package nl.utwente.viskell.ui.components; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import; import javafx.animation.KeyFrame; import javafx.animation.KeyValue; import javafx.animation.Timeline; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener; import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue; import javafx.geometry.Point2D; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton; import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent; import javafx.scene.input.TouchEvent; import javafx.scene.input.TouchPoint; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo; import javafx.scene.shape.ClosePath; import javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve; import javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo; import javafx.scene.shape.Path; import javafx.scene.shape.StrokeType; import javafx.scene.transform.Transform; import javafx.util.Duration; import nl.utwente.viskell.haskell.env.DataTypeInfo; import nl.utwente.viskell.haskell.env.HaskellCatalog; import nl.utwente.viskell.haskell.type.*; import nl.utwente.viskell.ui.BlockContainer; import nl.utwente.viskell.ui.ComponentLoader; import nl.utwente.viskell.ui.ToplevelPane; import nl.utwente.viskell.ui.WireMenu; /** * A DrawWire represents the UI for a new incomplete connection is the process of being drawn. * It is linked to a single Anchor as starting point, and with a second anchor it produces a new Connection. */ public class DrawWire extends CubicCurve implements ChangeListener<Transform>, ComponentLoader { /** The Anchor this wire is connected to */ protected final ConnectionAnchor anchor; private final TouchArea toucharea; private WireMenu menu; /** * @param anchor the connected side of this new wire. * @param startingPoint the position where this wire was initiated from. * @param touchPoint that initiated this wire, or null if it was by mouse. */ private DrawWire(ConnectionAnchor anchor, Point2D startingPoint, TouchPoint touchPoint) { this.setMouseTransparent(true); this.anchor = anchor; this.anchor.setWireInProgress(this); ToplevelPane pane = anchor.getPane(); pane.addWire(this); this.setFreePosition(startingPoint); anchor.localToSceneTransformProperty().addListener(this); this.toucharea = new TouchArea(touchPoint); pane.addUpperTouchArea(this.toucharea); } protected static DrawWire initiate(ConnectionAnchor anchor, TouchPoint touchPoint) { if (anchor instanceof InputAnchor && anchor.hasConnection()) { Connection conn = ((InputAnchor)anchor).getConnection().get(); OutputAnchor startAnchor = conn.getStartAnchor(); if (startAnchor.getWireInProgress() == null) { // make room for a new connection by removing existing one conn.remove(); // keep the other end of old connection to initiate the new one return new DrawWire(startAnchor, anchor.getAttachmentPoint(), touchPoint); } else { return null; } } else if (anchor instanceof OutputAnchor && anchor.hasConnection() && ((OutputAnchor)anchor).connections.get(0).hasTypeError()) { Connection conn = ((OutputAnchor)anchor).connections.get(0); InputAnchor endAnchor = conn.getEndAnchor(); if (endAnchor.getWireInProgress() == null) { // trying to solve the type error by changing the connection conn.remove(); return new DrawWire(endAnchor, anchor.getAttachmentPoint(), touchPoint); } } return new DrawWire(anchor, anchor.getAttachmentPoint(), touchPoint); } public ConnectionAnchor getAnchor() { return this.anchor; } private void showMenu(boolean byMouse) { if ( == null) { = new WireMenu(this, byMouse); + 50 , this.toucharea.getLayoutY() - 50); this.anchor.block.getToplevel().addMenu(; } } protected void handleMouseDrag(MouseEvent event) { if ( == null && !event.isSynthesized()) { Point2D localPos = this.anchor.getPane().sceneToLocal(event.getSceneX(), event.getSceneY()); this.toucharea.dragTo(localPos.getX(), localPos.getY(), event.getPickResult().getIntersectedNode()); } event.consume(); } protected void handleMouseRelease(MouseEvent event) { this.toucharea.handleMouseRelease(event); } /** @return the ConnectionAnchor related to the picked Node, or null of none. */ private static ConnectionAnchor findPickedAnchor(Node