package nl.utwente.viskell.ui.components; import; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.geometry.Pos; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import nl.utwente.viskell.haskell.expr.*; import nl.utwente.viskell.haskell.expr.Case.Alternative; import nl.utwente.viskell.haskell.type.*; import nl.utwente.viskell.ui.BlockContainer; import nl.utwente.viskell.ui.ToplevelPane; import java.util.*; import; /** * An evaluation block with multiple guarded alternatives. * */ public class ChoiceBlock extends Block { /** The alternatives inside this block */ protected List<Lane> lanes; /** The output anchor of this block */ protected OutputAnchor output; /** The container Node for the Lanes */ @FXML protected Pane altSpace; /** The label with the result type of this choiceblock. */ @FXML private Label signature; /** The container Node for the OutputAnchor */ @FXML protected Pane resultSpace; /** The input space of for this choiceblock */ @FXML protected Pane inputSpace; /** The list of input anchors of this choiceblock */ protected List<ChoiceInputAnchor> inputAnchors; public ChoiceBlock(ToplevelPane pane) { super(pane); this.loadFXML("ChoiceBlock"); lanes = new ArrayList<>(); output = new OutputAnchor(this, new Binder("choiceoutput")); inputAnchors = new ArrayList<>(); resultSpace.getChildren().add(output); dragContext.setGoToForegroundOnContact(false); inputSpace.setMinHeight(BASELINE_OFFSET_SAME_AS_HEIGHT); addLane(); addLane(); } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") public static ChoiceBlock fromBundleFragment(ToplevelPane pane, Map<String, Object> bundleFragment) { return new ChoiceBlock(pane); } @Override public List<InputAnchor> getAllInputs() { return -> i.anchor).collect(Collectors.toList()); } @Override public List<OutputAnchor> getAllOutputs() { return Collections.singletonList(output); } @Override public List<ConnectionAnchor> getAllAnchors() { List<ConnectionAnchor> result = new ArrayList<>(); result.add(this.output); for (Lane lane : this.lanes) { result.addAll(lane.getAllAnchors()); } return result; } @Override public Optional<Block> getNewCopy() { // copying the internal is too complex for now return Optional.empty(); } @Override protected void refreshAnchorTypes() { -> lane.refreshAnchorTypes()); // TODO make sure the last edited lane gets unified last to prevent // that large parts of a program become invalid in case of a type error, // but rather only the lane in which the edit took place. List<TypeVar> typeList = new ArrayList<>(); TypeVar resultType = TypeScope.unique("choice_res"); output.setExactRequiredType(resultType); for (int i = 0; i < inputAnchors.size(); ++i) { TypeVar argType = TypeScope.unique("choice_arg"+i); typeList.add(argType); inputAnchors.get(i).anchor.setExactRequiredType(argType); } for (Lane lane : lanes) { for (int i = 0; i < typeList.size(); ++i) { try { TypeChecker.unify("choice block", typeList.get(i), lane.arguments.get(i).getType(Optional.empty())); } catch (HaskellTypeError e) { } } try { TypeChecker.unify("choice block", resultType, lane.getOutput().getType()); } catch (HaskellTypeError e) { } } } public void handleConnectionChanges(boolean finalPhase) { lanes.forEach(lane -> lane.handleConnectionChanges(finalPhase)); // continue as normal with propagating changes on the outside super.handleConnectionChanges(finalPhase); } @Override public Expression getLocalExpr(Set<OutputAnchor> outsideAnchors) { List<Alternative> bindings = -> lane.getAlternative(outsideAnchors)).collect(Collectors.toList()); LetExpression let = new LetExpression(new Case(new Value(Type.tupleOf(), "()"), bindings), false); lanes.forEach(lane -> { for (int i = 0; i < getAllInputs().size(); ++i) { int j = i; getAllInputs().get(i).getOppositeAnchor().ifPresent(anchor -> let.addLetBinding(lane.arguments.get(j).binder, new LocalVar(anchor.binder))); } }); getAllInputs().forEach(in -> in.getOppositeAnchor().ifPresent(out -> outsideAnchors.add(out))); return let; } @Override protected