package com.pan.materialdrawer; import; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import com.pan.materialdrawer.adapter.BaseDrawerAdapter; import com.pan.materialdrawer.holder.ImageHolder; import com.pan.materialdrawer.holder.StringHolder; import com.pan.materialdrawer.model.ContainerDrawerItem; import com.pan.materialdrawer.model.interfaces.Badgeable; import com.pan.materialdrawer.model.interfaces.IDrawerItem; import com.pan.materialdrawer.model.interfaces.Iconable; import com.pan.materialdrawer.model.interfaces.Nameable; import com.pan.materialdrawer.util.IdDistributor; import com.pan.materialdrawer.util.KeyboardUtil; import com.mikepenz.materialize.Materialize; import com.mikepenz.materialize.view.IScrimInsetsLayout; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Created by mikepenz on 03.02.15. */ public class Drawer { /** * BUNDLE param to store the selection */ protected static final String BUNDLE_SELECTION = "bundle_selection"; protected static final String BUNDLE_SELECTION_APPENDED = "bundle_selection_appended"; protected static final String BUNDLE_STICKY_FOOTER_SELECTION = "bundle_sticky_footer_selection"; protected static final String BUNDLE_STICKY_FOOTER_SELECTION_APPENDED = "bundle_sticky_footer_selection_appended"; protected static final String BUNDLE_DRAWER_CONTENT_SWITCHED = "bundle_drawer_content_switched"; protected static final String BUNDLE_DRAWER_CONTENT_SWITCHED_APPENDED = "bundle_drawer_content_switched_appended"; /** * Per the design guidelines, you should show the drawer on launch until the user manually * expands it. This shared preference tracks this. */ protected static final String PREF_USER_LEARNED_DRAWER = "navigation_drawer_learned"; protected final DrawerBuilder mDrawerBuilder; private FrameLayout mContentView; private KeyboardUtil mKeyboardUtil = null; /** * the protected Constructor for the result * * @param drawerBuilder */ protected Drawer(DrawerBuilder drawerBuilder) { this.mDrawerBuilder = drawerBuilder; } /** * Get the DrawerLayout of the current drawer * * @return */ public DrawerLayout getDrawerLayout() { return this.mDrawerBuilder.mDrawerLayout; } /** * Sets the toolbar which should be used in combination with the drawer * This will handle the ActionBarDrawerToggle for you. * Do not set this if you are in a sub activity and want to handle the back arrow on your own * * @param activity * @param toolbar the toolbar which is used in combination with the drawer */ public void setToolbar(@NonNull Activity activity, @NonNull Toolbar toolbar) { setToolbar(activity, toolbar, false); } /** * Sets the toolbar which should be used in combination with the drawer * This will handle the ActionBarDrawerToggle for you. * Do not set this if you are in a sub activity and want to handle the back arrow on your own * * @param activity * @param toolbar the toolbar which is used in combination with the drawer * @param recreateActionBarDrawerToggle defines if the ActionBarDrawerToggle needs to be recreated with the new set Toolbar */ public void setToolbar(@NonNull Activity activity, @NonNull Toolbar toolbar, boolean recreateActionBarDrawerToggle) { this.mDrawerBuilder.mToolbar = toolbar; this.mDrawerBuilder.handleDrawerNavigation(activity, recreateActionBarDrawerToggle); } /** * Add a custom ActionBarDrawerToggle which will be used in combination with this drawer. * * @param actionBarDrawerToggle */ public void setActionBarDrawerToggle(@NonNull ActionBarDrawerToggle actionBarDrawerToggle) { this.mDrawerBuilder.mActionBarDrawerToggleEnabled = true; this.mDrawerBuilder.mActionBarDrawerToggle = actionBarDrawerToggle; this.mDrawerBuilder.handleDrawerNavigation(null, false); } /** * Open the drawer */ public void openDrawer() { if (mDrawerBuilder.mDrawerLayout != null && mDrawerBuilder.mSliderLayout != null) { mDrawerBuilder.mDrawerLayout.openDrawer(mDrawerBuilder.mDrawerGravity); } } /** * close the drawer */ public void closeDrawer() { if (mDrawerBuilder.mDrawerLayout != null) { mDrawerBuilder.mDrawerLayout.closeDrawer(mDrawerBuilder.mDrawerGravity); } } /** * Get the current state of the drawer. * True if the drawer is currently open. * * @return */ public boolean isDrawerOpen() { if (mDrawerBuilder.mDrawerLayout != null && mDrawerBuilder.mSliderLayout != null) { return