picked) { Node next = picked; while (next != null) { if (next instanceof ConnectionAnchor.Target) { return ((ConnectionAnchor.Target)next).getAssociatedAnchor(); } next = next.getParent(); } return null; } private void handleReleaseOn(Node picked) { ConnectionAnchor target = findPickedAnchor(picked); if (target == this.anchor) { this.toucharea.handleReleaseOnSelf(); } else if (target != null && target.getWireInProgress() == null) { Connection connection = this.buildConnectionTo(target); if (connection != null) { connection.getStartAnchor().initiateConnectionChanges(); this.remove(); } else { this.toucharea.handleReleaseOnNothing(); } } else if (Connection.lengthSquared(this) < 900) { this.toucharea.handleReleaseOnSelf(); } else { this.toucharea.handleReleaseOnNothing(); } } /** * Constructs a new Connection from this partial wire and another anchor * @param target the Anchor to which the other end of this should be connection to. * @return the newly build Connection or null if it's not possible */ public Connection buildConnectionTo(ConnectionAnchor target) { InputAnchor sink; OutputAnchor source; if (this.anchor instanceof InputAnchor) { if (target instanceof InputAnchor) { return null; } sink = (InputAnchor)this.anchor; source = (OutputAnchor)target; } else { if (target instanceof OutputAnchor) { return null; } sink = (InputAnchor)target; source = (OutputAnchor)this.anchor; if (sink.hasConnection()) { sink.removeConnections(); // push out the existing connection } } if (sink.block == source.block && !(sink instanceof ResultAnchor && source instanceof BinderAnchor)) { // self recursive wires are not allowed return null; } return new Connection(source, sink); } /** Removes this wire from its pane, and its listener. */ public final void remove() { if ( != null) {; = null; } if (this.toucharea != null) { this.toucharea.remove(); } this.anchor.setWireInProgress(null); this.anchor.localToSceneTransformProperty().removeListener(this); this.anchor.getPane().removeWire(this); } @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Transform> observable, Transform oldValue, Transform newValue) { this.invalidateAnchorPosition(); } /** Update the UI position of the anchor. */ private void invalidateAnchorPosition() { Point2D point = this.anchor.getAttachmentPoint(); if (this.anchor instanceof InputAnchor) { this.setEndX(point.getX()); this.setEndY(point.getY()); } else { this.setStartX(point.getX()); this.setStartY(point.getY()); } Connection.updateBezierControlPoints(this); } /** * Sets the free end coordinates for this wire. * @param point coordinates local to this wire's parent. */ public void setFreePosition(Point2D point) { if (this.anchor instanceof InputAnchor) { this.setStartX(point.getX()); this.setStartY(point.getY()); } else { this.setEndX(point.getX()); this.setEndY(point.getY()); } this.invalidateAnchorPosition(); ToplevelPane pane = this.anchor.block.getToplevel(); Point2D scenePoint = pane.localToScene(point, false); BlockContainer anchorContainer = this.anchor.getContainer(); boolean scopeOK = true; if (this.anchor instanceof OutputAnchor) { scopeOK = anchorContainer.containmentBoundsInScene().contains(scenePoint); } else if (this.anchor instanceof InputAnchor) { scopeOK = pane.getAllBlockContainers(). filter(con -> con.containmentBoundsInScene().contains(scenePoint)). allMatch(con -> anchorContainer.isContainedWithin(con)); } if (scopeOK) { this.getStrokeDashArray().clear(); } else if (this.getStrokeDashArray().isEmpty()) { this.getStrokeDashArray().addAll(15.0, 15.0); } } /** A circular area at the open end of the draw wire for handling multi finger touch actions. * This area has as a workaround a hole in the middle to be able to pick the thing behind it on release. */ private class TouchArea extends Path { /** The ID of finger that spawned this touch area. */ private int touchID; /** Whether this touch area has been dragged further than the drag threshold. */ private boolean dragStarted; /** Timed animation for toucharea and drawwire self removal */ private final Timeline disapperance; /** List of nearby anchors that have visually reacted to this wire. */ private