImageDrawable(new IconicsDrawable(ctx, MaterialDrawerFont.Icon.mdf_arrow_drop_up).sizeRes(R.dimen.material_drawer_account_header_dropdown).paddingRes(R.dimen.material_drawer_account_header_dropdown_padding).color(ColorHolder.color(mTextColor, ctx, R.attr.material_drawer_header_selection_text, R.color.material_drawer_header_selection_text))); mSelectionListShown = true; } } } /** * helper method to build and set the drawer selection list */ protected void buildDrawerSelectionList() { int selectedPosition = -1; int position = 0; ArrayList<IDrawerItem> profileDrawerItems = new ArrayList<>(); if (mProfiles != null) { for (IProfile profile : mProfiles) { if (profile == mCurrentProfile) { if (mCurrentHiddenInList) { continue; } else { selectedPosition = position + mDrawer.getAdapter().getHeaderOffset(); } } if (profile instanceof IDrawerItem) { ((IDrawerItem) profile).withSetSelected(false); profileDrawerItems.add((IDrawerItem) profile); } position = position + 1; } } mDrawer.switchDrawerContent(onDrawerItemClickListener, profileDrawerItems, selectedPosition); } /** * onDrawerItemClickListener to catch the selection for the new profile! */ private Drawer.OnDrawerItemClickListener onDrawerItemClickListener = new Drawer.OnDrawerItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onItemClick(final View view, int position, final IDrawerItem drawerItem) { final boolean isCurrentSelectedProfile; if (drawerItem != null && drawerItem instanceof IProfile && drawerItem.isSelectable()) { isCurrentSelectedProfile = switchProfiles((IProfile) drawerItem); } else { isCurrentSelectedProfile = false; } if (mResetDrawerOnProfileListClick) { mDrawer.setOnDrawerItemClickListener(null); } //wrap the onSelection call and the reset stuff within a handler to prevent lag if (mResetDrawerOnProfileListClick && mDrawer != null && view != null && view.getContext() != null) { resetDrawerContent(view.getContext()); } boolean consumed = false; if (drawerItem != null && drawerItem instanceof IProfile) { if (mOnAccountHeaderListener != null) { consumed = mOnAccountHeaderListener.onProfileChanged(view, (IProfile) drawerItem, isCurrentSelectedProfile); } } //if a custom behavior was chosen via the CloseDrawerOnProfileListClick then use this. else react on the result of the onProfileChanged listener if (mCloseDrawerOnProfileListClick != null) { return !mCloseDrawerOnProfileListClick; } else { return consumed; } } }; /** * helper method to reset the drawer content */ private void resetDrawerContent(Context ctx) { if (mDrawer != null) { mDrawer.resetDrawerContent(); } mAccountSwitcherArrow.setImageDrawable(new IconicsDrawable(ctx, MaterialDrawerFont.Icon.mdf_arrow_drop_down).sizeRes(R.dimen.material_drawer_account_header_dropdown).paddingRes(R.dimen.material_drawer_account_header_dropdown_padding).color(ColorHolder.color(mTextColor, ctx, R.attr.material_drawer_header_selection_text, R.color.material_drawer_header_selection_text))); } /** * small helper class to update the header and the list */ protected void updateHeaderAndList() { //recalculate the profiles calculateProfiles(); //update the profiles in the header buildProfiles(); //if we currently show the list add the new item directly to it if (mSelectionListShown) { buildDrawerSelectionList(); } } }