mDrawerBuilder.mDrawerLayout.isDrawerOpen(mDrawerBuilder.mDrawerGravity); } return false; } /** * set the insetsFrameLayout to display the content in fullscreen * under the statusBar and navigationBar * * @param fullscreen */ public void setFullscreen(boolean fullscreen) { if (mDrawerBuilder.mMaterialize != null) { mDrawerBuilder.mMaterialize.setFullscreen(fullscreen); } } /** * Set the color for the statusBar * * @param statusBarColor */ public void setStatusBarColor(@ColorInt int statusBarColor) { if (mDrawerBuilder.mMaterialize != null) { mDrawerBuilder.mMaterialize.setStatusBarColor(statusBarColor); mDrawerBuilder.mMaterialize.getScrimInsetsFrameLayout().getView().invalidate(); } } /** * get the drawerContentRoot Layout (ScrimInsetsFrameLayout) * * @return */ public IScrimInsetsLayout getScrimInsetsFrameLayout() { if (mDrawerBuilder.mMaterialize != null) { return mDrawerBuilder.mMaterialize.getScrimInsetsFrameLayout(); } return null; } /** * get the Materialize object used to beautify your activity * * @return */ public Materialize getMaterialize() { return mDrawerBuilder.mMaterialize; } /** * a helper method to enable the keyboardUtil for a specific activity * or disable it. note this will cause some frame drops because of the * listener. * * @param activity * @param enable */ public void keyboardSupportEnabled(@NonNull Activity activity, boolean enable) { if (getContent() != null && getContent().getChildCount() > 0) { if (mKeyboardUtil == null) { mKeyboardUtil = new KeyboardUtil(activity, getContent().getChildAt(0)); mKeyboardUtil.disable(); } if (enable) { mKeyboardUtil.enable(); } else { mKeyboardUtil.disable(); } } } /** * get the slider layout of the current drawer. * This is the layout containing the ListView * * @return */ public RelativeLayout getSlider() { return mDrawerBuilder.mSliderLayout; } /** * get the container frameLayout of the current drawer * * @return */ public FrameLayout getContent() { if (mContentView == null && this.mDrawerBuilder.mDrawerLayout != null) { mContentView = (FrameLayout) this.mDrawerBuilder.mDrawerLayout.findViewById(; } return mContentView; } /** * get the listView of the current drawer * * @return */ public RecyclerView getRecyclerView() { return mDrawerBuilder.mRecyclerView; } /** * get the BaseDrawerAdapter of the current drawer * * @return */ public BaseDrawerAdapter getAdapter() { return mDrawerBuilder.mAdapter; } /** * get all drawerItems of the current drawer * * @return */ public ArrayList<IDrawerItem> getDrawerItems() { return mDrawerBuilder.getAdapter().getDrawerItems(); } /** * get the Header View if set else NULL * * @return */ public View getHeader() { return mDrawerBuilder.mHeaderView; } /** * get the StickyHeader View if set else NULL * * @return */ public View getStickyHeader() { return mDrawerBuilder.mStickyHeaderView; } /** * method to replace a previous set header * * @param view */ public void setHeader(@NonNull View view) { setHeader(view, true, true); } /** * method to replace a previous set header * * @param view * @param divider */ public void setHeader(@NonNull View view, boolean divider) { setHeader(view, true, divider); } /** * method to replace a previous set header * * @param view * @param padding * @param divider */ public void setHeader(@NonNull View view, boolean padding, boolean divider) { getAdapter().clearHeaderItems(); if (padding) { getAdapter().addHeaderDrawerItems(new ContainerDrawerItem().withView(view).withDivider(divider).withViewPosition(ContainerDrawerItem.Position.TOP)); } else { getAdapter().addHeaderDrawerItems(new ContainerDrawerItem().withView(view).withDivider(divider).withViewPosition(ContainerDrawerItem.Position.NONE)); } } /** * method to remove the header of the list */ public void removeHeader() { getAdapter().clearHeaderItems(); } /** * get the Footer View if set else NULL * * @return */ public View getFooter() { return mDrawerBuilder.mFooterView; } /** * get the StickyFooter View if set else NULL * * @return */ public View getStickyFooter() { return mDrawerBuilder.mStickyFooterView; } /** * get the StickyFooter Shadow View if set else NULL * * @return */ private View getStickyFooterShadow() { return mDrawerBuilder.mStickyFooterShadowView; } /** * get the ActionBarDrawerToggle * * @return */ public ActionBarDrawerToggle getActionBarDrawerToggle() { return