List<ConnectionAnchor> nearbyAnchors; private Point2D lastNearbyUpdate; /** * @param touchPoint that is the center of new active touch area, or null if the mouse */ private TouchArea(TouchPoint touchPoint) { super(); this.setLayoutX(DrawWire.this.getEndX()); this.setLayoutY(DrawWire.this.getEndY()); this.touchID = touchPoint == null ? -1 : touchPoint.getId(); this.dragStarted = true; this.nearbyAnchors = new ArrayList<>(); this.lastNearbyUpdate = Point2D.ZERO; this.disapperance = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(2000), e -> DrawWire.this.remove(), new KeyValue(this.opacityProperty(), 0.3), new KeyValue(DrawWire.this.opacityProperty(), 0.2))); // a circle with hole is built from a path of round arcs with a very thick stroke ArcTo arc1 = new ArcTo(100, 100, 0, 100, 0, true, true); ArcTo arc2 = new ArcTo(100, 100, 0, -100, 0, true, true); this.getElements().addAll(new MoveTo(-100, 0), arc1, arc2, new ClosePath()); this.setStroke(Color.web("#0066FF")); this.setStrokeType(StrokeType.INSIDE); this.setStrokeWidth(90); this.setStroke(Color.web("#0066FF")); this.setStrokeType(StrokeType.INSIDE); this.setOpacity(0); if (touchPoint != null) { touchPoint.grab(this); } this.addEventHandler(TouchEvent.TOUCH_PRESSED, this::handleTouchPress); this.addEventHandler(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVED, this::handleTouchDrag); this.addEventHandler(TouchEvent.TOUCH_RELEASED, this::handleTouchRelease); this.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, this::handleMousePress); this.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED, this::handleMouseDrag); this.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED, this::handleMouseRelease); } private void handleReleaseOnNothing() { this.makeVisible(); disapperance.playFromStart(); } private void handleReleaseOnSelf() { this.makeVisible(); disapperance.playFrom(disapperance.getTotalDuration().multiply(0.9)); } private void makeVisible() { this.clearWireReactions(); this.setScaleX(0.25); this.setScaleY(0.25); this.setOpacity(0.6); this.setStrokeWidth(99); DrawWire.this.setOpacity(1); // avoid clicking the hole with a non moving mouse this.setLayoutY(this.getLayoutY() + (DrawWire.this.anchor instanceof InputAnchor ? -2 : 2)); } private void clearWireReactions() { for (ConnectionAnchor anchor : this.nearbyAnchors) { anchor.setNearbyWireReaction(0); } } private void remove() { this.clearWireReactions(); ToplevelPane pane = DrawWire.this.anchor.getPane(); pane.removeUpperTouchArea(this); } private void handleTouchPress(TouchEvent event) { if (!this.dragStarted) { this.touchID = event.getTouchPoint().getId(); this.disapperance.stop(); this.makeVisible(); } event.consume(); } private void handleMousePress(MouseEvent event) { if (event.isSynthesized()) { // don't react on synthesized events } else if (event.getButton() == MouseButton.PRIMARY) { this.touchID = -1; this.handleDragStart(); this.disapperance.stop(); DrawWire.this.setOpacity(1); } else { DrawWire.this.remove(); } event.consume(); } private void handleTouchRelease(TouchEvent event) { this.dragStarted = false; long fingerCount = event.getTouchPoints().stream().filter(tp -> tp.belongsTo(this)).count(); if (fingerCount == 1 && == null) { Node picked = event.getTouchPoint().getPickResult().getIntersectedNode(); DrawWire.this.handleReleaseOn(picked); } else if ( != null || this.touchID < 0) { // avoid accidental creation of (more) menus } else if (fingerCount == 2) { DrawWire.this.showMenu(false); // a delay to avoid the background picking up jitter from this event Timeline delay = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(250), e -> this.makeVisible()));; } event.consume(); } private void handleMouseRelease(MouseEvent event) { if (event.isSynthesized()) { // don't react on synthesized events } else if ( != null) { // release has no effect if there is a menu } else if (event.getButton() == MouseButton.PRIMARY) { DrawWire.this.handleReleaseOn(event.getPickResult().getIntersectedNode()); this.dragStarted = false; } else { DrawWire.this.showMenu(true); this.dragStarted = false; this.makeVisible(); } event.consume(); } private