package nl.utwente.viskell.ui; import; import javafx.geometry.BoundingBox; import javafx.geometry.Bounds; import javafx.geometry.Point2D; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import javafx.scene.layout.Region; import javafx.scene.shape.Path; import javafx.scene.shape.Shape; import nl.utwente.viskell.ghcj.GhciSession; import nl.utwente.viskell.haskell.env.Environment; import nl.utwente.viskell.ui.components.*; import nl.utwente.viskell.ui.serialize.Bundleable; import java.util.*; import; import; /** * The core Pane that represent the programming workspace. * It is a layered visualization of all blocks, wires, and menu elements. * And represents the toplevel container of all blocks. */ public class ToplevelPane extends Region implements BlockContainer, Bundleable { public static final String BLOCKS_SERIALIZED_NAME = "Blocks"; public static final String CONNECTIONS_SERIALIZED_NAME = "Connections"; /** bottom pane layer intended for block container such as lambda's */ private final Pane bottomLayer; /** middle pane layer for ordinary blocks */ private final Pane blockLayer; /** higher pane layer for connections wires */ private final Pane wireLayer; private GhciSession ghci; /** The set of blocks that logically belong to this top level */ private final Set<Block> attachedBlocks; /** * Constructs a new instance. */ public ToplevelPane(GhciSession ghci) { super(); this.attachedBlocks = new HashSet<>(); this.bottomLayer = new Pane(); this.blockLayer = new Pane(this.bottomLayer); this.wireLayer = new Pane(this.blockLayer); this.getChildren().add(this.wireLayer); this.ghci = ghci; TouchContext context = new TouchContext(this, true); context.setPanningAction((deltaX, deltaY) -> { this.setTranslateX(this.getTranslateX() + deltaX); this.setTranslateY(this.getTranslateY() + deltaY); }); } /** Shows a new function menu at the specified location in this pane. */ public void showFunctionMenuAt(double x, double y, boolean byMouse) { FunctionMenu menu = new FunctionMenu(byMouse, ghci.getCatalog(), this); double verticalCenter = 150; // just a guesstimate, because computing it here is annoying Point2D scenePos = this.localToScene(x, y - verticalCenter); // avoid opening menu above top edge of the window Point2D newPos = this.sceneToLocal(scenePos.getX(), Math.max(0, scenePos.getY())); menu.relocate(newPos.getX(), newPos.getY()); this.addMenu(menu); } /** * @return The Env instance to be used within this CustomUIPane. */ public Environment getEnvInstance() { return ghci.getCatalog().asEnvironment(); } /** Remove the given block from this UI pane, including its connections. */ public void removeBlock(Block block) { block.deleteAllLinks(); if (block.belongsOnBottom()) { this.bottomLayer.getChildren().remove(block); } else { this.blockLayer.getChildren().remove(block); } } /** Attempts to create a copy of a block and add it to this pane. */ public void copyBlock(Block block) { block.getNewCopy().ifPresent(copy -> { this.addBlock(copy); copy.relocate(block.getLayoutX()+20, block.getLayoutY()+20); copy.initiateConnectionChanges(); }); } public GhciSession getGhciSession() { return ghci; } /** * Terminate the current GhciSession, if any, then start a new one. * Waits for the old session to end, but not for the new session to start. */ public void restartBackend() { ghci.stopAsync(); ghci.awaitTerminated(); ghci = new GhciSession(); ghci.startAsync(); } public void addBlock(Block block) { if (block.belongsOnBottom()) { this.bottomLayer.getChildren().add(block); } else { this.blockLayer.getChildren().add(block); } } public boolean addMenu(Pane menu) { return this.getChildren().add(menu); } public boolean removeMenu(Pane menu) { return this.getChildren().remove(menu); } public boolean addConnection(Connection connection) { return this.wireLayer.getChildren().add(connection); } public boolean removeConnection(Connection connection) { return this.wireLayer.getChildren().remove(connection); } public boolean addWire(DrawWire drawWire) { return this.getChildren().add(drawWire); } public boolean removeWire(DrawWire drawWire) { return this.getChildren().remove(drawWire); } public boolean addUpperTouchArea(Shape area) { return this.getChildren().add(area); } public boolean removeUpperTouchArea(Shape area) { return this.getChildren().remove(area); } public boolean addLowerTouchArea(Shape area) { return this.bottomLayer.getChildren().add(area); } public boolean removeLowerTouchArea(Shape area) { return this.bottomLayer.getChildren().remove(area); } public void clearChildren() { this.bottomLayer.getChildren().clear(); this.blockLayer.getChildren().remove(1, this.blockLayer.getChildren().size()); this.wireLayer.getChildren().remove(1, this.wireLayer.getChildren().size()); this.attachedBlocks.clear(); } public Stream<Node> streamChildren() { Stream<Node> bottom = this.bottomLayer.getChildren().stream(); Stream<Node> blocks = this.blockLayer.getChildren().stream().skip(1); Stream<Node> wires = this.wireLayer.getChildren().stream().skip(1); return Stream.concat(bottom, Stream.concat(blocks, wires)); } @Override public Map<String, Object> toBundle() { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> bundle = ImmutableMap.builder(); Stream<Node> blocks = Stream.concat(this.bottomLayer.getChildren().stream(), this.blockLayer.getChildren().stream()); bundle.put(BLOCKS_SERIALIZED_NAME, blocks .filter(n -> n instanceof Bundleable) .map(n -> ((Bundleable) n).toBundle()) .toArray()); bundle.put(CONNECTIONS_SERIALIZED_NAME, this.wireLayer.getChildren().stream() .filter(n -> n instanceof Bundleable) .map(n -> ((Bundleable) n).toBundle()) .toArray()); return; } public void fromBundle(Map<String, Object> layers) { if (layers != null) { Map<Integer, Block> blockLookupTable = new HashMap<>(); List<Map<String, Object>> blocksBundle = (ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>) layers.get(BLOCKS_SERIALIZED_NAME); if (blocksBundle != null) { for (Map<String, Object> bundle : blocksBundle) { Block block; try { block = Block.fromBundle(bundle, this, blockLookupTable); addBlock(block); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } List<Map<String, Object>> connectionsBundle = (ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>) layers.get(CONNECTIONS_SERIALIZED_NAME); if (connectionsBundle != null) { for (Map<String, Object> bundle : connectionsBundle) { try { Connection.fromBundle(bundle, blockLookupTable); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } public Stream<BlockContainer> getAllBlockContainers() { return bottomLayer.getChildrenUnmodifiable().stream().flatMap(node -> (node instanceof Block) ? ((Block)node).getInternalContainers().stream() : Stream.empty()); } /** * Ensures that the ordering of container blocks on the bottom layer is consistent with parent ordering. * @param block that might need corrections in the visual ordering. */ public void moveInFrontOfParentContainers(Block block) { if (block.getContainer() instanceof WrappedContainer) { Block parent = ((WrappedContainer)block.getContainer()).getWrapper(); int childIndex = this.bottomLayer.getChildren().indexOf(block); int parentIndex = this.bottomLayer.getChildren().indexOf(parent); if (childIndex < parentIndex && childIndex >= 0) { this.bottomLayer.getChildren().remove(block); this.bottomLayer.getChildren().add(parentIndex, block); // moving the block after the parent might have caused ordering issues in the block inbetween, resolve them new ArrayList<>(this.bottomLayer.getChildren().subList(childIndex, parentIndex - 1)).stream() .filter(node -> node instanceof Block) .forEach(node -> this.moveInFrontOfParentContainers((Block) node)); } } } @Override public Bounds containmentBoundsInScene() { return this.localToScene(this.getBoundsInLocal()); } /** * @param pos the position to look around in coordinate system of this pane. * @param distance the maximum 'nearby' distance. */ public List<ConnectionAnchor> allNearbyFreeAnchors(Point2D pos, double distance) { ArrayList<ConnectionAnchor> anchors = new ArrayList<>(); Bounds testBounds = new BoundingBox(pos.getX()-distance, pos.getY()-distance, distance*2, distance*2); for (Block nearBlock : this.streamChildren().filter(n -> n instanceof Block).map(n -> (Block)n).filter(b -> b.getBoundsInParent().intersects(testBounds)).collect(Collectors.toList())) { for (ConnectionAnchor anchor : nearBlock.getAllAnchors()) { Point2D anchorPos = anchor.getAttachmentPoint(); if (pos.distance(anchorPos) < distance && anchor.getWireInProgress() == null && !anchor.hasConnection()) { anchors.add(anchor); } } } return anchors; } protected void cutIntersectingConnections(Shape cutter) { new ArrayList<>(this.wireLayer.getChildren()).stream() .filter(node -> node instanceof Connection).forEach(node -> { Connection wire = (Connection) node; if (((Path) Shape.intersect(wire, cutter)).getElements().size() > 0) { wire.remove(); } }); } @Override public void attachBlock(Block block) { this.attachedBlocks.add(block); } @Override public void detachBlock(Block block) { this.attachedBlocks.remove(block); } @Override public Stream<Block> getAttachedBlocks() { return; } @Override public BlockContainer getParentContainer() { return this; } @Override public Node asNode() { return this; } @Override public ToplevelPane getToplevel() { return this; } @Override public void expandToFit(Bounds bounds) { // The toplevel is large enough to fit practical everything } /** * Zooms the underlying main pane in/out with a ratio, up to reasonable limits. * @param ratio the additional zoom factor to apply. */ protected void zoom(double ratio) { double scale = getScaleX(); /* Limit zoom to reasonable range. */ if (scale <= 0.2 && ratio < 1) return; if (scale >= 3 && ratio > 1) return; setScaleX(scale * ratio); setScaleY(scale * ratio); setTranslateX(getTranslateX() * ratio); setTranslateY(getTranslateY() * ratio); } }