mDrawerBuilder.mActionBarDrawerToggle; } /** * calculates the position of an drawerItem. searching by it's identifier * * @param drawerItem * @return */ public int getPosition(@NonNull IDrawerItem drawerItem) { return getPosition(drawerItem.getIdentifier()); } /** * calculates the position of an drawerItem. searching by it's identifier * * @param identifier * @return */ public int getPosition(int identifier) { return DrawerUtils.getPositionByIdentifier(mDrawerBuilder, identifier); } /** * return sthe DrawerItem by the given identifier * * @param identifier * @return */ public IDrawerItem getDrawerItem(int identifier) { return getAdapter().getItem(getPosition(identifier)); } /** * calculates the position of an drawerItem. searching by it's identifier * * @param drawerItem * @return */ public int getStickyFooterPosition(@NonNull IDrawerItem drawerItem) { return getStickyFooterPosition(drawerItem.getIdentifier()); } /** * calculates the position of an drawerItem inside the footer. searching by it's identfier * * @param identifier * @return */ public int getStickyFooterPosition(int identifier) { return DrawerUtils.getStickyFooterPositionByIdentifier(mDrawerBuilder, identifier); } /** * get the current position of the selected drawer element * * @return */ public int getCurrentSelectedPosition() { return mDrawerBuilder.mCurrentSelection; } /** * get the current selected item identifier * * @return */ public int getCurrentSelection() { IDrawerItem drawerItem = mDrawerBuilder.getDrawerItem(mDrawerBuilder.mCurrentSelection); if (drawerItem != null) { return drawerItem.getIdentifier(); } return -1; } /** * get the current position of the selected sticky footer element * * @return */ public int getCurrentStickyFooterSelectedPosition() { return mDrawerBuilder.mCurrentStickyFooterSelection; } /** * set the current selection in the drawer * NOTE: This will trigger onDrawerItemSelected without a view! * * @param identifier */ public boolean setSelection(int identifier) { return setSelectionAtPosition(getPosition(identifier), true); } /** * set the current selection in the drawer * NOTE: This will trigger onDrawerItemSelected without a view if you pass fireOnClick = true; * * @param identifier * @param fireOnClick */ public boolean setSelection(int identifier, boolean fireOnClick) { return setSelectionAtPosition(getPosition(identifier), fireOnClick); } /** * set the current selection in the footer of the drawer * NOTE: This will trigger onDrawerItemSelected without a view if you pass fireOnClick = true; * * @param identifier * @param fireOnClick */ public void setStickyFooterSelection(int identifier, boolean fireOnClick) { setStickyFooterSelectionAtPosition(getStickyFooterPosition(identifier), fireOnClick); } /** * set the current selection in the drawer * NOTE: This will trigger onDrawerItemSelected without a view! * * @param drawerItem */ public boolean setSelection(@NonNull IDrawerItem drawerItem) { return setSelectionAtPosition(getPosition(drawerItem), true); } /** * set the current selection in the drawer * NOTE: This will trigger onDrawerItemSelected without a view if you pass fireOnClick = true; * * @param drawerItem * @param fireOnClick */ public boolean setSelection(@NonNull IDrawerItem drawerItem, boolean fireOnClick) { return setSelectionAtPosition(getPosition(drawerItem), fireOnClick); } /** * set the current selection in the drawer * NOTE: This will trigger onDrawerItemSelected without a view! * * @param position the position to select */ public boolean setSelectionAtPosition(int position) { return setSelectionAtPosition(position, true); } /* * set the current selection in the drawer * NOTE: This will trigger onDrawerItemSelected without a view if you pass fireOnClick = true; * * @param position * @param fireOnClick * @return true if the event was consumed */ public boolean setSelectionAtPosition(int position, boolean fireOnClick) { if (mDrawerBuilder.mRecyclerView != null) { return DrawerUtils.setRecyclerViewSelection(mDrawerBuilder, position, fireOnClick, mDrawerBuilder.getDrawerItem(position)); } return false; } /** * set the current selection in the footer of the drawer * NOTE: This will trigger onDrawerItemSelected without a view! * * @param position the position to select */ public void setStickyFooterSelectionAtPosition(int