void handleTouchDrag(TouchEvent event) { double scaleFactor = this.getScaleX(); double deltaX = event.getTouchPoint().getX() * scaleFactor; double deltaY = event.getTouchPoint().getY() * scaleFactor; if (event.getTouchPoint().getId() != this.touchID) { // we use only primary finger for drag movement if (this.dragStarted && Math.abs(deltaX) > 175) { this.horizontalSplittingAction(event); } else if (this.dragStarted && Math.abs(deltaY) > 150){ this.verticalSplittingAction(event); } } else { if ((deltaX*deltaX + deltaY*deltaY) > 10000) { // FIXME: ignore too large movements } else if (this.dragStarted || (deltaX*deltaX + deltaY*deltaY) > 63) { if (!this.dragStarted) { this.handleDragStart(); } double newX = this.getLayoutX() + deltaX; double newY = this.getLayoutY() + deltaY; this.dragTo(newX, newY, event.getTouchPoint().getPickResult().getIntersectedNode()); } } event.consume(); } private void handleMouseDrag(MouseEvent event) { if ( == null && !event.isSynthesized()) { double scaleFactor = this.getScaleX(); double newX = this.getLayoutX() + event.getX() * scaleFactor; double newY = this.getLayoutY() + event.getY() * scaleFactor; this.dragTo(newX, newY, event.getPickResult().getIntersectedNode()); } event.consume(); } private void dragTo(double newX, double newY) { this.dragTo(newX, newY, null); } private void dragTo(double newX, double newY, Node picked) { this.setLayoutX(newX); this.setLayoutY(newY); Point2D newPos = new Point2D(newX, newY); DrawWire.this.setFreePosition(newPos); // threshold to avoid doing a quite expensive computation too often if (this.lastNearbyUpdate.distance(newPos) > 10) { this.lastNearbyUpdate = newPos; List<ConnectionAnchor> targetAnchors = anchor.block.getToplevel().allNearbyFreeAnchors(newPos, 166); List<ConnectionAnchor> newNearby = new ArrayList<>(); // trial unification on all nearby opposite free anchor so see if they could fit if (DrawWire.this.anchor instanceof InputAnchor) { InputAnchor anchor = (InputAnchor)DrawWire.this.anchor; ConnectionAnchor releaseAnchor = DrawWire.findPickedAnchor(picked); if (releaseAnchor == anchor) { releaseAnchor = null; } for (ConnectionAnchor target : targetAnchors) { if (target instanceof OutputAnchor) { target.setNearbyWireReaction(determineWireReaction((OutputAnchor)target, anchor, releaseAnchor)); newNearby.add(target); } } } else { OutputAnchor anchor = (OutputAnchor)DrawWire.this.anchor; ConnectionAnchor releaseAnchor = DrawWire.findPickedAnchor(picked); if (releaseAnchor == anchor) { releaseAnchor = null; } for (ConnectionAnchor target : targetAnchors) { if (target instanceof InputAnchor) { newNearby.add(target); target.setNearbyWireReaction(determineWireReaction(anchor, (InputAnchor)target, releaseAnchor)); } } } // reset all anchors that are not nearby anymore for (ConnectionAnchor oldNear : this.nearbyAnchors) { if (! newNearby.contains(oldNear)) { oldNear.setNearbyWireReaction(0); } } this.nearbyAnchors = newNearby; } } private int determineWireReaction(OutputAnchor source, InputAnchor sink, ConnectionAnchor releaseAnchor) { if (sink.block == source.block && !(sink instanceof ResultAnchor && source instanceof BinderAnchor)) { return 0; } try { TypeChecker.unify("wire reaction", source.getType(Optional.empty()).getFresh(), sink.getType().getFresh()); if (source == releaseAnchor || sink == releaseAnchor) { return 3; } else { return 1; } } catch (HaskellTypeError e) { return -1; } } private void handleDragStart() { this.dragStarted = true; if ( != null) { // resume dragging the wire; = null; } this.setScaleX(1); this.setScaleY(1); this.setOpacity(0); this.setStrokeWidth(90); } private void horizontalSplittingAction(TouchEvent event) { ToplevelPane toplevel = DrawWire.this.anchor.block.getToplevel(); TouchPoint tpA = event.getTouchPoint(); Point2D posA = toplevel.sceneToLocal(new Point2D(tpA.getSceneX(), tpA.getSceneY())); List<TouchPoint> tpis = event.getTouchPoints().stream().filter(tp -> tp.getId() == this.touchID).