package nl.utwente.viskell.ui; import; import javafx.geometry.BoundingBox; import javafx.geometry.Bounds; import javafx.scene.Node; import nl.utwente.viskell.ui.components.Block; /** * A generic interface for block containers. */ public interface BlockContainer { /** Gets the bounds to be used for testing what is inside this container, transformed into the coordinate space of its scene. */ Bounds containmentBoundsInScene(); /** Attach a block to this container */ void attachBlock(Block block); /** Detach a block from this container */ void detachBlock(Block block); /** @return a stream of all block attached to this container */ Stream<Block> getAttachedBlocks(); /** Check whether this container contains the specified block */ default boolean containsBlock(Block block) { return this.getAttachedBlocks().anyMatch(a -> block.equals(a)); } /** @return the container to which this container belongs, maybe return itself if it is the outermost container */ BlockContainer getParentContainer(); /** * @return the ToplevelPane where this container is (indirectly) part of. * @throws IllegalStateException */ default ToplevelPane getToplevel() { BlockContainer cont = this; while (cont.getParentContainer() != cont) { cont = cont.getParentContainer(); } if (cont instanceof ToplevelPane) { return (ToplevelPane)cont; } throw new IllegalStateException("Manipulating container that is not in a ToplevelPane"); } Node asNode(); /** @return Whether this container is (indirectly) contained with the other container. */ default boolean isContainedWithin(BlockContainer other) { if (this == other) { return true; } BlockContainer target = this; while (target.getParentContainer() != target) { target = target.getParentContainer(); if (target == other) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Grows the bounds of this container to fit the given additional bounds. * @param blockBounds of the Block that needs to fit in the container. */ void expandToFit(Bounds blockBounds); /** Return the union of two Bounds, i.e. a Bound that contains both. */ static Bounds union(Bounds a, Bounds b) { double left = Math.min(a.getMinX(), b.getMinX()); double right = Math.max(a.getMaxX(), b.getMaxX()); double top = Math.min(a.getMinY(), b.getMinY()); double bottom = Math.max(a.getMaxY(), b.getMaxY()); return new BoundingBox(left, top, right - left, bottom - top); } }