position) { setStickyFooterSelectionAtPosition(position, true); } /** * set the current selection in the footer of the drawer * NOTE: This will trigger onDrawerItemSelected without a view if you pass fireOnClick = true; * * @param position * @param fireOnClick */ public void setStickyFooterSelectionAtPosition(int position, boolean fireOnClick) { DrawerUtils.setStickyFooterSelection(mDrawerBuilder, position, fireOnClick); } /** * update a specific drawer item :D * automatically identified by its id * * @param drawerItem */ public void updateItem(@NonNull IDrawerItem drawerItem) { updateItemAtPosition(drawerItem, getPosition(drawerItem)); } /** * update the badge for a specific drawerItem * identified by its id * * @param identifier * @param badge */ public void updateBadge(int identifier, StringHolder badge) { IDrawerItem drawerItem = getDrawerItem(identifier); if (drawerItem instanceof Badgeable) { Badgeable badgeable = (Badgeable) drawerItem; badgeable.withBadge(badge); updateItem((IDrawerItem) badgeable); } } /** * update the name for a specific drawerItem * identified by its id * * @param identifier * @param name */ public void updateName(int identifier, StringHolder name) { IDrawerItem drawerItem = getDrawerItem(identifier); if (drawerItem instanceof Nameable) { Nameable pdi = (Nameable) drawerItem; pdi.withName(name); updateItem((IDrawerItem) pdi); } } /** * update the name for a specific drawerItem * identified by its id * * @param identifier * @param image */ public void updateIcon(int identifier, ImageHolder image) { IDrawerItem drawerItem = getDrawerItem(identifier); if (drawerItem instanceof Iconable) { Iconable pdi = (Iconable) drawerItem; pdi.withIcon(image); updateItem((IDrawerItem) pdi); } } /** * Update a drawerItem at a specific position * * @param drawerItem * @param position */ public void updateItemAtPosition(@NonNull IDrawerItem drawerItem, int position) { if (mDrawerBuilder.checkDrawerItem(position, false)) { mDrawerBuilder.getAdapter().setDrawerItem(position, drawerItem); } } /** * Add a drawerItem at the end * * @param drawerItem */ public void addItem(@NonNull IDrawerItem drawerItem) { mDrawerBuilder.getAdapter().addDrawerItem(IdDistributor.checkId(drawerItem)); } /** * Add a drawerItem at a specific position * * @param drawerItem * @param position */ public void addItemAtPosition(@NonNull IDrawerItem drawerItem, int position) { mDrawerBuilder.getAdapter().addDrawerItem(position, IdDistributor.checkId(drawerItem)); } /** * Set a drawerItem at a specific position * * @param drawerItem * @param position */ public void setItemAtPosition(@NonNull IDrawerItem drawerItem, int position) { mDrawerBuilder.getAdapter().addDrawerItem(position, IdDistributor.checkId(drawerItem)); } /** * Remove a drawerItem at a specific position * * @param position */ public void removeItemByPosition(int position) { if (mDrawerBuilder.checkDrawerItem(position, false)) { mDrawerBuilder.getAdapter().removeDrawerItem(position); } } /** * Remove a drawerItem by the identifier * * @param identifier */ public void removeItem(int identifier) { int position = getPosition(identifier); if (mDrawerBuilder.checkDrawerItem(position, false)) { mDrawerBuilder.getAdapter().removeDrawerItem(position); } } /** * Removes all items from drawer */ public void removeAllItems() { mDrawerBuilder.getAdapter().clearDrawerItems(); } /** * add new Items to the current DrawerItem List * * @param drawerItems */ public void addItems(@NonNull IDrawerItem... drawerItems) { mDrawerBuilder.getAdapter().addDrawerItems(IdDistributor.checkIds(drawerItems)); } /** * Replace the current DrawerItems with a new ArrayList of items * * @param drawerItems */ public void setItems(@NonNull ArrayList<IDrawerItem> drawerItems) { setItems(IdDistributor.checkIds(drawerItems), false); } /** * replace the current DrawerItems with the new ArrayList. * * @param drawerItems * @param switchedItems */ private void setItems(@NonNull ArrayList<IDrawerItem> drawerItems, boolean switchedItems) { //if we are currently at a switched list set the new reference if (originalDrawerItems != null && !switchedItems) { originalDrawerItems = drawerItems; } else { mDrawerBuilder.getAdapter().setDrawerItems(drawerItems); } mDrawerBuilder.mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } /** * update a specific footerDrawerItem :D * automatically