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (tpis.isEmpty()) { return; // something is wrong with primary touchpoint, give up } TouchPoint tpB = tpis.get(0); Point2D posB = new Point2D(this.getLayoutX(), this.getLayoutY()); this.dragStarted = false; this.touchID = -1; int tupleArity = 2; List<DataTypeInfo.Constructor> constrs = new ArrayList<>(); Type type = DrawWire.this.anchor.getFreshType().getConcrete(); if (type instanceof TypeApp) { List<Type> ts = ((TypeApp)type).asFlattenedAppChain(); if (ts.get(0) instanceof TupleTypeCon) { tupleArity = ts.size()-1; } else if (ts.get(0) instanceof TypeCon) { HaskellCatalog catalog = toplevel.getGhciSession().getCatalog(); DataTypeInfo datatype = catalog.getDataType(((TypeCon)ts.get(0)).getName()); if (datatype != null && !datatype.isBuiltin()) { constrs = datatype.getConstructors(); } } } else if (type instanceof TypeCon) { HaskellCatalog catalog = toplevel.getGhciSession().getCatalog(); DataTypeInfo datatype = catalog.getDataType(((TypeCon)type).getName()); if (datatype != null && !datatype.isBuiltin()) { constrs = datatype.getConstructors(); } } if (constrs.size() >= 2 && constrs.size() <= 5) { ChoiceBlock choice = new ChoiceBlock(toplevel); for (int i = 2; i < constrs.size(); i++) { choice.addLane(); } toplevel.addBlock(choice); double offsetX = tpA.getX() < 0 ? -300 : -150; if (DrawWire.this.anchor instanceof OutputAnchor) { double posX = DrawWire.this.getEndX() + offsetX; double posY = DrawWire.this.getEndY()-100; choice.relocate(posX, posY); choice.addExtraInput(); InputAnchor input = choice.getAllInputs().get(0); Connection connection = DrawWire.this.buildConnectionTo(input); if (connection != null) { connection.getStartAnchor().initiateConnectionChanges(); } List<Block> decons = new ArrayList<>(); List<Lane> lanes = choice.getLanes(); for (int i = 0; i < constrs.size(); i++) { Lane lane = lanes.get(i); MatchBlock mblock = new MatchBlock(toplevel, toplevel.getEnvInstance().lookupFun(constrs.get(i).getName())); decons.add(mblock); toplevel.addBlock(mblock); OutputAnchor arg = (OutputAnchor)lane.getAllAnchors().get(0); mblock.relocate(posX+125 + (i*250), posY + 75); DrawWire tempWire = DrawWire.initiate(arg, null); tempWire.buildConnectionTo(mblock.input); tempWire.remove(); } Platform.runLater(() -> { for (Block block : decons) { block.refreshContainer(); block.initiateConnectionChanges(); } }); DrawWire.this.remove(); } else { double posX = DrawWire.this.getEndX() + offsetX; double posY = DrawWire.this.getEndY() - 450; choice.relocate(posX, posY); OutputAnchor output = choice.getAllOutputs().get(0); Connection connection = DrawWire.this.buildConnectionTo(output); if (connection != null) { connection.getStartAnchor().initiateConnectionChanges(); } List<Block> conses = new ArrayList<>(); List<Lane> lanes = choice.getLanes(); for (int i = 0; i < constrs.size(); i++) { Lane lane = lanes.get(i); FunApplyBlock cblock = new FunApplyBlock(toplevel, new LibraryFunUse(toplevel.getEnvInstance().lookupFun(constrs.get(i).getName()))); conses.add(cblock); toplevel.addBlock(cblock); cblock.initiateConnectionChanges(); InputAnchor res = (InputAnchor)lane.getAllAnchors().get(0); cblock.relocate(posX+125 + (i*250), posY + 250); DrawWire tempWire = DrawWire.initiate(res, null); tempWire.buildConnectionTo(cblock.getAllOutputs().get(0)); tempWire.remove(); } Platform.runLater(() -> { for (Block block : conses) { block.refreshContainer(); block.initiateConnectionChanges(); } }); DrawWire.this.remove(); } } else { if (DrawWire.this.anchor instanceof OutputAnchor) { Block block = new SplitterBlock(toplevel, tupleArity); toplevel.addBlock(block); double offsetX = tpA.getX() < 0 ? -75 : 75; block.relocate(DrawWire.this.getEndX() + offsetX, DrawWire.this.getEndY()-100); block.refreshContainer(); block.initiateConnectionChanges(); InputAnchor input = block.getAllInputs().get(0); Connection connection = DrawWire.this.buildConnectionTo(input); if (connection != null) { connection.getStartAnchor().initiateConnectionChanges(); } if (tpA.getX() < 0) { DrawWire wireA = DrawWire.initiate(block.getAllOutputs().get(0), tpA); wireA.toucharea.dragTo(posA.getX(), posA.getY()); DrawWire wireB = DrawWire.initiate(block.getAllOutputs().get(1), tpB); wireB.toucharea.dragTo(posB.getX(), posB.getY()); } else { DrawWire wireA = DrawWire.initiate(block.getAllOutputs().get(1), tpA); wireA.toucharea.dragTo(posA.getX(), posA.getY()); DrawWire wireB = DrawWire.initiate(block.getAllOutputs().get(0), tpB); wireB.toucharea.dragTo(posB.getX(), posB.getY()); } DrawWire.this.remove(); } else { Block block = new JoinerBlock(toplevel, tupleArity); toplevel.addBlock(block); double offsetX = tpA.getX() < 0 ? -75 : 75; block.relocate(DrawWire.this.getStartX() + offsetX, DrawWire.this.getStartY()+100); block.refreshContainer(); block.initiateConnectionChanges(); OutputAnchor input = block.getAllOutputs().get(0); Connection connection = DrawWire.this.buildConnectionTo(input); if (connection != null) { connection.getStartAnchor().initiateConnectionChanges(); } if (tpA.getX() < 0) { DrawWire wireA = DrawWire.initiate(block.getAllInputs().get(0), tpA); wireA.toucharea.dragTo(posA.getX(), posA.getY()); DrawWire wireB = DrawWire.initiate(block.getAllInputs().get(1), tpB); wireB.toucharea.dragTo(posB.getX(), posB.getY()); } else { DrawWire wireA = DrawWire.initiate(block.getAllInputs().get(1), tpA); wireA.toucharea.dragTo(posA.getX(), posA.getY()); DrawWire wireB = DrawWire.initiate(block.getAllInputs().get(0), tpB); wireB.toucharea.dragTo(posB.getX(), posB.getY()); } DrawWire.this.remove(); } } } private void verticalSplittingAction(TouchEvent event) { ToplevelPane toplevel = DrawWire.this.anchor.block.getToplevel(); TouchPoint tpA = event.getTouchPoint(); Point2D posA = toplevel.sceneToLocal(new Point2D(tpA.getSceneX(), tpA.getSceneY())); List<TouchPoint> tpis = event.getTouchPoints().stream().filter(tp -> tp.getId() == this.touchID).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (tpis.isEmpty()) { return; // something is wrong with primary touchpoint, give up } TouchPoint tpB = tpis.get(0); Point2D posB = new Point2D(this.getLayoutX(), this.getLayoutY()); this.dragStarted = false; this.touchID = -1; Type type = DrawWire.this.anchor.getFreshType(); int arity = type.countArguments(); if (arity < 1) { return; // we only we with functions for now } if (DrawWire.this.anchor instanceof OutputAnchor) { Block block = new FunApplyBlock(toplevel, new ApplyAnchor(arity)); toplevel.addBlock(block); double offsetY = tpA.getY() < 0 ? -100 : 50; block.relocate(DrawWire.this.getEndX() - 40, DrawWire.this.getEndY()+offsetY); block.refreshContainer(); block.initiateConnectionChanges(); InputAnchor input = block.getAllInputs().get(0); Connection connection = DrawWire.this.buildConnectionTo(input); if (connection != null) { connection.getStartAnchor().initiateConnectionChanges(); } if (tpA.getY() < 0) { DrawWire wireA = DrawWire.initiate(block.getAllInputs().get(1), tpA); wireA.toucharea.dragTo(posA.getX(), posA.getY()); DrawWire wireB = DrawWire.initiate(block.getAllOutputs().get(0), tpB); wireB.toucharea.dragTo(posB.getX(), posB.getY()); } else { DrawWire wireA = DrawWire.initiate(block.getAllOutputs().get(0), tpA); wireA.toucharea.dragTo(posA.getX(), posA.getY()); DrawWire wireB = DrawWire.initiate(block.getAllInputs().get(1), tpB); wireB.toucharea.dragTo(posB.getX(), posB.getY()); } DrawWire.this.remove(); } else { LambdaBlock block = new LambdaBlock(toplevel, arity); toplevel.addBlock(block); double offsetY = tpA.getY() < 0 ? -240 : -100; block.relocate(DrawWire.this.getStartX()-150, DrawWire.this.getStartY() + offsetY); block.initiateConnectionChanges(); OutputAnchor input = block.getAllOutputs().get(0); Connection connection = DrawWire.this.buildConnectionTo(input); if (connection != null) { connection.getStartAnchor().initiateConnectionChanges(); } LambdaContainer body = block.getBody(); if (tpA.getY() < 0) { DrawWire wireA = DrawWire.initiate(body.getAllAnchors().get(0), tpA); wireA.toucharea.dragTo(posA.getX(), posA.getY()); DrawWire wireB = DrawWire.initiate(body.getAllAnchors().get(arity), tpB); wireB.toucharea.dragTo(posB.getX(), posB.getY()); } else { DrawWire wireA = DrawWire.initiate(body.getAllAnchors().get(arity), tpA); wireA.toucharea.dragTo(posA.getX(), posA.getY()); DrawWire wireB = DrawWire.initiate(body.getAllAnchors().get(0), tpB); wireB.toucharea.dragTo(posB.getX(), posB.getY()); } DrawWire.this.remove(); } } } }