void extendExprGraph(LetExpression exprGraph, BlockContainer container, Set<OutputAnchor> outsideAnchors) { return; // FIXME this override is only because Choice block return internal anchors in getAllInputs() } @Override public void invalidateVisualState() { lanes.forEach(Lane::invalidateVisualState); inputAnchors.forEach(ChoiceInputAnchor::invalidateVisualState); signature.setText(output.getStringType()); output.invalidateVisualState(); } @Override public boolean belongsOnBottom() { return true; } /** Adds an alternative to this block */ public void addLane() { Lane lane = new Lane(this); lanes.add(lane); getAllInputs().forEach(anchor -> lane.addExtraInput()); altSpace.getChildren().add(lane); initiateConnectionChanges(); } /** Removes the last alternative from this block */ public void removeLastLane() { if (lanes.size() > 1) { Lane lane = lanes.remove(lanes.size()-1); lane.deleteAllLinks(); altSpace.getChildren().remove(lane); initiateConnectionChanges(); } } /** Returns the alternatives in this block */ public List<Lane> getLanes() { return lanes; } /** Adds extra input anchor to this block */ public void addExtraInput() { ChoiceInputAnchor arg = new ChoiceInputAnchor(); inputAnchors.add(arg); inputSpace.getChildren().add(arg); lanes.forEach(Lane::addExtraInput); inputSpace.setMinHeight(35); initiateConnectionChanges(); } /** Removes the last input anchor of this block */ public void removeLastInput() { if (!inputAnchors.isEmpty()) { ChoiceInputAnchor arg = inputAnchors.remove(inputAnchors.size()-1); arg.anchor.removeConnections(); inputSpace.getChildren().remove(arg); lanes.forEach(Lane::removeLastInput); initiateConnectionChanges(); } if (inputAnchors.isEmpty()) { inputSpace.setMinHeight(BASELINE_OFFSET_SAME_AS_HEIGHT); } } @Override public List<Lane> getInternalContainers() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(this.lanes); } @Override public void relocate(double x, double y) { double dx = x-getLayoutX(), dy = y-getLayoutY(); super.relocate(x, y); lanes.forEach(lane -> lane.moveNodes(dx, dy)); } protected void shiftAllBut(double shiftX, double shiftY, Lane changedLane, double shiftXForRights) { super.relocate(this.getLayoutX() + shiftX, this.getLayoutY() + shiftY); int lx = this.lanes.indexOf(changedLane); for (int i = 0; i < this.lanes.size(); i++) { if (i < lx) { this.lanes.get(i).moveNodes(shiftX, 0); } else if (i > lx) { this.lanes.get(i).moveNodes(shiftXForRights, 0); } } } @Override public void deleteAllLinks() { lanes.forEach(lane -> lane.deleteAllLinks()); super.deleteAllLinks(); } @Override public boolean canAlterAnchors() { return true; } @Override public void alterAnchorCount(boolean isRemove) { if (isRemove) { removeLastInput(); } else { addExtraInput(); } } /** Combined input anchor and type label. */ private class ChoiceInputAnchor extends VBox implements ConnectionAnchor.Target { /** The connection anchor for this input argument. */ private final InputAnchor anchor; /** The input type label of this anchor. */ private final Label inputType; private ChoiceInputAnchor() { this.inputType = new Label("....."); this.inputType.setMinWidth(USE_PREF_SIZE); this.inputType.getStyleClass().add("inputType"); this.inputType.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); this.anchor = new InputAnchor(ChoiceBlock.this); this.anchor.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); this.getChildren().addAll(this.anchor, this.inputType); this.setTranslateY(-18); this.setPickOnBounds(false); this.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); } @Override public ConnectionAnchor getAssociatedAnchor() { return this.anchor; } /** Refresh visual information such as types */ private void invalidateVisualState() { this.anchor.invalidateVisualState(); boolean validConnection = this.anchor.hasValidConnection(); this.setTranslateY(validConnection ? -9 : -18); this.inputType.setText(validConnection ? "zyxwv" : this.anchor.getStringType()); this.inputType.setVisible(!validConnection); } } }