identified by it's id * * @param drawerItem */ public void updateStickyFooterItem(@NonNull IDrawerItem drawerItem) { updateStickyFooterItemAtPosition(drawerItem, getStickyFooterPosition(drawerItem)); } /** * update a footerDrawerItem at a specific position * * @param drawerItem * @param position */ public void updateStickyFooterItemAtPosition(@NonNull IDrawerItem drawerItem, int position) { if (mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems != null && mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems.size() > position) { mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems.set(position, drawerItem); } DrawerUtils.rebuildStickyFooterView(mDrawerBuilder); } /** * Add a footerDrawerItem at the end * * @param drawerItem */ public void addStickyFooterItem(@NonNull IDrawerItem drawerItem) { if (mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems == null) { mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems = new ArrayList<>(); } mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems.add(IdDistributor.checkId(drawerItem)); DrawerUtils.rebuildStickyFooterView(mDrawerBuilder); } /** * Add a footerDrawerItem at a specific position * * @param drawerItem * @param position */ public void addStickyFooterItemAtPosition(@NonNull IDrawerItem drawerItem, int position) { if (mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems == null) { mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems = new ArrayList<>(); } mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems.add(position, IdDistributor.checkId(drawerItem)); DrawerUtils.rebuildStickyFooterView(mDrawerBuilder); } /** * Set a footerDrawerItem at a specific position * * @param drawerItem * @param position */ public void setStickyFooterItemAtPosition(@NonNull IDrawerItem drawerItem, int position) { if (mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems != null && mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems.size() > position) { mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems.set(position, IdDistributor.checkId(drawerItem)); } DrawerUtils.rebuildStickyFooterView(mDrawerBuilder); } /** * Remove a footerDrawerItem at a specific position * * @param position */ public void removeStickyFooterItemAtPosition(int position) { if (mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems != null && mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems.size() > position) { mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems.remove(position); } DrawerUtils.rebuildStickyFooterView(mDrawerBuilder); } /** * Removes all footerItems from drawer */ public void removeAllStickyFooterItems() { if (mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems != null) { mDrawerBuilder.mStickyDrawerItems.clear(); } if (mDrawerBuilder.mStickyFooterView != null) { mDrawerBuilder.mStickyFooterView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } /** * setter for the OnDrawerItemClickListener * * @param onDrawerItemClickListener */ public void setOnDrawerItemClickListener(OnDrawerItemClickListener onDrawerItemClickListener) { mDrawerBuilder.mOnDrawerItemClickListener = onDrawerItemClickListener; } /** * method to get the OnDrawerItemClickListener * * @return */ public OnDrawerItemClickListener getOnDrawerItemClickListener() { return mDrawerBuilder.mOnDrawerItemClickListener; } /** * setter for the OnDrawerItemLongClickListener * * @param onDrawerItemLongClickListener */ public void setOnDrawerItemLongClickListener(OnDrawerItemLongClickListener onDrawerItemLongClickListener) { mDrawerBuilder.mOnDrawerItemLongClickListener = onDrawerItemLongClickListener; } /** * method to get the OnDrawerItemLongClickListener * * @return */ public OnDrawerItemLongClickListener getOnDrawerItemLongClickListener() { return mDrawerBuilder.mOnDrawerItemLongClickListener; } //variables to store and remember the original list of the drawer private Drawer.OnDrawerItemClickListener originalOnDrawerItemClickListener; private ArrayList<IDrawerItem> originalDrawerItems; private int originalDrawerSelection = -1; /** * information if the current drawer content is switched by alternative content (profileItems) * * @return */ public boolean switchedDrawerContent() { return !