package com.pan.materialdrawer.holder; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.ColorStateList; import; import; import; import; import android.widget.TextView; import com.pan.materialdrawer.model.utils.BadgeDrawableBuilder; import com.mikepenz.materialize.util.UIUtils; /** * Created by mikepenz on 02.07.15. */ public class BadgeStyle { private int mGradientDrawable = com.pan.materialdrawer.R.drawable.material_drawer_badge; private Drawable mBadgeBackground; private ColorHolder mColor; private ColorHolder mColorPressed; private ColorHolder mTextColor; private DimenHolder mCorners; private DimenHolder mPaddingTopBottom = DimenHolder.fromDp(2); //2 looks best private DimenHolder mPaddingLeftRight = DimenHolder.fromDp(3); //3 looks best private DimenHolder mMinWidth = DimenHolder.fromDp(20); //20 looks nice public int getGradientDrawable() { return mGradientDrawable; } public BadgeStyle withGradientDrawable(@DrawableRes int gradientDrawable) { this.mGradientDrawable = gradientDrawable; this.mBadgeBackground = null; return this; } public Drawable getBadgeBackground() { return mBadgeBackground; } public BadgeStyle withBadgeBackground(Drawable badgeBackground) { this.mBadgeBackground = badgeBackground; this.mGradientDrawable = -1; return this; } public ColorHolder getColor() { return mColor; } public BadgeStyle withColor(@ColorInt int color) { this.mColor = ColorHolder.fromColor(color); return this; } public BadgeStyle withColorRes(@ColorRes int color) { this.mColor = ColorHolder.fromColorRes(color); return this; } public ColorHolder getColorPressed() { return mColorPressed; } public BadgeStyle withColorPressed(@ColorInt int colorPressed) { this.mColorPressed = ColorHolder.fromColor(colorPressed); return this; } public BadgeStyle withColorPressedRes(@ColorRes int colorPressed) { this.mColorPressed = ColorHolder.fromColorRes(colorPressed); return this; } public ColorHolder getTextColor() { return mTextColor; } public BadgeStyle withTextColor(@ColorInt int textColor) { this.mTextColor = ColorHolder.fromColor(textColor); return this; } public BadgeStyle withTextColorRes(@ColorRes int textColor) { this.mTextColor = ColorHolder.fromColorRes(textColor); return this; } public DimenHolder getCorners() { return mCorners; } public BadgeStyle withCorners(int corners) { this.mCorners = DimenHolder.fromPixel(corners); return this; } public BadgeStyle withCornersDp(int corners) { this.mCorners = DimenHolder.fromDp(corners); return this; } public DimenHolder getPaddingLeftRight() { return mPaddingLeftRight; } public void withPaddingLeftRightPx(int paddingLeftRight) { this.mPaddingLeftRight = DimenHolder.fromPixel(paddingLeftRight); } public void withPaddingLeftRightDp(int paddingLeftRight) { this.mPaddingLeftRight = DimenHolder.fromDp(paddingLeftRight); } public DimenHolder getPaddingTopBottom() { return mPaddingTopBottom; } public void withPaddingTopBottomPx(int paddingTopBottom) { this.mPaddingTopBottom = DimenHolder.fromPixel(paddingTopBottom); } public void withPaddingTopBottomDp(int paddingTopBottom) { this.mPaddingTopBottom = DimenHolder.fromDp(paddingTopBottom); } public void withPadding(int padding) { this.mPaddingLeftRight = DimenHolder.fromPixel(padding); this.mPaddingTopBottom = DimenHolder.fromPixel(padding); } public BadgeStyle() { } public DimenHolder getMinWidth() { return mMinWidth; } public BadgeStyle withMinWidth(int minWidth) { this.mMinWidth = DimenHolder.fromPixel(minWidth); return this; } public BadgeStyle(@ColorInt int color, @ColorInt int colorPressed) { this.mColor = ColorHolder.fromColor(color); this.mColorPressed = ColorHolder.fromColor(colorPressed); } public BadgeStyle(@DrawableRes int gradientDrawable, @ColorInt int color, @ColorInt int colorPressed, @ColorInt int textColor) { this.mGradientDrawable = gradientDrawable; this.mColor = ColorHolder.fromColor(color); this.mColorPressed = ColorHolder.fromColor(colorPressed); this.mTextColor = ColorHolder.fromColor(textColor); } public void style(TextView badgeTextView) { style(badgeTextView, null); } public void style(TextView badgeTextView, ColorStateList colorStateList) { Context ctx = badgeTextView.getContext(); //set background for badge if (mBadgeBackground == null) { UIUtils.setBackground(badgeTextView, new BadgeDrawableBuilder(this).build(ctx)); } else { UIUtils.setBackground(badgeTextView, mBadgeBackground); } //set the badge text color if (mTextColor != null) { ColorHolder.applyToOr(mTextColor, badgeTextView, null); } else if (colorStateList != null) { badgeTextView.setTextColor(colorStateList); } //set the padding int paddingLeftRight = mPaddingLeftRight.asPixel(ctx); int paddingTopBottom = mPaddingTopBottom.asPixel(ctx); badgeTextView.setPadding(paddingLeftRight, paddingTopBottom, paddingLeftRight, paddingTopBottom); //set the min width badgeTextView.setMinWidth(mMinWidth.asPixel(ctx)); } }