(originalOnDrawerItemClickListener == null && originalDrawerItems == null && originalDrawerSelection == -1); } /** * get the original list of drawerItems * * @return */ public ArrayList<IDrawerItem> getOriginalDrawerItems() { return originalDrawerItems; } /** * method to switch the drawer content to new elements * * @param onDrawerItemClickListener * @param drawerItems * @param drawerSelection */ public void switchDrawerContent(@NonNull OnDrawerItemClickListener onDrawerItemClickListener, @NonNull ArrayList<IDrawerItem> drawerItems, int drawerSelection) { //just allow a single switched drawer if (!switchedDrawerContent()) { //save out previous values originalOnDrawerItemClickListener = getOnDrawerItemClickListener(); originalDrawerItems = getDrawerItems(); originalDrawerSelection = getCurrentSelectedPosition(); //set the new items setOnDrawerItemClickListener(onDrawerItemClickListener); setItems(drawerItems, true); setSelectionAtPosition(drawerSelection, false); //hide stickyFooter and it's shadow if (getStickyFooter() != null) { getStickyFooter().setVisibility(View.GONE); } if (getStickyFooterShadow() != null) { getStickyFooterShadow().setVisibility(View.GONE); } } } /** * helper method to reset to the original drawerContent */ public void resetDrawerContent() { if (switchedDrawerContent()) { //set the new items setOnDrawerItemClickListener(originalOnDrawerItemClickListener); setItems(originalDrawerItems, true); setSelectionAtPosition(originalDrawerSelection, false); //remove the references originalOnDrawerItemClickListener = null; originalDrawerItems = null; originalDrawerSelection = -1; //if we switch back scroll back to the top mDrawerBuilder.mRecyclerView.smoothScrollToPosition(0); //show the stickyFooter and it's shadow again if (getStickyFooter() != null) { getStickyFooter().setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } if (getStickyFooterShadow() != null) { getStickyFooterShadow().setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } //if we currently show the accountHeader selection list make sure to reset this attr if (mDrawerBuilder.mAccountHeader != null && mDrawerBuilder.mAccountHeader.mAccountHeaderBuilder != null) { mDrawerBuilder.mAccountHeader.mAccountHeaderBuilder.mSelectionListShown = false; } } } /** * add the values to the bundle for saveInstanceState * * @param savedInstanceState * @return */ public Bundle saveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { if (savedInstanceState != null) { if (!mDrawerBuilder.mAppended) { savedInstanceState.putInt(BUNDLE_SELECTION, switchedDrawerContent() ? originalDrawerSelection : mDrawerBuilder.mCurrentSelection); savedInstanceState.putInt(BUNDLE_STICKY_FOOTER_SELECTION, mDrawerBuilder.mCurrentStickyFooterSelection); savedInstanceState.putBoolean(BUNDLE_DRAWER_CONTENT_SWITCHED, switchedDrawerContent()); } else { savedInstanceState.putInt(BUNDLE_SELECTION_APPENDED, switchedDrawerContent() ? originalDrawerSelection : mDrawerBuilder.mCurrentSelection); savedInstanceState.putInt(BUNDLE_STICKY_FOOTER_SELECTION_APPENDED, mDrawerBuilder.mCurrentStickyFooterSelection); savedInstanceState.putBoolean(BUNDLE_DRAWER_CONTENT_SWITCHED_APPENDED, switchedDrawerContent()); } } return savedInstanceState; } public interface OnDrawerNavigationListener { /** * @param clickedView * @return true if the event was consumed */ boolean onNavigationClickListener(View clickedView); } public interface OnDrawerItemClickListener { /** * @param view * @param position * @param drawerItem * @return true if the event was consumed */ boolean onItemClick(View view, int position, IDrawerItem drawerItem); } public interface OnDrawerItemLongClickListener { /** * @param view * @param position * @param drawerItem * @return true if the event was consumed */ boolean onItemLongClick(View view, int position, IDrawerItem drawerItem); } public interface OnDrawerListener { /** * @param drawerView */ void onDrawerOpened(View drawerView); /** * @param drawerView */ void onDrawerClosed(View drawerView); /** * @param drawerView * @param slideOffset */ void onDrawerSlide(View drawerView, float slideOffset); } public interface OnDrawerItemSelectedListener { /** * @param parent * @param view * @param position * @param id * @param drawerItem */ void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id, IDrawerItem drawerItem); /** * @param parent */ void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parent); } }